Malta – ANED Country profile


The information contained on this page was updated in December 2011 and is also maintained by our country team.

Name: Maria Victoria Gauci, University of Malta


The full text can be downloaded here.

Disabled people’s organisations

The national assembly representing disabled people’s organisations is:

·  Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability, Contact:

Other important organisations of disabled people include:

·  Maltese Council of Disabled Persons (McoDP)
Contact: "Charles Borg,

·  Deaf People Association, Malta, Contact:

·  Malta Guide Dogs Foundation (MGDF)
Contact: Mr. Joseph Stafrace (MGDF President): and

Policy contacts

The main contact point for co-ordination of disability policy at the national level is:

Ministry for Justice, Dialogue and the Family MJDF

Public information about disability entitlements and benefits is available from:

·  Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b'Dizabilità (KNPD) (National Commission Persons with Disability), Contact:

Other important national bodies with responsibility for disability issues include:

·  Agenzija Sapport,

·  Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility,

·  Employment and Training Corporation,

Law and policy

More details of national policy instruments, and with relevance to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities, are provided in DOTCOM: the Disability Online Tool of the Commission.

Current national disability strategy or action plan:

There is no national disability strategy specific to Malta.

Other important national laws, policies or strategies concerning disabled people are: disability issues include:

·  Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disability) Act (Chapter 413), 1

·  Mental Health Act (2007),

·  Access for All Guidelines,

·  Social Security Act (Cap 318),

·  Special Schools Reform,

·  Ministerial Committee on Inclusive Education (2000) Inclusive Education Policy regarding students with a Disability, Malta: MCIe,

·  Disabled People Employment Act (1969),

·  The Conditions of Employment (Regulation) Act - Act No. XI of 1952, Chapter 135,

·  National Commission Persons with Disability (KNPD) Employment Policy for Disabled People (2010),

·  University of Malta (2007) The University of Malta and Students with Disability, Malta: ACCESS – University Disability Support Unit,

·  Ministry of Education (2002) Arrangements for Candidates with Particular Requirements, Malta: Ministry of Education,

·  Workplace Accessibility Tax Deduction Scheme (LN 428/2010),

Data and research

Enquiries about official data on disability issues can be directed to:

·  Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b'Dizabilità (KNPD), (national commission persons with disability),, Contact:

National disability survey data:

·  Bezzina, F., Callus, A. M. and Cardona, G. C. (2009) The Quality of Life of Disabled People: Some Answers from Census 2005, Malta: KNPD. Available from:

Key academic journals or networks:

There are currently no local journals or networks dealing specifically with disability issues.

Recent research studies and publications include:

·  Callus A. M. and Bezzina F. (2004) Research about the Major Concerns of People with Disability and Their Families, Malta: KNPD. Available from:

·  Cordina, G. (2003) The Economic Dimension of Independent Living, Malta: KNPD Available from:

Facts and figures

More details are available from ANED’s Indicators of Disability Equality in Europe. The following key points are summarised from data sources at European or national level, with particular relevance to the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and Europe 2020 targets.

Indicators of employment:

According to EU SILC data for 2009, compiled by ANED, the employment rate for disabled people (aged 20-64) in Malta was 32.0%, compared to 61.6% for non-disabled people (42.1% for disabled men and 21.4% for disabled women). The unemployment rate was 17.6% and the economic activity rate 38.8%.

Indicators of education:

According to EU SILC data for 2009, compiled by ANED, the proportion of disabled people (aged 30-34) having completed tertiary level education in Malta was 0.0%, compared to 24.1% for non-disabled people (0.0% for disabled men and 0.0% for disabled women). The proportion of young disabled people (aged 18-24) leaving school early in Malta was 48.9%, compared to 30.1% for non-disabled people.

Indicators of poverty and incomes:

According to EU SILC data for 2009, compiled by ANED, the proportion of disabled people (aged 16-59) living in households at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion in Malta was 27.4%, compared to 5.5% for non-disabled people (25.5% for disabled men and 29.5% for disabled women).