The Wildlife Society - UWSP Student Chapter


E-mail this form to aschn419 by Friday, April 15th at NOON

What characteristics do we look for in officers and board members?

ü  GPA of 2.0 or above

ü  Commitment to the position of 1+ years

ü  Initiative in collaborating with and helping fellow board members when need-be

ü  Friendly and outgoing, especially with new members

ü  Encourage participation in TWS activities

ü  Foresight to train a successor

ü  Enthusiasm to share skills with volunteers

ü  Past involvement in the society

ü  Positive attitude

Think you have what it takes? Fill out this application questionnaire!!

NAME: Trenton Rohrer

Classification in Fall Semester: SR

Expected MONTH/YEAR of graduation: 2017

Major(s): Wildlife Ecology Research and Management

Minor(s): GIS and Biology

Position (s) you are running for: (1) How have you been involved with TWS in the past?

I have gone out on most projects (waterfowl, deer, canid, felid, flying squirrel, saw-whet owl, wild bird, and prairie chicken) and helped out on then whenever I could. I am also a co-leader for the waterfowl project for the TWS.

1.  Why do you think it is important to be involved in TWS?

TWS gives you not only hands on experience that we all need but also helps you get to know contacts. TWS also in some cases helps you form a lasting relationship with professors that you work with on projects.

2.  Why do you feel you are a good candidate? Please explain for each position you wish to apply. Describe any previous experiences you’ve had that may qualify you for

I am a leader in the Waterfowl project and try to be a leader whenever I can, that being said I am not opposed to being told what to do or not being the leader. I work well with people but can work alone. This summer I was a Wildlife TA at Tree Haven and I feel like that experience has helped me to be a great TWS officer. I know this would be a good experience for me and I hope that I might help encourage others to get more involved in this organization.

3.  What goals do you have for yourself in the position?

I hope to become even more involved than I am already. I hope also to be able to direct where the UWSP TWS is going and help make it grow. I hope to get more students to conferences and get them exposed to those contacts.

4.  What would you like to see different from previous years?

I would like to see more involvement by members. Rather than those who just pay, the entry fee just because a professor said it be good for them to be “a part” of the TWS.

5.  Will you be able to make it to the weekly TWS meetings?


6.  Do you feel that you will be able to prioritize TWS activities in your daily schedule, and stay committed to the position for the full term, why?

Yes, I am a very organized person who is fairly involved in many groups on campus. I know how to prioritize my time. I do not feel that if I was voted as an officer that I would have any problem with my day to day activities or staying motivated.