Encore English 12 name: Brenden Holtz

Mrs. Sharp period: b1

Photography Vocabulary

Basic Vocabulary

Content: The individual items or topics that are dealt with in a publication or document.

by Jeri Walker

The picture fits the definition because the content of the image is many words which is content. The content in this is all of the colors and writing.

Abstract: Considered apart from concrete existence.

by Rick Doble

This picture is abstract because it is not usual or real. Its artificial. Nothing here is a real photo. It was all created.

Representational : Relating to or characterized by representation.

by Linda Jeffrey

This picture relates to representational because it represents beauty and color.

Expressive: Expressing a great deal of feeling and meaning.

by vgstudio

This picture relates to expressive because it is emotional and the emotion being represented is sadness.

Subject: Something that is being discussed, examined, or otherwise dealt with.

by Vindale

This picture relates to subject because the subject of the picture is school teachers and sudents.

Theme: The central topic, subject, or concept the author is trying to point out.

by Fantom xp

This picture relates to theme because the theme is the emotion of the imae and the theme here is musical and dark.

Intention: Something that somebody plans to do.

by Lou Mannalove

The image relates to intention because the intention of the photo is to promote love and spark a flame in the people to love more.

Documentary photography: Used to chronicle significant and historical events.

by Aram

The picture relates to documentary photography because what is being documented in the photo are united states soldiers in the war.

Landscape: Visually distinct scenery.

by Sietse

This picture relates to landscape because the landscape is something that’s beautiful in the background and this picture is a pictural of natural beauty in the trees water and mountains.

Portrait: Picture of person: a painting, photograph, or drawing of somebody, somebody's face.

by Debra Sisson

This picture relates to portrait because a portrait is a drawn picture representing someone or something and this picture represents a man.

Visual Elements

Focus: Concentrated effort or attention on a particular thing.

by Lydia

The picture relates to focus because it means to study one thing and the picture is focusing on the central word “focus”.

Light: The source of sight.

by Mamdohkun

This picture relates to light because the light source is coming out of the center of the hands and shines outward from the center.

Line: Continual straight mark.

by Don Wilson

This picture relates to line because it is a single line and there are no other objects in the picture.

Geometric shape: Apparent change of shape of objects at edge of field of wide-angle lens: round objects appear elliptical.

by Alex Strela

This picture relates to geometric shapes because there are a few shapes in the photo and they are all geometric shapes.

Organic shape: Organic shapes are those with a natural look and a flowing or curving appearance.

by Vector Illustration

This picture relates to organic shapes because there are no corners and the shapes in this are naturally curvy and smooth.

Texture: The look or feel of something.

by Phillip Climonds

This picture relates to texture because the material in the photo is metal and bumpy.

Value/Tones: The shades and light shown on an object.

by Marion Bobby-Evans

This relates to value and tones because the picture has value and that means shading. It also has tones because those are the different shades of colors.

Composition of the Photograph

Angle/Vantage Point: Where the object is being viewed from.

by Saul Wordsworth

The picture relates to vantage point and angle because the angle of the picture is at the car from behind a tree which is a vantage point.

Background: What is behind the main scene or story.

by Fargo

This picture relates to background because it is actually the background for a computer.

Balance: Harmony: a state in which various parts form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest.

by David Katz

The picture relates to balance because the balance in the picture is shown by the rocks and how they stand up straight and are in the center of the picture.

Central focus: The main point of interest.

by Matt London

This picture relates to central focus because the focus in this picture is the stack of books in the middle of the picture.

Composition: Arrangement: the way in which the parts of something are arranged, especially the parts of a visual image.

by yellow composition

This relates to composition because the composition of the photo is irregular and twisted.

Contour: Outline: an outline, especially of something curved or irregular.

by Prewwit and Company

This picture relates to contour because the lines of the photo are wavy and outlined.

Contrast: Degree of lightness and darkness: the difference, or the use of differences, between the lightest and the darkest parts of something, e.g. to create a special effect in a painting, photograph, or television image.

by Ameena Rojee

The picture relates to contrast because the flowers are opposite colors and one is dark and one is light.

Framing: Composition of film scene: the composition of a scene within the visual field of the camera for shooting in a film.

by Artisan Frames

The picture relates to framing because the picture has an outline and an edge like a frame has.

Rule of Threes: Divide the crop area with two evenly spaced vertical lines and two evenly spaced horizontal lines, creating a grid of nine sections.

by Matty Silvestri

The picture relates to the rule of thirds because it is divided with 4 lines and into 9 boxes like the rule of thirds. The tiger is in the left boxes.

Setting: The place and time.

by Auto Theory

This picture relates to setting because the setting here is over the beach and the ocean during dawn. Its setting because it’s a place and time.