Week of Feb 2nd - Week of Apr 27th

Questions? ign up in lobby, on Connect Card, or


Week of Feb 2nd - Week of Apr 27th

Sun1 – Battlefield of the Mind

Book Discussion

Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation – all these are attacks on the mind. If you suffer from negative thoughts, take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles by showingus how to change our lives by changing our minds.

For: Adults

Where: RiverCross Fellowship

When: Sundays 12:00 – 1:30 PM

Facilitator: Joanne Kolod

Sun2 – Life-to-Life Disciplemaking


Disciplemaking can be intimidating. You might think that someone who makes disciples has to be a teacher, a missionary or someone who has gone to seminary. Would it surprise you to know that disciplemaking is just a lifestyle? Together we'll love God, and discover what it means to live intentionally and journey alongside others.

For: Adults

Where: RiverCross Fellowship

When: Sundays 12:00 – 1:30 PM

Facilitator: Jen Howat

M1 –Too Busy Not to Pray

Book Discussion

Brokenness and pain seem to have increased in our world. The need for prayer is clear, but busyness distracts us. Two truths remain: God is powerful, just, and holy; and prayer that changes us and allows us to participate in God's work in the world can't happen on the fly. Bill Hybels offers practical, time-tested ideas on authentic prayer.


M2 – Serminar

Discussion of the weekly message

Have you wanted to learn more about the Bible? Or discuss what was just preached on Sunday? Join this Life Group and do both! We’ll follow along with the sermon series and dig deeper into what was just preached.

For: Adults

Where: The Silkworth home (North Wilmington)

When: Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM

Facilitators: Tom & Meridith Silkworth

T1 – How to Have that Difficult Conversation

Book Discussion

Most of us struggle to have difficult conversations. Authors Cloud and Townsend give us a practical handbook on positive confrontation. Setting healthy boundaries improves relationships and can solve important problems. This book givesexamples of conversations to have with your spouse, date, kids, coworker, parents, and more…

For: Adults

Where: The Koli home (Wilmington, 19803)

When: Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM

Facilitators: Mike and Melanie Koli

W1–Law of Love


Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. So what does that look like practically? Learn how a selfless, others-focused life is not only what God has

called us to, but also the most fulfilling life.Topics include paying it forward, the difference between

helping and enabling, how we’re all on the same team and more…

For: Adults

Where: RiverCross Fellowship

When: Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 PM

Facilitators: Matt and Billie-Jo Dodson

TH1 – Bible Study: Ephesians

Bible Study & Discussion

Join us as we dig deep into this marvelous letter to the church at Ephesus…and the church at New Castle! We’ll discover a new identity in Christ and how to fulfill our earthly mission with heaven’s power. All you need is your Bible and Ephesians: A Double-Edged Bible Study.No Bible study experience necessary!

For: Adults

Where: ‘Upper Room’ @ RiverCross

When: Thursdays 7:00-9:00 PM

Facilitators: Kathi Busch

TH2– Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University


Do you need a better plan to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend, and save wisely? Financial Peace University is that plan! Through video, discussions, and activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. Cost is $93 per participant’s kit.


Sat1 – Bridges on the Journey

Book Discussion

Whether we’re establishing, re-establishing, or growing in our relationship with Jesus, Bridges on the Journey will help us form habits and attitudes that foster a deeper relationship with Jesus. This group is women encouraging women wherever we are on the journey.Join us!!

For: Women

Where: RiverCross Fellowship

When: Saturdays 9:00 – 10:30 AM

Facilitators: Anne Martin, Anne Marie Burk, Karen Dallas


6th – 12th graders join us for a variety of activities and opportunities! During our meeting time you get to connect with friends, grow in your relationship with Christ, all the while discussing real and relevant topics for your life!

For: Jr. and Sr. High students

Where: RiverCross The Loft

When: Sundays 12:00-1:30 PM

Facilitator: Jessica Kushall

The Crossovers

Kids in grades 4 and 5, join us for a time of fun, food, fellowship, and faith!

For: 4th and 5th graders

Where: RiverCross Fellowship

When: Sundays 12:00 – 1:30 PM

Facilitator: Mark Kolod

Questions? ign up in lobby, on Connect Card, or