Chabot College

Course Outline for ECD 79, Page 1

November 1997

Chabot CollegeFall 2002

Course Outline for Early Childhood Development 79


Catalog Description

79 - Anti-Bias Curriculum for Young Children 3 units

Developing approaches which help young children and the adults who care for them to enhance human diversity, recognize social bias, and take action for their own and others' behalf. 3 hours.

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

1.identify impacts on young children's development of social bias such as racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, able-bodiedism, homophobia, and classism;

2.identify the nature and process of systemic oppression, internalized oppression, and pre-prejudice;

3.use classroom materials to effectively teach pride in one's own identify and delight in social diversity;

4.demonstrate techniques for teaching children to identify injustice, and, in age appropriate ways, to take a stand on their own and other's behalf;

5.analyze various aspects of children's experience as members of families who are targets of social bias;

6.analyze and evaluate various aspects of the roles schools play in combating social bias.

7.analyze their work site regarding degrees of support for diversity and anti-bias curriculum

8.synthesize the course material and actual classroom practice and develop solutions to problems of ethnocentric curriculum

9.apply the principles of developmentally appropriate practice and of anti-bias pedagogy to develop new curriculum specifically designed for their work site

10.develop and design a cohesive curriculum packet including: identification of target issues and developmental issues; actual materials to be used by children or parents; daily teaching plan; written goals and objectives; and evaluation plans

Course Content:

1.Pre-prejudice bias

2.Nature of systemic oppression in the lives of young children

3.Nature of internalized oppression in the lives of young children

4.Anti-Bias Curriculum with young children-age appropriate intervention and analyzing the environment

5.Creating curriculum to support Anti-Bias skills

Course Content Cont'd:

6.Parents and staff; making changes together

7.Getting started, moving on, keeping going

Methods of Presentation

1.Lecture and discussion

2.Films, tapes, and resource speakers

3.Student reports

4.Projects and other assignments

5.Interviews within and outside classroom

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1.Typical Assignments:

a.Substantial writing assignments, including:

1.essay exams

2.problem-solving exercises

2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

a.Skill demonstrations, including:

1.curriculum development

2.observation and assessment for the purpose of identifying forms of adversity and how they are handled in the ECD setting.

Textbook(s) (typical):

Anti-Bias Curriculum, by Louise Derman-Spark, National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2001 or latest edition.

Big as Life, by York. (needs more information)

Special Student Materials:



REVISED 5-23-2002