Section A : Directed Writing

( 35 marks)

( Time Suggested : 45 minutes)

Father’s Day is just around the corner and you wish to buy a present for your father. You would like to get him something special. You have two items in mind for him but you do not have any idea which would be a better gift. Using the information given below, write a letter to your mother asking her for her advice.

Compact Digital Camera / Mobile Manager
·  RM 800
·  Takes pictures with amazing colours and precise details
·  Digital zooming during movie recording
·  Built-in- video editing
·  Colour function for colour customisation / SONY
·  RM 900
·  PDA with four gigabytes of storage
·  Colour screen
·  Wireless access using built-in Wi-Fi with Bluetooth wireless technology
·  Can store songs, appointments and pictures

When writing the letter, you should remember:

·  to compare the items using all the notes given

·  to state the item that you have chosen

·  to give reasons for your choice by providing information about:

-  what your father’s occupation

-  your father’s hobbies

-  your father’s likes and dislikes

-  how it will be useful to him

·  to give two reasons of your own

Section B : Continuous Writing

( 50 marks)

( Time Suggested : One hour)

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

  1. Describe an unforgettable childhood experience.
  2. A personal computer is a need, not a luxury. Do you agree? Support your opinion.
  3. A caring society.
  4. Write a story that ends with:

… At last, he knew that nothing in this world could bring his mother back to him again.

  1. Recycling

PAPER 1 (85 marks)

Format : 3 marks

Content : 10 marks

Elaborations : 2 marks

Language : 20 marks

Total 35 marks

F1 / Address & date
F2 / Dear …. & Introduction
F3 / Closing & Signature

** Indicate errors of language by underlining the word or phrase. Indicate by a tick (√), good appropriate vocabulary,

structure and tone. Award marks on a ‘best-fit’ basis by referring to the marking band.

** Need not use exact words given. However, own language must convey the same meaning

** Do not award marks for mere mention of key words.


Marks / Main ideas
C1 / Compare- price
C2 / Compare - Feature 1
C3 / Compare - Feature 2
C4 / Compare - Feature 3
C5 / Compare - Feature 4
C6 / State the item chosen
C7 / Reason - your father’s occupation
C8 / Reason - your father’s hobbies
C9 / Reason - your father’s likes and dislikes
C10 / Reason - how it will be useful to him
C11 / Own reason 1
C12 / Own reason 2


Category / Marks allotted / Remarks/Description
(A1 – A2) / 19 - 20 / ·  No mistakes in grammar (including spelling and punctuation)
·  Effective use of varied sentence structures
·  Wide vocabulary, used expressively/precisely
·  Good style/tone
·  Coherence in paragraphing
(B3 – B4) / 16- 18 / ·  Few mistakes in grammar – mistakes arise from more unusual/complex language use
·  Some variety in sentence structures
·  Some width in vocabulary – con convey shades of meaning
·  Satisfactory style/tone
·  Some coherence in paragraphing
·  Points organized in paragraphs
(C5 – C6) / 13 - 16 / ·  Some mistakes in grammar but language use is mainly accurate. Mistakes arise from more complex language use
·  Some variety in sentence structures – but mostly repetitive sentence types
·  Mainly basic vocabulary – errors use of more ambitious vocabulary
·  Fair style/tone
·  Some coherence in paragraphing
(D7) / 10-12 / ·  Many mistakes in grammar but the meaning is still clear. Patches of accurate language use occur
·  Little variety of sentence structures
·  Mainly basic vocabulary – errors in use of more ambitious vocabulary
·  Barely adequate style/tone
·  Little coherence in paragraphing
(E8) / 7-9 / ·  Many serious mistakes in grammar but the meaning is fairly clear. A few simple structures may be correct
·  Little variety in sentence structures
·  Only basic vocabulary – errors in use of more ambitious vocabulary
·  Inadequate style/tone
·  Disorganized points
(F9) / 3 - 6 / ·  Frequent and serious mistakes in grammar vocabulary make the meaning barely comprehensible
·  Only simple sentence structures
·  Very basic vocabulary – many errors in use of even simple words
0 - 2 / ·  Almost unrecognizable as English
·  Almost no sense can be made at all


√ / Merit
------ / Serious error(single word error)
~~~~ / Minor error(single word error)
^ / Omission (words, preposition, etc.)
® / Repetition
|| / Multiple word error (parallel lines in the right-hand margin) – whole sentence that doesn’t mean anything


The free composition is basically assessed by “general impression”. However, the following levels can be noted:

Category / Marks allotted / Remarks/Description
(A1 – A2) / 44 – 50 / ·  Hardly any mistakes in grammar (including spelling and punctuation)
·  Effective use of varied sentence structures
·  Wide vocabulary, used expressively/precisely
·  Good and relevant points
·  Coherence in paragraphing
·  Well-organized paragraphing
·  Essay is very interesting and shows originality
(B3 – B4) / 38 - 43 / ·  Few mistakes in grammar – mistakes arise from more unusual/complex language use
·  Some variety in sentence structures
·  Some width in vocabulary – con convey shades of meaning
·  Relevant points
·  Some coherence in paragraphing
·  Points organized in paragraphs
·  Essay is interesting
(C5 – C6) / 32 - 37 / ·  Some mistakes in grammar but language use is mainly accurate. Mistakes arise from more complex language use
·  Some variety in sentence structures. However, generally, repetitive sentence types are found
·  Mainly basic vocabulary. Errors in use of more ambitious vocabulary
·  Relevant points
·  Some coherence in paragraphing
·  Not very well-organized points
·  Essay is slightly interesting
(D7) / 26 - 31 / ·  Many mistakes in grammar but the meaning is still clear. Patches of accurate language use occur
·  Little variety of sentence structures
·  Only basic vocabulary. Errors in use of more ambitious vocabulary
·  Points are mostly relevant; some illogical/irrelevant points
·  Little coherence in paragraphing
·  Not very well-organized points
·  Essay is not interesting
(E8) / 20 - 25 / ·  Many serious mistakes in grammar but the meaning is fairly clear. A few simple structures may be correct
·  Little variety in sentence structures
·  Only basic vocabulary. Errors in use of more ambitious vocabulary
·  Topic is not well-treated
·  Disorganized points
·  Little coherence in paragraphing
·  Essay is not interesting
(F9) / 14 - 19 / ·  Many serious mistakes in grammar and the meaning is not very clear
·  Only simple sentence structures
·  Very basic vocabulary; many errors in use of words
·  Poor treatment of topic due to poor linguistic ability
·  Hardly any organization; probably no paragraphing
8 - 13 / ·  Very frequent and serious mistakes in grammar vocabulary make the meaning barely comprehensible
0 – 7 / ·  Almost unrecognizable as English
·  Almost no sense can be made at all

** No precise penalty for short scripts