Meeting Minutes – November 9, 2017

State Services for the Blind

2200 University Avenue West, #240

St. Paul, MN55114

Members Present

Anita Olson, Rose Ann Faber, Annette Toews, Linda Lingen, Mark Smaaladen, Brian Wagner, Gloria Lafriniere, Zainab Jama, Heather Allyn, Jessica Andrist, Renee Solomon Wise, Brad Westerlund, Meredith Kujala

Members Absent Excused

James Lovold, Melissa Doherty, Kim Hicks, Mary Koep, David Fenley

Members Unexcused

Shelly Pflaum

SILC Coordinator

Pam Taylor

Minute Taker

Suzanne Renfroeexcused absent.Minutes taken by Annette Toews.

Welcome and Introductions: Anita

November Agenda: Anita

Afternoon speaker had cancelled. Will be replaced by discussion of Executive committee and Action Alert January instead to discuss Emergency Preparedness in Minnesota.

Heather moved to accept agenda with changes. Zainab seconded.Motion passed unanimously.

October Minutes: Anita

  • Page 4, second paragraph: Add parenthetical that deadline was changed and to what new date
  • Pgs 6 and 7: Committees: I am excited for this time on the SILC…Delete the new time/water sentence.Add names who reported: Network: Heather; Outreach: Pam; Reports: Anita
  • Page 8: NCIL is spelled incorrectly; Pam is looking at a booklet from the state to see if…
  • Page 4: Outreach-2nd bullet-could limit, the person might choose to be on….
  • Page 5, 3rd bullet: Brad stated that this option would eliminate….
  • Page 10, re SSB: Served approximately 3,700 people, 300 of whom were referred by our Aging Eyes community partners

Renee moved to accept with edits. Heather seconded.Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment: Anita

Heather made some farewell remarks as she will complete first term having served as chair for two years and is not able at this time to continue on the Council. Hopes to return in the future.

704 Report Review: Linda

January 31st is deadline for submitting our 704 since we are 723 state.Goal is to make any major substantive changes at this meeting.Then in January we will do final edits before submitting.

A number of edits were made and Pam made notes in the document so that these changes could be incorporated before the December Reports Committee meeting.

Annual Report: Linda

Document was discussed. It is in progress, but well along.Motion was requested that the Reports Committee can finish and go to printers without further MNSILC review.

Moved Zainab Jama. Second: Rose Ann Faber. Motion passed unanimously.

Expense sheets: Pam

Pam developed an example of a properly filled out expense sheet. Receipts are needed for everything except meals.Members need to submit a hotel receipt to Pam even if DEED/VRS is paying the bill.This allows the Council to better track hotel expenses. Heather will send Pam expense sheet drafts with formulas built in for automatic calculations.


  • VRS: none
  • MCD: none
  • SSB-Annette: SSB is developing a more culturally appropriate and effective way of working with new Americans.Also within the next year or two, as a part of the lease agreement, we will be making this conference room larger.
  • SRC-G-Anita: working on annual report and membership.They have a new executive committee They next meet 12/6/17
  • SRC–B-Rose Ann: They have not met since last SILC meeting.Next meeting is 12/7/17.

SILC Executive Committee

Meredith is stepping down from Secretary position.Jessica was nominated to replace Meredith.Jessica voted in unanimously.

Action Alert

Discussion about possible budget with potential cuts in services to disability communities as highlighted in email from national organizations.Further discussion about gathering information to have available to educate legislators and decrease work time and response time needed.Appropriate for Network of Centers Committee to make recommendation.What information do Centers have and what may be needed.

MCIL Fall Newsletter

Pam handed out copies and recommended that people read specific articles by Carrie Salb Jeff Bangsberg, and Jesse Bethke Gomez.Also discussed CIL newsletters in general and recommended members look them uponline(where available) and read them when they can.

Finance Committee

No report


Motion made by Renee and seconded by Meredith.Time?