Stroke (CVA) Discharge Order set: SNF


Required: Skilled Nursing Facility Admission Orders (enter facility/agency name)

Admit to Skilled Nursing Facility:

Admit to Inpatient Rehab Facility:

Discharge Diagnosis:

MD Information:

Aftercare MD (name):

Accepting MD notified:

Condition at Discharge:








Rehab Potential:





Potential for Discharge from Nursing Home:

Potential for DC from NH in 30 Days? YES

Potential for DC from NH in 30 Days? NO

Code Status:

Code Status: Full Code

Code Status: Do Not Resuscitate / Intubate

Code Status:

Patient has Healthcare Directive

Patient has Durable Power of Attorney

Code Status discussed with:

General Orders:

PPD Given

Patient is free of communicable diseases?

Give 2-step Mantoux Test on Admission to NH

Partnering Care / NHS Orders

Partnering Care Diabetes Standing Orders


Pneumococcal Vaccine was given

Influenza Vaccine was given

Therapy Orders (type additional information in details):

PT: evaluate and treat

OT: evaluate and treat

ST: evaluate and treat

Special Instructions:

Blood glucose monitoring:

Foley (Urinary Catheter):

Medical Equipment: Type of equipment, length of need, diagnosis

Oxygen: oxygen at ___L/min, frequency (when or how to use), oxygen saturation, how long will it be needed (months/years), diagnosis

Vital signs:

 IV Therapy:

 Ventilator Settings: Mode_____; Rate_____; Tidal Volume______; PEEP_____; FiO2______

Other discharge instructions:

Danger signs to report:

Notify the doctor if patient experiences:

  • Weakness or numbness on one body side
  • Difficulty speaking, finding words, slurring, comprehending
  • Severe headache
  • Loss of vision, especially in one eye, double vision
  • Loss of balance or dizziness
  • Confusion

Review smoking cessation material (patient to follow up with primary physician)

Review and document in EPIC patient/family stroke information to include:

  • Let’s talk about risk factors & stroke
  • Let’s talk about ischemic stroke & their causes
  • Let’s talk about high blood pressure and stroke
  • Let’s talk about anti-coagulation & antiplatelet agents
  • Let’s talk about lifestyle changes to prevent stroke
  • Let’s talk about Stroke, TIA and warning signs
  • Other: ______

Weight management: Nutrition consult

Other: ______


Increase activity as tolerated

Activity per rehab instructions

Resume normal activities



Cardiac (low cholesterol)



 Tube Feeding (formula & rate)

Lab/radiology/procedures (include date and time in DETAILS for follow scheduling)

 Lab tests

 Radiology

 Procedures

Follow up Clinic Appointments (Requires primary clinic appointment for anticoagulation follow-up)

 Clinic referral: Neurology clinic 651-XXX-XXXX for follow-up of hospitalization for stroke. Appointment should be scheduled ______after discharge.

 Clinic referral: Neurosurgery clinic 651-XXX-XXXX for follow-up of hospitalization for stroke. Appointment should be schedule ______after discharge.

 Clinic referral: Primary Care clinic

 Clinic referral:

Medication related

CORE measure: All patients with an LDL < 100 mg/dl should be prescribed a statin or fibrate OR the contraindication needs to be documented in the medical record.

CORE measure: All patient should be prescribed an antithrombotic OR the contraindication needs to be documented in the medical record.

CORE measure: All patients with hypertension should be prescribed an antihypertensive medication OR the contraindication needs to be documented in the medical record.

CORE measure: Patient’s who are a diabetic should have an A1C and follow up with their primary care clinic.

CORE measure: Patient’s who smoke should be prescribed a nicotine patch/gum/lozenge and/or prescription OR the contraindication needs to be documented in the medical record.