Advent 2016

Dear Pastors and Congregation Council Presidents,

Advent – a time of waiting and watching. This year, it seems that we are all waiting with baited breath for what will happen in the New Year for our country and our church. The Spirit continually assures us of God’s own desire for us to live in love and hope. We invite you to join us in praying for our world, our church, our synod and all of our leaders. When we stand together bearing the message of love and trust in God, our world can be changed.

This year has been a year of planning and preparing in the Rocky Mountain Synod. We have just completed a strategic plan for the next three years. This has been done through conversation with our many lay members and rostered ministers. With your generous support we have exciting plans for the future of God’s work throughout the Rocky Mountain Synod.

You may have already seen our Mission. Together we proclaim and embody God’s unconditional love for the sake of the world by

Claiming our Gifts

Connecting in ministry and witness

Equipping all leaders

Accompanying one another into God’s future

Much work is already going on in each of the four areas and we celebrate that work.

·  Plans are well under way to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This will help us better understand the unique gifts that are ours as a part of Christ’s Body called the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Watch for our joint worship services to be held with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters.

We are Claiming Our Gifts because of your prayer and generosity.

·  Our website has been updated and contains many valuable resources for congregations and leaders. A brand new RMS app is available online. Throughout our vast territory wonderful new collaborative ministry is taking place. Deacon Erin Power helps us stay connected and informed as Rev Judith VanOsdol provides support and encouragement for new and renewing ventures in ministry.

We are Connecting in ministry and witness because of your prayer and generosity.

·  Congregational transitions serve as wonderful opportunities for leadership development. At last count about 50 congregations were somewhere in the transition process. Rev Sarah Moening leads the work of accompanying congregations through this change process. At the same time, our Advocacy Directors, Peter Severson and Ruth Hoffman help form leaders committed to our witness together as a public church.

We are Equipping all leaders because of your prayer and generosity.

·  Lifelong faith formation is part of our DNA as a church. We are grateful for the gifts that Andy Sprain brings in building networks across our synod for the sake of our continued learning and growth. We also celebrate those called into rostered ministry in our church. Rev Kent Mueller works with our Candidacy Committee and all seeking to serve as pastors and deacons.

We are Accompanying one another into God’s future because of your prayer and generosity.

Now more than ever is the time for us to bear witness together to God’s love and hope, to care for our neighbors and our world through a life of prayer, participation and generosity. As this year draws to an end we encourage you to continue in prayer for one other and our world, to participate fully in God’s work taking place in your local congregation, neighborhood and community. We also invite your continued generosity in sharing your financial resources for our ministry together as the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We can do so much more together than we can alone. We are Christ’s Church, Better Together.


Rev. James Gonia, Bishop

Rocky Mountain Synod

Earline Bohling, Vice President

Rocky Mountain Synod

Christ’s Church, Better Together

7375 Samuel Drive • Denver, Colorado 80221 • • 303.777.6700 • 1.800.525.0462 • fax 303.733.0750

A Reconciling in Christ synod