Our annual Walk-A-Thon is our only whole school fundraising event at Nathan Hale Middle School. Raising money for:

Dances, PBIS Rewards, Trips, Fun Fair & much more!!!

Everything raised by our students, goes back to our students!

The immediate student benefits of participating in the Walk-A-Thon:

Time outside for 2 class periods

Walking with friends

Dress Down Day

In order to participate, Nathan Hale Middle School needs the following from you:

A Signed Permission Slip by September 28, 2016

& a minimum of $5.00 in donations

Raise more. Get more.

Raise $25: Earn a ONE-DAY DRESS DOWN PASS for the months of Nov. & Dec.

Raise $50: Earn a ONE-DAY DRESS DOWN PASS for the months of Nov., Dec., Jan. & Feb. as well as a season pass to all NHM home basketball and volleyball games.

Raise $100: Earn a ONE-DAY DRESS DOWN PASS for the months of Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., March, April & May, a season pass to all NHM home games, as well as a NHM spirit shirt. (8th Graders will be entered in a raffle for spots 1-5 for their families to enter first for graduation)

Ask parents, friends, relatives, and everyone you know to donate!

Nathan Hale Middle School can only accept cash donations at this time. Please do not accept checks.

Record all pledges on your collection sheet upon receiving your donations and turn in collection sheet along with donations in an envelope.

Get Moving. Get Healthy. Support Hale.

Note to parents: The Nathan Hale Middle School Walk-A-Thon serves as a fundraiser for the many events and activities the staff at NHM provide for our student throughout the entire school year. While particular clubs or grade levels may try to raise funds, this is our only whole school fundraiser. However in addition to that, it also helps our school meet the U.S. Federal Governments’ initiative for healthy kids in healthy schools. Family and community members are invited to contact the school to find out volunteer opportunities associated with the event, from handing out water along the route to walking with our students.