Greek Week 2012

Let the Games Begin!

Table of Contents

I.  General Information………….………………….…….……. 2

II.  Schedule of Events………….……………………………….3

III.  Match-Up Information…………………………………....…..4

IV.  Greek Week Committee……...... 5

V.  Alcohol Policy…………………………………………………6

VI.  Participation Policy and Pre-Greek Week Social…………7

VII.  Individual Event Information

a.  Day of Service Information………………….……………8

b.  Olympics……………………………………………………9

c.  Designated match up areas………………………….....12

d.  Canstruction Contest and BBQ………………………...13

i. Scoring……………………………………………...14

e.  Blood Drive……………………………………………….15

f.  Athletics Information

i. Rules……..………………………………..………..16

ii.  Brackets…………………………………..………...18

g.  Championship Athletics…………………………………21

h.  Philanthropy Friday………………………………………22

i.  Name that Game….………..…………………...……….23

j.  Backdrops Competition

i. Rules…………………………………..…………....24

ii.  Scoring………………………………………….…..25

k.  Skits Competition

i. Rules………………………………………………..26

ii.  Scoring.…………….……………….……….……...28

l.  Relay for Life……………………..………………………29

m. Walks for Wishes………………………………………..30

Schedule of Events

*All times and events are subject to change.

Friday / 4/13 / Baseball / 6pm / Baseball Field
Sunday / 4/15 / Day of Service / 12-2pm / Chapel Field
Monday / 4/16 / Olympics / 5-7pm / Fraternity Row/ Various Chapters
Tuesday / 4/17 / Athletics / 2-6pm / Fraternity Row/ Various Chapters
Tuesday / 4/17 / Canstruction Contest and BBQ / 5-7pm / Fraternity Row
Wednesday / 4/18 / Athletics / 2-6pm / Fraternity Row/ Various Chpts
Wednesday / 4/18 / Blood Drive / TBD / Stamp
Wednesday / 4/18 / Game Night / 7-9pm / Cole Field House
Thursday / 4/19 / Athletics / 2-6pm / Fraternity Row/ Various Chapters
Thursday / 4/19 / Skit and Backdrop Competition / 5-9pm / Cole Field House
Friday / 4/20 / Championship Athletics / 2-5pm / Fraternity Row/ Various Chapters
Monday / 4/23 / Rededication / 7pm / Chapel


Match-Up Information

Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Nu, Theta Chi, Omega Nu Eta / Clue / Tangerine
Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Kappa Lambda Xi / Mousetrap / Sky Blue
Alpha Epsilon Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Chi Phi, Kappa Phi Lambda / Sorry / Navy
Alpha Omicron Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Psi Zeta / Jumanji / Maroon
Alpha Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Sigma Kappa, Iota Nu Delta / Chutes & Ladders / Neon Orange
Delta Delta Delta, FIJI, Gamma Phi Sigma / Pretty, Pretty Princess / Pink
Delta Gamma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Beta Sigma / Battleship / Royal Blue
Delta Phi Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, alpha Kappa Delta Phi / Don’t Wake Daddy / Sunflower
Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi / Monopoly / Purple
Kappa Delta, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Theta Gamma / Operation / Neon Yellow
Phi Sigma Sigma, Alpha Tau Omega, Lambda Theta Alpha / Life / Black
Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Chi / Candyland / Red
Sigma Kappa, Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi, Lambda Upsilon Lambda / Chess / Neon Green
Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi / Trouble / Turquoise


Greek Week Committee Contact Information

*Please direct all Greek Week Committee related questions to

Student Committee:

Name: Rachel Wint Name: Jared Winston

VP of Community Affairs PHA VP of Internal Affairs IFC

Cell: 856-261-8066 Cell: 914-450-0920

Name: Lily Dubin Name: Bonnie Butler

Community Events Coordinator PHA Community Events Coordinator PHA

Cell: 301-254-8117 Cell: 315-750-8273

Name: Deborah Kim Name: Matt Carr

UGC Homecoming Chair IFC Greek Week Chair

Cell: 301-787-9157 Cell: 301-641-8895

Name: Greg Gilston

IFC Greek Week Chair

Cell: 516-330-1379

Greek Week Supervisor:

Name: Heidi Biffl


Greek Week Advisors:

Name: Rachel Gertson Name: Katherine Kipp

Phone: 979-758-1374 Phone: 731-267-0942

Email: Email:

General Information

The Greek Week 2012 committee, comprised of student and staff members, has been working very hard over the semester to provide the most fun and meaningful experience for the Greek community. This year, our goal is to emphasize community by being inclusive of all governing Greek councils, and hope that our matchups and events reflect that goal.

Trophies: Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall winners of Greek Week.

Re-Dedication: Re-Dedication will take place on Monday, April 23rd.Trophies will be distributed at this time. Winners will not be announced throughout the week, but will be announced at re-dedication.

Evaluation: After Greek Week is complete; please look out for an evaluation that will be emailed to each of the Greek Week Chairs from each chapter. We would appreciate your feedback on the week of events in order to improve for the future.



The Greek Week Committee has decided to implement a new alcohol stance for all of Greek Week. The purpose of the Alcohol Stance is to keep everyone safe and out of trouble while trying to keep the purpose and goals of Greek Week intact.

Below are the rules that each matchup, chapter, and individual member must adhere to for the entire week and for every event:

1.  No alcohol may be present at any official Greek Week event

2.  No member may be visibly intoxicated at any official Greek Week event

3.  Each matchup and chapter is responsible for their members to ensure no one is noticeably intoxicated at any official Greek Week event

Below are the consequences for matchups, chapters, and members for violating any of the rules stated above:

1.  If a member brings alcohol to an official Greek Week event, the following will occur:

I.  The person will be asked to turn over their alcoholic beverage

II.  If the person refuses to turn over their drink, their chapter President will be asked to do so

III.  Once the drink is turned over, the chapter President will have 5 minutes to remove that member from the event

IV.  If the member is not removed from the event within 5 minutes, the ENTIRE MATCHUP will be removed from the event and asked to leave

2.  If a member of a matchup is noticeably intoxicated and/or impeding on the event, the following will occur:

I.  If a person is noticeably and visible drunk/out of control/making a scene, the Greek Week Chairs will be the only people addressing the issue

II.  Once the Greek Week chairs determine that the person is out of control and too drunk to be in attendance, they will pull aside the chapter Presidents of the matchup

III.  The chapter Presidents will have 5 minutes to remove the person from the event

IV.  If the matchup fails to remove the intoxicated member within 5 minutes, the ENTIRE MATCHUP will be removed from the event and asked to leave

3.  If any member of a matchup acts inappropriate towards any member of the Greek Week Committee, DFSL, or any other volunteer, the following will occur:

I.  The Greek Week Chairs will pull aside the chapter Presidents of the matchup

II.  The chapter Presidents will have 5 minutes to remove the person from the event

III.  If the matchup fails to remove the person within 5 minutes, the ENTIRE MATCHUP will be removed from the event and asked to leave

The Greek Week Committee is taking the use of alcohol at official Greek Week events extremely seriously. Matchups will be removed from events if they are out of line or are not cooperating with decisions made by the Greek Week Committee. Please talk to your members about the use of alcohol at official events and work with your matchups to ensure you are all on the same page.


In order to win Greek Week, or even place, your matchup must be in attendance and participate in EVERY event throughout the week in accordance to the rules for each particular event. Failure to do so will result in your matchup being unable to win Greek Week. If a matchup is removed from an official event, their attendance at that event no longer counts, therefore, eliminating that matchup’s chance of placing, or winning, Greek Week.

Rules for Pre-Greek Week Social

Match-ups must have a pre-Greek Week Social with all of the chapters in their match-up. This social must be non-alcoholic and must occur before Sunday, April 15th. Each chapter must have at least 15% of their members present. A group picture should be taken at the event and at least one person from each chapter should wear letters in the front row of the picture. Several pictures must be taken to show what happened at the event. Match-ups will receive points for this event if 15% or more of each chapter in their match-up are present.

All photos must be submitted to by Sunday April 15th to be reviewed.

Note: Saying you do not have the contact information for a chapter in your match-up or that another chapter is not responding to you will not be an excuse for these events. If you are having problems contacting members of your match-up then please contact your match-up’s respective Greek Week Committee liaison listed below (contact information can be found on page 5):

Jared Winston - Phi Sigma Sigma, Alpha Chi Omega

Rachel Wint – Delta Gamma, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Omicron Pi

Lily Dubin–Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi

Greg Gilston – Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta

Bonnie Butler – Sigma Delta Tau, Alpha Epsilon Phi

Matt Carr – Delta Phi Epsilon, Zeta Tau Alpha

Sexual Assault Awareness Workshop

Patty Fanflik will be contacting Greek Week chairs to schedule a time to meet with her and learn about sexual assault prevention. THIS MUST BE ATTENDED BY 10% OF EACH CHAPTER WITHIN YOUR MATCH-UP. This workshop must be completed prior to the start of Greek Week.

Day of Service

Chapel Field

Sunday, April 15th

12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Each Match-up is to create a carnival game for children with special needs to participate in. The game should be for both children and adults. This will be set up similar to Olympics on the Row, it is the same concept but for children with special needs to go from match-up to match-up.

As Chapel Field is unable to be reserved in advance, please plan on sending members from your match-up to Chapel Field NO LATER than 11 on that Sunday to being setting up your booth. If we are unable to obtain Chapel Field on the 15th, the back-up location will be around the Row.

Greek Week Olympics

Fraternity Row

Monday, April 16th

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Cheating in any event will result in automatic disqualification for that event.

Tug of War:

Participants: 5 males and 5 females per chapter match-up

Rules: When one team’s flag passes the centerline the game is over. Tug of War will be tournament style. Team members may wear cleats and gloves. Timed breaks may be called in between pulls in the final rounds. See bracket below.

Ice Cream Eating Contest:

Participants: 3 males and 3 females per chapter match-up

Rules: Each team will be given a tray of ice cream from the dairy of known weight.

Participants will have 60 seconds to eat as much ice cream as possible using the spoons provided (no use of hands or drinking of melted ice cream allowed). The tray will be re-weighed at the end of the race, and the match up who ate the most ice cream will win. Excessive spilling will result in disqualification.

Note: The event will be divided into heats, but there will be no championship round. The team that ate the most ice cream out of all the heats will win.







Over/Under Relay:

Participants: 5 males and 5 females per chapter match-up

Rules: Each team will be lined up across the field alternating boy-girl. Each team member will have to get a hula hoop from one end of the line to the other while holding hands. Teams must keep their hands linked at all times without disconnecting or dropping the hula hoop. Once to the end of the line, the last team member will pick up a ball and put it under his/her legs. The next team member must take the ball from between his/her legs and put it over his/her head so the next team member can take it. The ball should alternate over the head and between the legs until it reaches the other end of the line. The team with the fastest time in their heat moves on to the final.







Relay Race:

First Leg: Wheelbarrow Race.1 male and 1 female from each match up will do a wheelbarrow race. Both teammates must cross the finish line before the female participant may tag the next female participant in the second leg. Standing partners may not drag or plow the ‘wheelbarrow’ partner across the line.

Second leg: Army Crawl. Two members of the team will compete in the event. 1 female will crawl under the ropes and when she has finished a committee member will signal the male to begin. When both members of the match-up have finished the crawl an overall will signal to begin the next leg of the race. Female participant must tag the female participating in the next leg of the relay.

Third leg: Underwear Race. 1 male and 1 female will run backwards together, while wearing a giant pair of underwear, to a designated point, which will be at the start of the slip and slide. The female participant will tag off her teammate in the next leg.

Fourth leg: Slip ‘n’ Slide Finish. 1 male and 1 female will have to slide across a wet / soapy tarp to the finish line. One team member will go first, when he/she crosses the finish line, the second team member can go. The first match up with both male and female across the finish line wins. Racers may not stand up and may not step onto the tarp. Racers should run to the tarp and slide, but if their momentum is not sufficient, they may use their arms and legs to push themselves across, only after a full slide has been made. Crawling on your knees is allowed. Walking, jogging, running is not allowed.







In order for your team to be considered finished all the members that participated in the relay race must be standing together in the middle of the field.