APA ColoradoBoard Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2009

3pm - 5pm

URS Corp conference room, Denver


Board in Attendance:

Dale Case, Past President

Scott Bressler, Metro Rep

Bill Healy, South Central Rep

Jeremy Klop, Vice President

Michael Sutherland, PDO

James van Hemert, President

Jeff Walker, Planning Commissioner Rep

Susan Wood, Legislative Committee Co-Chair

April Nowak, Student Rep

Staff in Attendance:

Katie Guthrie

Denise Henasey

Guest in Attendance:

TJ Dublac


  1. Opening Remarks by James van Hemert, President

James provided an update on Leah. Staff will send a card on behalf of the Board and will provide updates as they are received. James indicated that he will attend the CPC meetings in Minneapolisand will bring up 2 things: 1. APA national should do a sustainability audit of its own organization – and 2. concern with the cost of the national conference. Mike added that the AICP exam prep desk is full of errors & typos and that the ethics disk is based on old code.

  1. Old Business
  2. Approval/Correction of MarchMinutes

Mike made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.

Jeremy seconded the motion - APPROVED

Steve and Matt - ABSTAINED

  1. PIC update – Bill Healy

Bill gave an update on marketing, the status of 4 courses in development, and the potential to expand to other chapters.

  1. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report, Leah Dawson
  2. Financial report

Scott made a motion to approve the reports as presented.

Susan seconded the motion - APPROVED

  1. Investment options for savings/CDs

A report may be presented at the next meeting.

  1. Chapter Administrator Report - Denise Henasey &Katie Guthrie
  2. Delegate reception at Gluek’s in Minneapolis –see flyer
  3. Update on list of potential keynote speakers – need to settle on 3-5 finalists by mid-May.
  4. Legislative Committee Update – Susan

Susan provided a brief recap of the 35-acre issue and the TIF fund bill. Bill offered that one size does not fill all across the state –that regarding the 35-acre issue, the decision needs to be made locally not at state level. Regarding the TIF fund, Jeremy spoke against the hyper-localization of the local sales tax issue and said that it can be a real barrier to regional planning – types of impacts they cause, esp. transportation.

  1. Other Reports:


  1. Nomination Report and Ballot, Dale Case

The ballot was included in the Board packet. The candidates’ statements should be limited to 300 words and should be sent to Denise by April 10. Also, the candidates should be reminded that campaigning is not allowed.

Bill made a motion to accept the ballot as presented.

Jeremy seconded the motion - APPROVED

Bylaw change for disallow campaigning –a future to-do???

  1. South Central Regional Training Event, Bill Healy

Bill briefly described the workshop and requested that upto $100 be allocated for snacks.

Dale moved that we allocate $100 for SC event from their budgeted line-item

Mike seconded the motion - APPROVED

  1. Credit Card Accountability, James van Hemert & Leah Dawson

This item is for information only at this time. There will be an additional report in future, Briefly, James’ goal is to have someone other than the card holder review the receipts.

  1. Budget Amendment and Salary Increase, James van Hemert

**James – please fill-in the blanks here