Purpose of the Negotiated Education Plan (NEP)

The purpose of the NEP is to enable educators, families and learners to jointly develop appropriate curriculum

based on the South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability (SACSA) Framework, taking into

consideration the needs of the learner. The NEP is part of school reporting and recording and should be regularly

reviewed as part of this process

An NEP should:

be holistic

reflect high expectations for the student

support high achievement by the student

detail educational provision that is different or additional from other students

be a working document

be connected to the curriculum

be accessible, achievable, manageable and understandable to all involved in the process.

An NEP should identify:

the student's strengths, interests, motivations, hopes and dreams

current concerns, needs and barriers to learning

what accommodations need to be made?

what teaching strategies will be used?

what assessments are appropriate?

parent input, student input and relevant information about social, emotional and behavioural issues

any agreed actions.

What is the NEP?

The NEP is a structured plan available in electronic form to help educators, families and learners to jointly develop

appropriate curriculum based on the South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability (SACSA)

Framework and the needs of the learner. Information and forms can be printed for manual use as required. The

NEP is compulsory for students identified as eligible for support under the Students with Disabilities Policy and


a teaching and learning plan

a collection of:

referral forms

management plans

forms to access services.

Also included in this format is:

information relating to the education of students with disabilities

a list of Department of Education and Children's Services (DECS) and non-DECS support services.

Our example NCPs maybe in a different format etc but we have left them here so parents can gain some ideas on what may be included in their child’s individual education plan.