
Chapter 17: The West Transformed
Workbook & Notes

1.  The Comstock Lode



2.  Boomtowns



3.  Vigilantes



4.  Transcontinental Railroad



5.  Fort Laramie Treaty



6.  2nd Fort Laramie Treaty



7.  Sand Creek Massacre



8.  Buffalo Soldiers



9.  Sitting Bull



10.  Crazy Horse



11.  Colonel Custer



12.  Little Bighorn



13.  Chief Joseph



14.  “The Long Walk”



15.  The Dawes Act



16.  Chisholm Trail



17.  Goodnight-Loving Trail



18.  Vaquero



19.  William “Buffalo Bill” Cody



20.  Cow Town



21.  Cattle Kingdom



22.  Homesteaders



23.  Homestead Act



24.  Sodbusters



25.  Exodusters



26.  Ricos



27.  Granges



28.  Populist



29.  William Jennings Bryan



Mining and Railroads

The Comstock Lode

ó  Discovered in Nevada in 1859.

ó  Importance: one of the richest______.

ó  Comstock Lode made produced ______and made Nevada the center for ______.

The Boom Spreads

ó  Few prospectors became rich because______


ó  By the 1880’s, western mining had become ______.

Life in Mining Towns

ó  Tent cities arose around mining camps and became boomtowns or towns with mines.

ó  Nearly half of all miners were ______.

o  List where miners were from:______.

ó  Laws restricted ______.

ó  Because mining towns grew so quickly, it was hard to find ______and ______.

Miners formed groups of ______, who ______and ______.

ó  As towns grew, local residents look for more lasting forms of ______.

ó  In some towns, all of the silver ore was soon extracted, and mines ______, miners ______, businesses ______, and merchants ______.

ó  Boomtowns became ______.

The Railroad Boom

Aid to Rail Roads

ó  To encougage the growth of railroads, the ______offered railroads ______, which are ______.

ó  Railroads also received ______.

The Transcontinental Railroad

ó  A transcontintental railroad is ______.

ó  In ______, the ______Railroad owned by Leland Stanford won the right to build a line eastward from ______. The ______Railroad would build west from ______.

ó  The railroads hired thousands of workers, including 10,000 ______.

ó  On May 10th, ______, the two lines met in ______, ______.

Effects of the Railroad

ó  ______sprang up in the West & population ______.

ó  Statehood: Nevada _____, Colorado _____, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Montana, & Washington ____,

Idaho & Wyoming _____.

What were the positives and negatives of the railroad and mining boom?
/ Negatives

Native Americans Struggle to Survive

What are the meanings of the following words:
Policy Towards Native Americans Through Time

1851-1867 / This policy was started by: The Fort Laramie Treaty
How it affected the Native Americans:
Read pages 585-586 and give examples of why and how this policy did not work
1868-1886 / This policy was started by: The 2nd Fort Laramie Treaty
How it affected the Native Americans:
Read pages 586-588 and give examples of why and how this policy did not work
1887-Present / This policy was started by: The Dawes Act
How it affected the Native Americans:
Read page 559 and give examples of why and how this policy did not work

The Cattle Kingdom

The Rise of the Cattle Industry

ó  For years wild cattle called ______wandered the ______or ______land of Texas.

ó  Cattle: Where did it come from? ______.

Why wasn’t it herded? ______.

ó  ______in the 1860’s made it easier to transport meat to the East, ______, and ______in the West.

ó  Cowhands move cattle to rail lines in ______, ______, and ______.

ó  ______was the best time to begin a ______which could take two or three months. The most famous trail in the East was ______and in the West was the ______.

Life on the Trail

ó  Herding cattle was a risky job including stampedes, fighting grass fires, ______, and ______.

ó  After 18 hours, a cowhand could earn less than ______per day!

ó  Cowhands heading north owe much to ______who taught them to wear spurs & chaps. They learned how to ______, ______, and ______.

ó  At least 1/3 of cowboys were Mexican and the rest were ______or ______.

The Wild West

ó  After months on the trail, cowboys needed places to rest. ______, Kansas was the first ______. These towns like ______and ______, Kansas had dance halls, saloons, and hotels.

ó  Myths spread about the West as a place of ______, ______, and ______.

ó  In 1883 ______created a traveling Wild West show with gun-slinging cowboys and Native Americans. They staged performances including ______.

Boom and Bust in Cattle Kingdom (1860’s-1880’s)

ó  The region dominated by the cattle industry and its ______, ______, and ______was called the Cattle Kingdom.

ó  Profits rose with new ______that caught fewer ______and more meat than longhorns. Businesses in the East and in ______invested in the cattle industry.

ó  How did the following cause the “bust” of the Cattle Kingdom?

o  Land: ______.

o  Weather: ______.

o  Competition: ______.

o  Farmers: ______.

o  Railroads: ______.

What caused the Boom and Bust in the cattle industry?

Farming in the West


ó  The ______of 1863 motivated many to move west because it offered ______to anyone who lived on the land for 5 years.

ó  Thousands became ______receiving free land from the government on the Great Plains. Dry conditions made it hard to ______for profit.

ó  Farms meant ______for railroads who began giving away ______of land to people from ______, ______, ______, and ______.

A Hard Life on the Plains

ó  Land further west was dry, but the soil of the Plains was fertile and covered with ______. Bricks were made once the material was hardened to build homes, which were cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

ó  In 1877, ______created the steel plow. ______ask they were known used drills to bury seeds, ______to harvest crops, and ______to beat the grain.

ó  Farmers also used ______to pump water.

How was life difficult for farmers in the West?