Assessment guide for unit standard 26551 (version 2)
Provide first aid for life threatening conditions
Level 2 Credit 1
Preparing for assessment against unit standard 26551 (version 2)
Activity Title / First AidUnit Standard Number and Title / 26551, Provide first aid for life threatening conditions.
Assessed Outcomes / 26551
1. Assess the scene for hazards.
2. Assess the casualty for life threatening conditions.
3. Provide first aid for life threatening conditions.
Conditions / · This is a closed book assessment. You should complete this task without assistance from others and you should not refer to reference material.
· You should deal with each situation as quickly as possible as you would in real life. Your assessor will tell you if there is a time limit to any of the assessment activities.
Resources / · Your assessor will give you resources for the assessment including adult, child, and infant manikins.
Primary Reference / The primary reference for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and conscious total foreign body airway obstruction is:
The primary reference for controlling severe bleeding is:
Assessor/assessing organisation to insert the primary references that they use.
Activity instructions
To gain credit for unit standards 26551 (version 2) you will be assessed on your ability to:
· provide safe scene management
· provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
· manage foreign body airway obstruction
· control severe bleeding
· stable side positioning
according to the primary references.
Assessor/assessing organisation to delete the option that does not apply.
· Option 1: You are being assessed using a skill station for CPR, conscious foreign airway obstruction and controlling severe bleeding. You must complete tasks 1 to 5.
· Option 2: You are being assessed by simulated scenario situations. You must demonstrate your knowledge and skills in six scenarios (the assessor completes the checklists).
Explanatory notes from unit standard 26551.
1 This unit standard together with unit standard 26552, Demonstrate knowledge of common first aid conditions, meets the minimum qualification requirements for a workplace first aider. Programmes designed to meet the minimum requirements for persons to be certified as first aiders in the workplace will also need to meet Department of Labour guidelines. Current Department of Labour guidelines on providing first aid training are available from Current New Zealand Qualifications Authority requirements on providing unit standard-based first aid training is available from
2 People who provide first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must use accepted practices for care as outlined in current authoritative text books giving general guidance to first aid as it applies in New Zealand. Authoritative New Zealand first aid text books are credible published materials, with a reliable publication process, by authors generally regarded as trustworthy or authoritative in first aid and CPR as it applies in New Zealand. New Zealand Resuscitation Council guidelines on CPR as it is practiced in New Zealand are available from
3 Primary reference is any text meeting the requirements specified in explanatory note2. The primary reference used during the assessment process must be cited on the assessment material.
4 Range
Assessment against this unit standard must include:
· provision of CPR for an adult, a child, and an infant
· treating a conscious casualty with a foreign body obstructed airway for an infant and either an adult or a child
· controlling severe bleeding including at least one activity on one person.
5 Legislation relevant to this unit standard includes but is not limited to the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
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Assignment cover page for unit standard 26551 (version 2): Provide first aid for life threatening conditions
Please print:
Candidate’s name:
NZQA ID or NSN number:
The candidate has (please circle) Achieved Not achieved
Briefly describe any further evidence required if applicable and any arrangements made for reassessment:
Assessor’s name: ______Assessor’s signature: ______
Date: ______
Candidate’s name: ______Candidate’s signature: ______
Date: ______
Task one: Assess the scene for hazards
Choose either Scene One or Scene Two on pages 6 and 7.
In Scene One you are the man holding the umbrella outside the fish ‘n’ chip shop.In Scene Two you are the woman holding the salad bowl beside the barbeque.
i. Identify the key hazards to yourself, the casualty and the bystanders
ii. Complete the table below stating how you would deal with each hazard.
· are there any hazards which could be eliminated? If so, how would you do this?
· are there any hazards which could be isolated? If so, how would you do this?
· are there any hazards that could be minimised? If so, how would you do this?
Scene selected:______
iHazard identified / ii
How to eliminate, isolate or minimise
Hazard one:
Hazard two:
Hazard three:
Hazard four:
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Scene One
Scene Two
Task two: Assessing life-threatening conditions
(i) State what AVPU stands for in terms of levels of consciousness.
(ii) Describe how you would assess a person’s airway and breathing.
(iii) Describe how to recognise severe bleeding. How does it differ from a minor bleeding?
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Task three: Skill Station - CPR Assessment checklist
CPR must be provided for an adult, a child and an infant
Your assessor will observe you carrying out these procedures. You will not be able to refer to any of your course materials.
You should receive a tick in each box to indicate you were observed correctly completing all the required actions. Your assessor will enter not applicable (n/a) when the action does not apply.
Adult / x/P / Child1-8 years / x/P / Infant Under 1 year / x/P
Dangers / Check for hazards, risk, consider safety / Check for hazards, risk, consider safety / Check for hazards, risk, consider safety
Responsiveness / Determine that patient is unconscious (tap and shout) / Determine that patient is unconscious (tap and shout) / Determine that patient is unconscious (tap and shout)
Send for help / Ask a bystander to call Ambulance 111 / Ask a bystander to call Ambulance 111 / Ask a bystander to call Ambulance 111
Airway / Open airway using Head tilt and chin lift / Open airway using Head tilt and chin lift / Head in a neutral position
Assessor asks the candidate when they would send for help / Check for normal breathing. Look, listen and feel for airflow at the mouth and nose. No more than 10 secs
For an adult Go for help if alone / Check for normal breathing. Look, listen and feel for airflow at the mouth and nose. No more than 10 secs / Check for normal breathing. Look, listen and feel for airflow at the mouth and nose. No more than 10 secs
Adult / x/P / Child1-8 years / x/P / Infant Under 1 year / x/P
Assessor asks the candidate when they would send for help / If breathing is abnormal or absent start CPR
30 compressions:
2 rescue breaths
Two hands centre of chest
Depth: 1/3 chest
Rate: 100 per minute / If breathing is abnormal or absent start CPR
30 compressions:
2 rescue breaths
One hand centre of chest
Depth: 1/3 chest
Rate: 100 per minute
Go for help if alone after one minute / If breathing is abnormal or absent start CPR
30 compressions:
2 rescue breaths (cover mouth and nose or nose only)
Two fingers just below nipple line
Depth: 1/3 chest
Rate: 100 per minute
Go for help if alone after one minute (take baby if able)
Defibrillate / Candidate states - at this point an AED would be attached if available* / Candidate states - at this point an AED would be attached if available*
Assessor states patient has now revived but remains unconscious. Place patient in stable side position. / Stable side position is in accordance with primary reference / Stable side position is in accordance with primary reference
*Note for assessor:
Use of and attaching an AED is not assessed in this standard. It is assessed in standard 25411
Assessor name:
Task four: Skill Station - Conscious total foreign body airway obstruction Assessment checklist
Treatment must be provided for an infant and either an adult or a child.
Your assessor will observe you carrying out these procedures. You will not be able to refer to any of your course materials.
You should receive a tick in each box to indicate you were observed correctly completing all the required actions. Your assessor will enter not applicable (n/a) when the action does not apply.
Adult or child(1 to 8 years) / x/P / Infant
(under 1 year) / x/P
Dangers / Check for hazards, risk, consider safety / Check for hazards, risk, consider safety
Responsiveness / Determine that patient is conscious with a complete airway obstruction / Determine that patient is conscious with a complete airway obstruction
Send for help / Ask a bystander to call Ambulance 111 / Ask a bystander to call Ambulance 111
Back blows / Deliver up to five back blows.
Stand to side, slightly behind, support chest with one hand, bend well forward, five sharp blows between shoulder blades / Deliver up to five back blows.
Hold infant in prone position along outstretched arm or leg and hold jaw, head lower than chest, five blows to middle of back between shoulder blades
Chest thrusts / Deliver up to 5 chest thrusts if necessary.
Stand behind, wrap arms around chest, make fist with one hand. Place fist thumb side against middle of sternum, grasp fist with other hand. Give a quick inward thrust / Turn infant over to supine position.
Deliver up to 5 chest thrusts if necessary.
Two fingers, chest thrusts – same position as CPR but at a much slower rate
Note for assessor:
Back blows and chest thrusts – aim to remove obstruction with each one rather than just delivering all five each time.
Unconscious foreign body airway obstruction – start CPR as per previous checklists above
Assessor name: Signature:
Position: Date:
Task five: Skill Station - Controlling severe bleeding - Assessment checklist
Your assessor will observe you carrying out these procedures. You will not be able to refer to any of your course materials.
You should receive a tick in each box to indicate you were observed correctly completing all the required actions.
Adult or Child or Infant / x/PSeverity of bleeding checked / Look for major bleeding
Put on gloves
Sweep body for blood loss through clothing
Immediate response / Send for help
Ask a bystander to call Ambulance 111
Provide first aid / Expose injury to determine extent of bleeding
Apply direct pressure to wound
Raise injured part where possible
Firmly pad around a foreign object if present
Re-evaluate bleeding management
Add additional bandages if required
Assessor name: Signature:
Position: Date:
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Assessment schedule 26551 (version 2): Provide first aid for life threatening conditions. Level 2, Credit 1 – Option 1
Task / Outcomes / Evidence requirements / Evidence / Judgement1 / Outcome 1
Assess the scene for hazards. / 1.1 Any hazards to self, casualty and bystanders are identified.
1.2 Identified hazards are eliminated or, if elimination cannot readily be achieved, isolated, or if isolation cannot readily be achieved, minimised. / One picture is selected. Key hazards are identified.
Key hazards in scene one:
· oncoming traffic
· blood
· slippery/cold conditions
· onlookers
Key hazards in scene two:
· barbeque/fire
· leaking gas/flames
· petrol/flames
· onlookers or incoming waves
A description is given as to how each hazard is eliminated or, if elimination cannot readily be achieved, isolated, or if isolation cannot readily be achieved, minimised-e.g. turn off the gas bottle – scene two / All key hazards to self, the casualty, and the bystanders are correctly identified.
Description accurately addresses elimination, isolation or minimisation of key hazards at the scene.
2 / Outcome 2
Assess the casualty for life threatening conditions. / Range level of consciousness, airway, breathing, severe bleeding.
2.1 Casualty is assessed for life threatening conditions in accordance with the primary reference. / Written or verbal response defines and describes how to assess:-
· levels of consciousness (LOC) - AVPU
· an open airway and normal breathing
· severe bleeding (which is differentiated from minor bleeding) / Definition and assessment of all conditions (LOC, open airway, normal breathing and severe bleeding) is in accordance with the primary reference
3 to 5 / Outcome 3
Provide first aid for life threatening conditions. / Range stable side position, head tilt/chin lift, CPR, clearing an obstructed airway of a foreign body, controlling severe bleeding, sending for help.
3.1 First aid is provided for life-threatening conditions in accordance with the primary reference. / Assessment must be by demonstration for
· CPR for an adult, a child and an infant.
· Conscious foreign body obstruction for an adult/child and an infant
· Stable side position
· Controlling severe bleeding / Learners are observed carrying out all actions (as applicable to the procedure) to show provision of first aid matches casualty’s condition and is in accordance with
· NZRC Guidelines for sending for help, CPR and conscious total foreign airway obstruction
· The primary reference for severe bleeding and stable side position
All checklists are signed and dated by the assessor.
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Option 2: Simulated scenario descriptors and scenario specific checklists
Treatment must be provided for:
· CPR for an adult, a child and an infant
· Conscious foreign body obstruction for an adult/child and an infant