English Studies /  / 
Linguistics /  / 
Literature /  / 
Ethnography / 
Phychology /  / 
History / 
Multidisciplinary Social Sciences / 
Multidisciplinary Humanities / 
Agricultural Sciences /  /  / 
Animal Husbandry /  / 
Animal Sciences / 
Horticulture /  / 
Classical Ballet Teacher Training / 
Dance and Dance Teaching / 
Music /  /  / 
Painting / 
Sculpture / 
Agribusiness / 
Business Administration /  /  / 
Business Economics / 
Computing and Information Systems / 
Economics and Finances /  /  / 
Economic and Social Sciences /  /  / 
Handel (Commerce) / 
International. Economics / 
International Business and Economics / 
International Business Management / 
International. Economics and European Studies / 
Legal Sciences / 
Political Sciences / 
Social Economics / 
Sociology / 
Tourism and Hotel Management /  / 
Architectural Engineering /  / 
Chemical Engineering /  / 
Civil Engineering /  / 
Informatics / 
Information Technology / 
Electrical Engineering and Informatics / 
Engineering Physics / 
Environmental Engineering /  /  / 
Food Technology / 
Geotechnical Systems and Process Engineering / 
Applied Geological and Geophysical Research / 
Mechanical Engineering /  /  / 
Material Engineering / 
Metallurgical Engineering / 
Petroleum Engineering / 
Plant Protection / 
Transportation Engineering / 
Human Kinesiology / 
Physical Training and Coaching / 
Dentistry /  /  
General Medicine /  /  /   / 
Pharmacy /  /  / 
Physical Education / 
Veterinary Science / 
Biology /  / 
Chemistry /  / 
Earth Sciences / 
Ecology / 
Mathematics and Computer Sciences /  /  / 
Microbiology / 
Physics /  / 

Degree awarded: English Bachelor  Master Ph.D.

French D.E.UG.

German  Fachhochschuldiplom  Universitätsdiplom  Ph.D.

General information: Tuition fees/semester: Agriculture Sciences US$ 3000-4000/sem , Arts US$ 3000-4000/sem, Economics EURO 2700-4000/sem, Engineering EURO 2500-4000/sem, Medical Sciences EURO 4000-5000/sem, Natural Sciences US$ 2000-3000/sem.

Living expenses: In Hungary please add additional US$ 300-500/month for living (food, accommodation).

The detailed information can be found http//: or the edited volume.


Hungarian name / English name / Legend
Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem / Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration / BKÁE
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem / Budapest University of Technology and Economics / BME
Debreceni Egyetem / University of Debrecen / DE
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem / Eötvös Loránd University / ELTE
Kaposvári Egyetem / University of Kaposvár / KE
Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem / Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music / LFZE
Miskolci Egyetem / University of Miskolc / ME
Pécsi Tudományegyetem / University of Pécs / PTE
Semmelweis Egyetem / Semmelweis University / SE
Szegedi Tudományegyetem / University of Szeged / SZTE
Szent István Egyetem / Szent István University / SZIE
Veszprémi Egyetem / Universityof Veszprém / VE
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola / Budapest Business School / BGF
Magyar Táncművészeti Főiskola / Hungarian Dance Academy / MTF

Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration

Name of Institution:Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration

Year of foundation:1948

Address:Fővám tér 8, H-1093 Budapest, Hungary

Phone:(36-1) 218 6855


Rector:Prof. Dr. Attila Chikán

Number of faculties: 4

Academic staff:438full-time and 171 part-time

Academic staff with scientific degree: 281

Contact person:Erzsébet Veres

Availability: phone: (36-1) 215 4375, fax: (36-1) 217 6714, e-mail:

Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 8

Number of full-time students in the academic year 2002/2003 (Hungarian education): 7045

Number of Ph.D. students: 196

Number of students studying in foreign languages in 2002/03: 570

Library: The Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration has a Central Library that is open to all students. The library offers diversified facilities for academic learning and research activities. It provides 2500 m2 of reading and research space and can accommodate 500 readers at a time. The present collection contains nearly half a million volumes (books, manuscripts, lecture notes, etc.), and approximately 1000 different kinds of periodicals (two-thirds of which are in foreign language). The Business Periodicals On-disc database contains the full text of a further 500 English-language journals. The library also stocks microfilms, video materials, CD-ROM databases and an electronic collection.

Computer facilities: The University has computer labs that are available to the students for study purposes. E-mail and web access are also available.

Sports activities: The University has several gyms. The possible sports activities available free of charge to all university students include: volleyball, basketball, body-building, table-tennis, swimming, athletics, etc.

Accommodation: Dormitories are (within limits) available for Hungarian students.

International Study Programs
Availability:International Studies Center (ISC)


Undergraduate program

Name of the diplomaBachelor of Arts degree

Majors:- Business Administration

- International Economics

Length of the study program:8 semesters

Admission criteria:- secondary school certificate,

- English language entrance exam (or TOEFL score 173 (computer based) or 500 (paper-based), IELTS overall band: minimum 5.5 – any exam must have been taken within two years before application)

- Mathematics entrance exam,

- payment of application and tuition fees.

Contact person:Doris Keszthelyi, e-mail:

Phone: (36-1) 217 0608, fax: (36-1) 217 0608

Graduate program

Name of the diplomaMaster of Sciences degree

Majors:Business Administration

- International Business and Economics

- International Economics and European Studies

- Political Science

- Social Economics

Length of the study program:4 semesters

Admission criteria:- Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or a related field,

- detailed academic record and list of positions held so far (if any),

- a TOEFL score not less than 213 (computer-based) or 550

(paper-based). The certificate cannot be older than 2 years,

- 2 letters of recommendation,

- payment of application and tuition fees.

Contact person:Hanna Varjas, e-mail:

Phone: (36-1) 217 0608, fax: (36-1) 217 0608

Tuition fees
Preparatory course / 600 EURO /course
Undergraduate program: / 2.700 EURO /semester
+ book costs (approx. 200 EURO/semester)
Graduate program: / 3.300 EURO/ semester
+ book costs (approx. 200 EURO/semester)

Application procedure, deadlines: The deadline for application is May 31st of each year. The entrance examinations are held once a year in the first or second week of July. For the precise dates please check the ISC website or contact the relevant contact person

Preparatory courses: A 3-week preparatory program is organised in both Mathematics and English prior to the entrance exams.

Credit system: An internationally accepted credit system is used at the ISC. Students must accumulate a total of at least 240 ECTS credits within the 8 semester period of their studies (with the breakdown between core and elective courses being determined by the ISC). Most courses are worth 6 ECTS credits (two 75 minute classes per week), while some courses are worth only 3 ECTS credits (usually these are just one 75 minute class per week).

Partial training and credit transfer possibilities: Erasmus program, CEEPUS program, CEMS, bilateral and multilateral agreements, free movers for one or two semesters.

Accommodation: Through its contacts with individual owners and real-estate agencies, the ISC assists students to the best of its ability in finding a flat to rent for the duration of their stay, by providing the information at its disposal on flats offered for rent and on real estate agencies. The monthly rents range from about 300 EURO to 350 EURO/person depending on the size and location of the flat, as well as on the number of students sharing it..

Deutschsprachiger Studiengang in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (DSG)

Verantwortliche: Dr. Judit Simon Direktorin

Tel: +36-1/217-2795 Fax: +36-1/217-2795

E-mail: ,


Der DSG ist Ergebnis der langjährigen Kooperation zwischen der Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsuniversität Budapest und der Universität Passau. Seit 1993 wird er maßgeblich vom Auswärtigen Amt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) gefördert. Das Programm ein fester Bestandteil des Lehrangebots an der Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsuniversität Budapest.

Der DSG richtete sich vorwiegend an Studierende der WVU Budapest. Ab 2001/2002 besteht die Möglichkeit auch für Austauschstudenten Fächer zu wählen und an den Lehrveranstaltungen teilzunehmen.

Ab 2003 wird den Studenten der beiden Universitäten die Möglichkeit des Erwerbs der Diplome der beiden Universitäten angeboten. Studierende der WVU Budapest können im Programm teilnehmen, wenn sie im Hauptstudium sind und das DSG-Zeugnis absolviert haben.

Die Studenten verbringen die Hälfte (2 Semester) des Hauptstudiums an der Heimatuniversität und die andere Hälfte (2 Semester) an der Partneruniversität. Die Verleihung des Diploms der passiert auf gegenseitigen Anerkennung der Leistungen an der Heimat- und Partneruniversitäten mit der Anwendung der ECTS-Credits.

Courses offered in German:

The German Program in Business Administration has been developed at the BUESPA in cooperation with the University Passau.

The program provides the students of BUESPA an additional certificate of this program beside their diploma of BUESPA. The certificate is highly appreciated by the business community in Hungary operating on the European markets.

From 2003 a double degree program will be provided both the graduates of the German program of BUESPA and the students of the University Passau.

The double degree will be given based on the common recognition of studies on the partner universities using ECTS credits.

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Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Name of Institution: Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Year of foundation:1782

Address: H 1521 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: 36-1-4633548



Rector: Prof. Dr. Ákos Detrekői

Contact Person: The Registrar

Availability of Contact Person: phone: 36-1-4633548, fax: 36-1-4632460,

E-mail: , web:

Number of faculties: 8

Academic staff: 1161

Academic staff with scientific degree: 440

Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 13

Number of full-time students in the academic year 2002/2003 (Hungarian education): 14773

Number of Ph.D. students : 785

Number of students studying in foreign languages in 2002/2003: 516

Library: The Central Library of the University houses 450.000 books and 120.000 volumes of professional journals. At the same time the Library has a strong technical reference section with free access to materials and the ALEPH integrated system, reading and research rooms and on-line access to international data bases.

Computer network: Access to EARN, BITNET and Internet systems, DEC support center, computer supported information services (Gopher)m X.500 directory services and access to several kinds of micro, mini and mainframe computers.

Cultural and Sports opportunities: Cultural secretariat, supporting the students’ cultural activities. University Theatre (Szkéné, background of International Dance and Movement Club), Symphonic Orchestra. Athletics and Football Club with sport and training facilities.

Students’ accommodation: University Hostel places available in a limited number. Further Hostels are available near the University (popular at US and other study abroad students). Private apartment rentals are available for international students at a moderate cost in different parts of the city. Costs of accommodation: USD 100-300/month.

Health care facilities: The university has its own health care center, the students are requested to have medical insurance – which costs about EUR 80/semester -.

Pre-Engineering course: One-year (fall and spring semester) or one semester (spring) preparatory programme for upgrading of students for first year studies in B.Sc programmes in English. Physics – including Mechanics, Electricity, Thermodynamics, Optics –, Mathematics – incl. Algebra, Geometry, Computing and Engineering drawing – and Technical English Language.

courses offered in English

Name of the diplomaBachelor of Science degree

Majors:Architectural Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Software Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Transportation Engineering

Length of the study program:8 semesters

Admission criteria:- secondary school certificate with good results in Math., Physics and English,

- English language entrance exam

- Mathematics entrance exam,

- Physics entrance exam,

- payment of application and tuition fees.

Placement test for Freshmen students during enrolment – third week – in Mathematics, Physics, English language – deciding if they can join the first year of the B.Sc. program or the one-year pre-engineering course.

Tuition fee:

  • Pre-Engineering and B.Sc programs: EUR 2850 / semester
  • Full time intensive Technical Language Courses: EUR 2300 / semester
  • Additional costs of living and every day life, incl. accommodation: EUR 300-500 / month

Graduate program

Name of the diplomaMaster of Sciences degree

Majors:Architectural Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Transportation Engineering

Engineering Physics

Length of the study program:4 semesters

Admission criteria:B.Sc. degree or equivalent with average grades of B or better, with official transcripts,

English language proficiency at one of the following levels:
a) TOEFL test score of 550 or higher,
b) Cambridge First Certificate "B",
c) ELTS score of 5.0

- payment of application and tuition fees.

Tuition fee:

  •  from EUR 3100 / semester
  • Additional costs of living and every day life, incl. accommodation: EUR 300-500 / month

Postgraduate programs

Ph.D. Programs are available in all majors offered by the Faculties.

The faculties are Faculty of Architecture

Faculty Chemical Engineering

Faculty Civil Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Transportation Engineering

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Length of the study program:min. 6 semesters

Admission criteria:M.Sc, Dipl.Ing. or its equivalent with excellent grades in the official transcripts

English language proficiency at one of the following levels:
a) TOEFL test score of 550 or higher,
b) Cambridge First Certificate "B",
c) ELTS score of 5.0

- payment of application and tuition fees.

Scholarships/Student grants/Financial assistance:Reduction of tuition fees for Excellent Academic performance on B.Sc. level. Scholarship for the best M.Sc. and PhD students based on a competition system.

Admission Process.

Deadline for application submission: 31. July.

Shortlist based on completed application form:

  • a draft check for the non-refundable application fee of EUR $ 50 and all the following documents
  • copy of passport
  • secondary school reports relevant to the application, with special reference to mathematics, physics, and English language ability.
  • general certificate of education - (G.C.E.) or any equivalent secondary school diploma
  • official transcripts, degrees/diplomas of any higher education already completed
  • six recent photographs
  • certificate of medical fitness
  • curriculum vitae (autobiography/resume)

Study abroad and credit course opportunities in the frame of one or two semester programs for international students completing subjects of the appropriate faculties or optional programs, like Hungarian and Central European Studies.

Contact details for application:

The Registrar. Address: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, International Education Center. H-1521 Budapest, Hungary

Telephone: 36-1-4633548, Fax: 36-1-4632460,

email: , web site:

Degree courses offered in French.

Two-year undergraduate program on the Faculty of Architecture, Civil, Chemical, Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, Economic and Social Sciences leading to DEUG degree in cooperation with INSA de Rennes. Students after graduation can continue studies on the Hungarian programs with French window subjects or on French or other Francophon universities.

Enseignement dispensé en langue francaise

Un programme d'enseignement totalement en langue francaise est assuré au niveau du premier cycle (4 semestres) dans les facultés suivantes: Architecture, Génie Civil, Génie Chimique, Génie Electrique-Informatique, Génie Mécanique, Transport et Sciences Economiques et Sociales. A la fin de cette formation les étudiants recoivent le DEUG signé par le Recteur de l'USTEB et le Directeur de l'INSA de Rennes. A partir de la troisieme année, les étudiants joignent la formation en langue hongroise mais ont la possibilité de suivre certains modules "ponctuels" en langue francaise, ou de participer dans des périodes d'études d'un ou deux semestres, éventuellement faire le Projet de Fin d'Etudes dans les établissements partenaires en France ou en Bélgique.

Courses offered in German:

Two-year undergraduate program on the Faculty of Civil, Chemical, Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Mechanical and Transportation Engineering in cooperation with University of Karlsruhe. Students after the two-year program can continue studies in the 5. semester at the University of Karlsruhe and from the 6. semester on the Hungarian programs with German window subjects.

The certificate released is in Hungarian and German language with the signatures of the Rectors of both University.

Studiengänge in deutscher Sprache:

An den Fakultäten für Bauwesen, für Elektrotechnik und Informatik, für Maschinenbau und für Verkehrswesen gibt es in den ersten 4 Semestern deutschsprachige Ingenieurausbildung im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Programmes mit der Universität Karlsruhe.

Im 5. Semester studieren die Studenten an der Universität Karlsruhe und ab dem 6. Semester wieder an der TWU Budapest in ungarischer Sprache.

Einige Fächer werden aber weiterhin in deutscher Sprache angeboten.

Die Absolventen erhalten zweisprachige Diplomurkunden mit den Unterschriften der Rektoren beider Universitäten.

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University of Debrecen

Name of Institution:University of Debrecen

Address: Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. Hungary

Phone: (36) 52 512 900


Rector: Prof. János NAGY

Number of faculties: 9 located in 7 different campuses in Debrecen, Nyíregyháza and in Hajdúböszörmény

Number of independent institutes: 4

Number of affiliated institutes: 3

Academic staff: 1526

Academic staff with scientific degree: 774

Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 18

Number of students in the academic year 2002/2003 (Hungarian education): approx. 24723

Number of PhD students: 719

Number of students studying in foreign languages in 2002/2003: approx. 610

Library: second biggest library in the country, it serves the university’s staff and students with its collection of nearly 6.1 million documents

Computer facilities: computer labs for study purposes, e-mail and web are available

Sport activities: athletics, basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, table-tennis and badminton

Accommodation:flats available for students near the campus, usual rent changes between $150 and $200/month; students are assisted by „PONT Szolgáltató Iroda” (located in the campus)

Preparatory courses:Basic Medicine (1 year premedical course, recommended for those who do not have thorough enough knowledge in biology, physics and chemistry or in any of these subjects according to Hungarian standards)

International Relations Unit:

Contact persons: Anita Stiegelmayer, head of department

Availability: Rector's Office

H-4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1., P.O.Box 37

Phone: +36 52 512 963, Fax: +36 52 310 007, E-mail:

Admission criteria:

required documents (photocopies also accepted)

undergraduate programs: secondary school-leaving certificate

graduate, postgraduate programs: college or university degree

recent medical health certificate of general health status

short curriculum vitae