2310.1A.President’s Executive Council


a.Serving as the chief planning and advisory group to the President.

b.All proposed policies shall be reviewed by this committee before being presented to the Board of Trustees.

c.All administrative/operational procedures regarding budget, program, staff, students, and facilities shall be reviewed by the President’s Executive Council.

d.Planning of the Board agenda.

e.Reviewing of campus concerns.



b.Vice President of Financial & Administrative Services

c.Vice President of Instruction/Student Services

d.Vice President of Human Resources & Labor

e.Assoc Vice President of Student Services

f.Dean, Arts & Sciences

g.Dean, Professional/Technical Education

h.Dean, Education, Health & Language Skills

i.Dean of Information Resources

j.Dean of Institutional Research & Planning

k.Director of Business Services

l.Executive Asst. to the President

3.Meetings:As scheduled.



a.Serving as a broadly based advisory group to the President.

b.Review of college operations and programs.

c.Suggesting items for the Board agenda.

d.Reviewing campus concerns.

e.The President may meet with the full council or selected administrators, i.e., Vice Presidents and Deans, as needed.



b.Vice President of Financial & Administrative Services

c.Vice President of Instruction/Student Services

d.Vice President of Human Resources & Labor

e.Assoc Vice President of Student Services

f.Dean, Arts & Sciences

g.Dean, Professional/Technical Education

h.Dean, Education, Health & Language Skills

i.Dean of Information Resources

j.Dean of Institutional Research & Planning

k.Director of Business Services

l.Executive Asst. to the President

m.Executive Director of the Foundation

n.Director of Public Information

o.Faculty Association President

p.Classified Staff Representative

q.Director, CBIS

r.Director, Bookstore

s.Director, College Bound

t.Director, Health Education Programs

u.Director, Student Support Services

v.Director, Student Programs

w.Director, Residence Halls

x. Director, Information Technology

y.Director, Financial Aid

z.Director, Basic Skills

aa.Director, Career Advising Outreach and Tech/Prep

bb.Director, Title V

cc.Director, M & O

dd.Director, Workfirst

ee.Athletic Director

ff.ASB President

C.Student Services Team


a.Developing Student Services' policies and procedures.

b.Assisting with planning for:



c.Student Services budget planning.


a.Vice President Instruction/Student Services

b.Assoc Vice President of Student Services

c.Director, Financial Aid

d.Director, Student Programs

e.Director, Student Support Services


g.Athletic Director

h.Resident Hall Director

i.Director, College Bound

j.Director, Opportunity Grant

3.Meetings: As scheduled.

D.Instructional Council(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Article II, Section 0)


a.Reviewing and forwarding to the President all additions, revisions, and deletions to the academic program of the college.

b.Assisting with the preparation of the college's instructional budget.

c.Reviewing and/or recommending instructional policies to the President.

d.Reviewing and assisting with the preparation of instructional publications.


a.Vice President of Instruction/Student Services

b.Assoc Vice President of Student Services

c.Dean, Arts & Sciences

d.Dean, Education, Health & Language Skills

e.Dean, Professional/Technical Education

f.Dean, Information Resources

g.Division Chairs

h.Student Services Representative

i.One Counselor

Ex Officio:

Dean of Institutional Research & Planning

Director of Information & Communication Services

3.Meetings: Monthly

E.Academic Council


a.Interpretation and waiving of academic regulations.

b.Petitions for consideration by the Academic Council must be submitted in writing through the student's counselor to the Vice President of Student Services.

c.Student requests for changes in rules or regulations must be presented to the Academic Council in writing.

d.Review petitions for readmission of students on suspension.

2.Students are requested to present their views in person to the members of the Academic Council.


a.Vice President of Instruction/Student Services

b.One student services staff member

c.Two faculty members

d.Two student representatives

4.Meetings: As needed

F.Financial Aid Council


a.Review financial aid appeals for students whose financial aid has been discontinued.

b.Assisting the Director of Financial Aid in recommending students for scholarships.

c.Reviewing and recommending policies and procedures for the operation of the financial aid program.


a.Director, Financial Aid

b.One student services staff member

c.Two faculty members

d.Two students

3.Meetings: As needed.

G.Student Disciplinary Council


a.Hearing and making recommendations to the President on all disciplinary cases referred to it by the Vice President of Student Services. This would normally occur only in cases where major sanctions are deemed necessary.

b.Providing a format for due process in disciplinary actions.


a.One administrator

b.Two faculty members (one from Student Services)

c.Two student representatives

3.Meetings: As needed.

H.Committee for Academic Master Plan


a.Annually monitor use of the AMP

b.Provide recommendation for production of the new AMP


a.Appointed by the College President based on recommendations from the Vice President of Instruction/Student Services, Faculty President, and ASB President.

3.Meetings:As scheduled.

I.Assessment Committee

1.Purpose: Guide, plan and implement institutional assessment activities per Negotiated Agreement Article XXIX.


a.Four Administrative/Exempt Staff

b.Eight Faculty

c.One Classified Staff

3.Meetings:Monthly during Fall, Winter & Spring Quarters

J.Customer Service Task Force

1.Purpose: Review ideas and suggestions to improve customer service across campus: signage, suggestion boxes, outside lighting, phone etiquette, from desk greetings, etc.; anything impacting how clients perceive the college’s level of service. Assess quality of customer service across campus.


a.Administrative/exempt staff

b.Classified staff





1.Purpose: Discuss and plan administrative direction and activity.

2.Membership: President

Vice President of Instruction & Student Services

Vice President of Financial & Administrative Services

Vice President of Human Resources & Labor


L.Enrollment Task Force

1.Purpose: The focus is on creating quarterly class schedules to generate maximum state-funded FTEs. While considering student satisfaction survey results and other student and staff recommendations. To assist the instructional division in scheduling classes each quarter.


a.Vice President Instruction/Student Services

b.Assoc Vice President of Student Services

c.Instructional Deans

d.One counselor

e.Division Chairs

3.Meetings:Twice per quarter, including summer school

M.Facilities Master Plan Committee

1.Purpose: Review, modify and update plans for improvements to campus buildings and grounds. Coordinate facilities planning with the Academic Master Plan.


a.One administrator

b.One Faculty

c.One classified staff

d.One student

e.Other staff members according to expertise for project being considered

3.Meetings: Quarterly

N.Hearing Committee(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Articles XXII, XXIII)

1.Purpose: Hear charges on tenured discipline/dismissal for cause and non-renewal of tenured faculty contract based on layoffs or elimination of instructional programs.


a.Vice President Instruction/Student Services

b.Division Chair

c.Three tenured faculty

d.One student representative

3.Meetings: As needed

O.Instruction Team

1.Purpose: Discuss, plan and implement administrative instructional issues.


a.Vice President Instruction/Student Services

b.Assoc Vice President of Student Services



e.Dean of Institutional Research & Planning

3.Meetings: Weekly

P.Probationary Review Committees(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Article XXI)


a.Conduct evaluations of each full-time probationary faculty appointee assigned to such review committee by the President.

b.Render required reports to the President, the probationary faculty appointee, and the Board.

c.To guide the probationer in effectiveness and to provide a simple record of the probationer’s annual performance.


a.One Administrator

b.Division Chair

c.One Faculty in division

d.One Faculty outside division

e.One Student

Meetings: 8 quarters over 3 years / Annually

Q.Professional Rights & Responsibilities Committee(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Articles XI, XIX)


a.Hear complaints of violations [by faculty] of professional rights and responsibilities.

b.May review placement on the salary schedule for a first-year employee and make recommendations for a change in placement if it determines such a move is appropriate.

2.Membership: three faculty (appointed by Faculty Association President)

3.Meetings: As needed

R.Program Review Committee(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Article XXIII)

1.Purpose: Make recommendations to the President concerning the modification, reduction, or elimination of any instructional program, and the laying off of academic employees because of budgetary reasons, change in instructional program, or low enrollment.


a.Vice President Instruction/Student Services


c.Chair of affected division

d.Three tenured faculty

e.One student

3.Meetings: As needed

S.Safety Committee

1.Purpose: Review safety incidents reported on campus, consider how to avoid the same in the future, and make recommendations to the administration on anything else considered to be a safety issue.



b.Classified staff



3.Meetings: Monthly

T.Screening Committees(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Article XV)


a.Select most appropriate candidates for faculty/administrative positions based on job criteria

b.Determine questions for reference calls

c.Make reference calls

d.Select interviewees

e.Hold interviews

f.Detail strengths/weaknesses of each candidate

g.Forward information to President for final appointment to the position


For Faculty Screening:

a.One administrator

b.Division Chair

c.One faculty from the division

d.One faculty from outside division

For Administrator Screening:

a.May include an administrator and a staff member in that area, as well as faculty.

3.Meetings: As needed to screen for faculty and administrative positions

U.Tenured Faculty Review Committees(as provided in the Negotiated Agreement, Article XX)


a.Complete questionnaires based on the portfolio prepared by the faculty member being evaluated and interview faculty.

b.Compile and submit to Vice President Instruction/Student Services, if appropriate, all source documents for evaluation including portfolio, student evaluations, selected staff member questionnaires, and Evaluation Summary form.


a.Division Chair


c.A Peer Faculty

3.Meetings: As needed


Ad hoc committees may be instituted by the President to review and investigate specific problems or topics of college-wide interest. Appointments will terminate upon the completion of an assigned task.



All administrative appointments to committees are made by the President.


All faculty appointments to committees are made by the Faculty Association.


All student appointments to committees are made by the ASB Executive Officers.


Appointments are made by the President and the Classified Staff Representative.


Revised 7/02Standing Committees 11/07, 9/08 AP2310