FY 2014-2015



Operating Grants $50,000 or LESS

This report format has been developed for use in FY 2014-15 to report on year-end expenditures for the program as a whole (City and non-City revenue expenditures). Expenditures should be reported according to the approved Program Budget (Exhibit C of the Grant Agreement) or any subsequent approved budget modifications. The format must be adhered to strictly to ensure readability and some degree of uniformity among City grantees. The following instructions provide a detailed explanation of how these forms should be prepared.


(Please title your report with the heading above)

Agency: Enter name of agency (as listed on the Program Budget, Exhibit C of the Grant Agreement)

Program: Enter name of program funded by the City (as listed on Exhibit A of the Grant Agreement)

Period: Enter the Fiscal Reporting Period (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)


This section of the Fiscal Status Report requests the following information (please refer to format in the Excel template provided):

a. Budget and Expenditure Report

·  Five columns are provided to report year-end City grant expenditures and total program expenditures.

·  Columns 1 & 2: "Total Program Budget" and "SM Grant Budget" columns should reflect the amounts approved in the Program Budget (Exhibit C of the Grant Agreement) or any subsequently approved budget modification.

Human Services Division - FY 2014-15 Human Services Grants Program


·  Column 3: Enter the total year-to-date City grant expenditures.

·  Column 4: The percent expended is automatically calculated by formula when the appropriate data is input into column 3.

·  Column 5: The “YEAR-END TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENDITURE” column should show total year-end expenditures for the program as a whole (including City and non-City revenue expenditures).

b. Payment Summary

This subsection provides an overview of the total City funds received to date, the total City grant funds expended to date, and any cash balance that may be on hand at the end of reporting period. The “Total City Funds Expended to Date” will be automatically calculated based on the information provided in the “Budget and Expenditure Report” subsection above. The “Cash Balance” will also be automatically calculated based on information provided in the previous subsection and in “Total City Funds Received to Date”. Grantees are required to return any unexpended grant funds to the City.

c. Variance Report

Please provide a brief explanation under "Variance Report" if column 4 "Percent Expended" (reported in the “Budget and Expenditure Report” subsection) is below or above 100%. This explanation should provide sufficient information and justification for expending grant funds below or above 100% at year-end. Reports will be considered incomplete without this information.

Also use this section to provide an explanation if the amount of non-City revenues raised to date (as reported in Section III: Program Cash Match) is lower or higher than 100% at year-end.


This section provides the same five columns as in the previous section and should provide a breakdown of the budget line-item detail for all City grant expenditures. This detail should correspond with the line-item descriptions provided in the approved Program Budget found in Exhibit C of your Grant Agreement or any subsequent approved budget modifications. Please note that Column 4 is not automatically calculated as in the previous section.

Human Services Division - FY 2014-15 Human Services Grants Program



This section should provide the projected FY 2014-15 amount of non-City revenues to be raised. “Projected Amount” should correspond to the amounts provided in the approved Program Budget (Exhibit C of your Grant Agreement). Please report the actual year-to-date amounts raised in the “Year-End Amount” column. If revenues raised to date are lower or higher than 100% of the projected annual target, please provide an explanation under the “Variance Report” provided in the first section.

At the end of the Fiscal Status Report, please provide the following certification:

I certify that this report is true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all disbursements have been made in compliance with the conditions of the Grantee Agreement and for the purposes indicated.

Authorized Signature: ______(Signature of Authorized Individual)______

Title: ______

Date: ______

Human Services Division - FY 2014-15 Human Services Grants Program