Present:Councillor A Hill(Chair)

Councillor T Hawke

Councillor I Baker

Councillor P Chapman

Councillor G Drew

County Councillor M Kiddle Morris

1.Apologies for absence.

There were no apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received from the District Councillor who was at another meeting.

2.Declarations of Interest.

Councillor Baker declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda item 11 as he wishes to open up the

right of way.

3.Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

Councillor Hawke proposed and Councillor Drewseconded the resolution that the

minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12 July having be circulated be approved. All

were in favour and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

4. County and District Councillor Reports.

The CountyCouncillor stated that Norfolk County Council has found savings which will mean

that no fire stations will close or fire fighters made redundant. The subsidy for transport for

children in full time education up to the age of eighteen will also remain. The Council Tax is to

be frozen for the years 2012/13 and 2013/14. £30 million had been allocated to upgrade

telephone exchanges for broad band but it is not yet known whether the local exchange will be

one of these.

5.Matters to Report.

5.1AGM Norfolk ALC 1 October.

The attendance at this will be confirmed.

5.2Breckland Code of Conduct training 19 September.

No one would be attending.

5.3Diamond Jubilee.

Normally an event would be staged by the Parochial church Council and Councillor Chapman is

to contact it. There is a grant available from Breckland council for £100 to assist with an event.


All Councillors had been given dispensation for the Former Highways Surveyors Land Charity.

5.5BrecklandTown and Parish Council Forum 20 October.

The attendance at this will be confirmed.

5.6Letter of Thanks.

A letter which had been received from Peter Greenwood thanking the Parish Council for their

gift and wishing the Parish council well in the future was read out.



6.1.1 3PL/2011/0762/F-Church Farm-Farm office and farm worker mess facilities.

No objection was raised to the application.

6.1.2 3PL/2011/0844/F-Tuttle Farm Back Lane-installation of two small scale wind

generators(14.97m to hub, 5.m diameter blades).

No objection was raised to the application but it was agreed to comment that the

photographs with the application bear no relationship to the actual site.


6.2.1 3PL/2011/0422/F-Woodbine Cottage Thumb Lane-installation of Lampoassa air

to water heat pump system.Permission

6.2.2 3PL/20121/0678/F-Olsted Yard Brisley Road-conversion of garage to form 3rd

bedroom & erection of cart style open fronted four bay garage.Permission

6.3EnforcementNorth Pole Farm.

There was nothing to report but the CountyCouncillor in the absence of the District

Councillor had raised the matter of why nplaw had been used and not Steeles as the

matter was taking too long to be arranged..


7.1 Report

The defective fire hydrant had been reported toNorfolk County Council but it is still waiting to

be repaired. Subsidence at Owl Barn to the next bungalow on Oxwick Road is to be reported as

this is a serious safety matter. The Highways and Community Rangers are to be requested to

repair the new passing places that have been caused by vehicles not waiting for other road


7.2Grit Bin at Church Crossroads.

All documents had been received from Norfolk County Council and the bin ordered and as soon

as this is in place the Highways Department will be requested to fill it.

7.3Jubilee Oxwick Road.

A request is to be made to ensure that the fence has been moved far enough from the highway.


The following correspondence will be circulated.

8.1Breckland Planning and building Control News

8.2CGM change of Contact

8.3The Playing Field Summer 2011

8.4Norfolk Link August 2011

8.5Breckland Enforcement Brochure

8.6Breckland Thetford area Action Plan DPD

8.7Clerks and Councils Direct September 2011


9.1 Budget.

This had been circulated and was agreed.

9.2Balances and cheques for authorisation.

Councillor Chapman proposed and Councillor Hawke seconded the resolution that the

balances and cheques for authorisation which had been circulated be approved. All were in


Balances :-

Business Saver Account.

Balance at 31 03 20112397.38

Plus interest .30

Balance at 30 06 112397.68

Community Account

Balance at 31 03 11 1281.32

Lesscheques authorised 10 05 11 426.87


Plus Breckland precept-950.00

HMRC-Vat refund-29.45 979.45

Balance at 30 06 111833.90

Less unpresented cheques authorised 12 07 11 95.83

Balance at 13 07 111738.07

Amount available for Section 137 : 129 x£6.44 =£830.76

Spend to Date : £00.00

Cheques for authorisation:

285 / CGM / Grass cutting May June July / 72.00
286 / Horningtoft PCC / Electricity charge / 50.00
287 / Mazars / External Audit / 60.00
288 / B J Leigh / Salary April-September / 289.87


This was distributed and a decision will be made at the next meeting.

9.4Audit 2010/2011.

The external audit had been completed with no comments from the external auditor. The notice

had been posted on the notice boards.

10.Trustees of the Eleemosynary Charity.

The current trustees, Pauline Chapman, Heather Gooch and Liz Logan, were all re-affirmed.

Councillor Chapman will inform the Charity commission.

11.Right of Way at the Claypits.

A lengthy discussion was had on the request by Councillor Baker to open up the possible right

of way . Any alterations that need to be undertaken might involve the Internal Drainage Board

and the Environment Agency. Councillor Baker maintained that he still needs access from the

east side to clear the culverts for drainage of the surrounding fields as he does not believe that

he can always access from the south to ensure that there is adequate drainage. A query was

raised about the size of pipe that was to be involved but no definite dimension was given.

Councillor Drew suggested that one of the culverts be re-instated, the ditches cleared and if this

proves satisfactory then the other culvert might be able to be done. Councillor Baker informed

the meeting that he would bring a map showing the right of way.

Councillor Drew stated that on old maps there is a right of way across the first ditch

north of the Claypits to the field to the rear and this is still shown on the current maps.

Councillor Hill still believed that all maintenance could be achieved from the south side of the

Claypits and that one culvert should be fitted.

Councillor Baker stated at this point that he does not want to have any more to do with the right

of way as he felt that the Parish Council does not want him to have access.

In the light of this comment it was decided not to proceed with any remedial work to the


12.Matters for the next meeting.

12.1Dates for meetings in 2012.

13.Date of next meeting.

This was confirmed as Tuesday8 November 2011 in St. Edmund’s Church at 7.30 p.m.

The meeting closed at 2035

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