Unapproved Minutes of thePage 1 of 8

IEEE Educational Activities Board

25 June 2011

Bellevue, Washington, USA



Minutes of the Meeting


Hyatt Regency Bellevue

Bellevue, Washington USA

Meeting Minutes

(Privileged Information, Subject to Confirmation)

  1. Callto Order and Introductions. The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) met on 25June 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Bellevue, Washington, USA. Dr. Tariq S. Durrani, IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities and Chair, Educational Activities Board (EAB), called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM(PST) and asked for introductions. A member quorum was confirmedand attendance was as follows:


Tariq S. Durrani, Chair

Enrique Alvarez

Elizabeth Burd

Maja Bystrom

Antonio C. Ferreira

Stephen Goodnick

James Irvine

Leah H. Jamieson

Elya Joffe

David Law

Richard A. Painter

S. K. Ramesh

Teófilo J. Ramos

Eric Tappert

Murali R. Varanasi


Issa Batarseh

J. P. Mohsen

Scott Segalewitz


Karen Hawkins

Michael R. Lightner

Ramalatha Marimuthu

Arnold Peskin

Peter Staecker

Sharon Tatiner

Prasanna Venkatesan


Douglas Gorham - EAB Secretary and Managing Director, Educational Activities

Fern E. Katronetsky - Staff Director, EAB Administration

Sharon Strock - Projects Administrator, EAB

Steve Welch – Director of Continuing Education

  1. Review and Approval of Agenda. Dr. David Lawmoved that the agenda be approved as submitted. The motion passed.
  2. Vice President’s Remarks. Vice President Tariq Durrani presented his opening remarks sharing the EAD activities during the first half of 2011 and how those activities aligned to IEEE goals, new initiatives, and the EAB Strategic Plan. (Reference Agenda Item 4)
  1. Consent Agenda. Dr. Lawmoved that the Consent Agenda be approved as submitted.The motion passed with the following results:

4.1 Approved the minutes of the 19 February 2011 IEEE Educational Activities Board meeting, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item 6)

4.2Approved the IEEE EAB OpCom E-mail Ballot on the Proposed CEAA Charter Changes, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item 7)

4.3Approved the IEEE EAB OpCom E-mail Ballot on the Proposed CEAA Chair-Elect Position, as submitted. (Reference Agenda Item 8)

4.4Approved Revisions to the IEEE-HKN Operations Manual as follows:

4.4.1Establishment of IEEE-HKN Executive Council (Operation between meetings)

4.4.2Schedule of Dates for Election of IEEE-HKN Officers and Governors

4.4.3Appointment of IEEE-HKN Standing Committee Chairs and Members

4.4.4IEEE-HKN Process Manual (Reference Agenda Item 9)

  1. IEEE SWOT Analysis Presentations from IEEE EAB Committee Chairs. The following EAB Committee Chairs gave presentations (Reference Agenda Item 12):

5.1Accreditation Policy Council (APC) – Mr. Richard Painter

5.2Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC) – Dr. S. K. Ramesh

5.3Continuing Professional Education Committee (CPEC) – Mr. Eric Tappert

5.4IEEE eLearning Library Editorial Board – Professor Maja Bystrom

5.5Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC) – Dr. Elizabeth Burd

5.6IEEE Standards Education Committee (SEC) – Mr. David Law

5.7IEEE-HKN – Dr. Stephen Goodnick

  1. IEEE EAB Fund in IEEE Foundation. Dr. Douglas Gorham, Managing Director and Secretary, IEEE Educational Activities, provided background information on this topic and reported that there is over USD 20,000.00 in the IEEE EAB fund at this time. EAB members provided suggestions for specific ways to increase the fund and also for its use. Vice President Durrani requested that additional suggestions be sent to him within the next week. Dr. Elya Joffemoved that the decision to identify uses for this Fund be delegated to the EAB OpCom. The motion passed. (Reference Agenda Item 13)
  1. Managing Director’s Report. Dr. Gorham gave a presentation on current EAD activities, including the 2011 IEEE President’s Scholarship Winner, Metrics for Specific EAD programs, Staff changes, Expansion of Continuing Education, and New Initiatives and Grants. (Reference Agenda Item 14)
  1. EAB Finance Committee (EAB FinCom) Report. Mr. Enrique Alvarez, Chair of the EAB Finance Committee (FinCom), presented an EAB FinCom Report on EAD programs, and includedthe EAB and IEEE-HKN Budget Summaries for. (Reference Agenda Item 15)
  1. First Professional Degree in Engineering. Dr. Leah Jamieson, Chair of the EAB Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), gave an update on changes to the IEEE Position Statement on this topic, as edited by IEEE President Dr. Moshe Kam working with IEEE-USA. Consensus was to continue to pursue discussion amongst the volunteers. (Reference Agenda Item 16)
  1. Executive Session. An Executive Session was called at 10:40 a.m. and held until 11:45a.m. The results were as follows:
  2. Selection of IEEE Representative Director to the ABET Board of Directors. Approved theselection of a candidate, to be made to the IEEE Board of Directors, to serve as the IEEE Representative Director to the ABET Board of Directors. (Reference Agenda Item 18b)
  3. Selection of 2011IEEE EAB Award Recipients. Approved the selection of 2011 IEEE EAB Award Recipients as recommendedby theEAB Awards and Recognition Committee. (Reference Agenda Item 18a)

Dr. Durrani informed the EAB that Bernard Widrow of Stanford University has been selected as the 2011 Recipient of the IEEE EAB Vice President’s Award and will also be a part of the IEEE EAB Awards Ceremony in November.

He also expressed his appreciation to both Dr. S.K. Ramesh and the EAB ARC for a fine job in identifying individuals to be selected to receive EAB Awards in 2011.

Dr. Jamieson noted that congratulations is to be given to the 2010 Committee for the selection of the 2010 recipient of the Pre-University Education Award, Lewis Chappalear, who has since been elected to serve on a panel as an educator.

  1. Selection of Candidates for 2012 VP-EA Candidate Slate for 2012. Approved the selection of candidates to be recommendedto the IEEE N&A Committee for the position of 2012 VP-EA. (Reference Agenda Item 18c)
  1. Recognition of IEEE-HKN Eminent Members. Dr. S.K. Ramesh advised that the EAB ARC considered a request from the IEEE Awards Board recommending that the recognition of IEEE-HKN Eminent Members, currently a part of the IEEE Honors Ceremony, be handled by the Organizational Unit to which the Standing Committee, IEEE-HKN, reports. It was acknowledged that the most appropriate place for this recognition would be at the IEEE EAB Awards Ceremony. On behalf of EAB ARC, Dr. Ramesh moved that the IEEE-HKN Eminent Member Recognition(s) presentation venue, as presented to the IEEE EAB, be approved. The motion passed.

In addition, Dr. Ramesh also noted that the current selection process for IEEE-HKN Eminent Members does not involve EAB ARC, or EAB, which will require some modification. On behalf of the EAB ARC, Dr. Ramesh moved that the IEEE-HKN Eminent Member Recognition Committee (EMRC) be appointed by the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors and that the EMRC recommend individuals to the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors and the IEEE EAB ARC for induction, and ultimate approval, by the IEEE EAB. After discussion, the motion was withdrawn.

After further discussion, it was moved that the decision on the process of how individuals are selected and approved as Eminent Members be delegated to the EAB OpCom for resolution. The motion passed.

The EAB recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and resumed at 1:05 p.m.

  1. IEEE-HKN Induction Ceremony. Dr. Stephen M. Goodnick, President of IEEE-HKN, presided over the IEEE-HKN Induction Ceremony and reviewed what is expected of IEEE-HKN individuals. The following individuals were inducted into the Eta – Board of Governors Chapter: Roger D. Pollard, Elya Joffe and Vincenzo Piuri, all from Region 8. (Reference Agenda Item 21)
  2. EAB Strategic Planning Session. Dr. Leah Jamieson, Chair of the EAB Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), presented logistics for the “IEEE EAB Strategy Session.” She reviewed the progress that the group had made during the February 2011 EAB Meeting, and then the Board members and guests divided into three groups, each representing Students/Educators, Practitioners, and Public, to discuss EAB’s Core Purpose and Values, and the 10-30 Year Outlook. The groups then developed EAB’s Big Audacious Goal:
    “Be the recognized and respected portal for IEEE’s educational resources, global in reach but local in relevance, supporting life-long learning and catalyzing change through education.”

A spokesperson was identified for each group as follows: Education Sector (M. Lightner); Practitioners Sector (E. Alvarez); and Public Sector (S.K. Ramesh). All were requested to provide their group’s comments to the Educational Activities staff along with the names of those who were in the group. (Reference Agenda Item 22)

  1. Report: IEEE Representative to the ABET Board of Directors. Dr. Michael R. Lightner, IEEE Representative Director to the ABET Board of Directors, presented information on current ABET activities. Included among these were: changes in ABET staff;. Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) was voted in as a new Associate Member; Associate Society dues was decreased by 50% in an effort to increase the number of Associate Members; ABET’s Strategic Plan; INTAC’s name change to the Global Council (GC); and ABET Election Procedures. (Reference Agenda Item 24)
  2. Discussion: IEEE eLearning Library Revenue Distribution. Professor Maja Bystrom, Chair of the EAB eLearning Library Editorial Board, proposeda requested change in the eLearning Library’s Revenue Distribution Model to Societies/Councils, which would allow for future investments in EA projects and products. In a review of 2010 and 2011 budget numbers, and how change would have differed under the new Model, she advised that 25% of gross revenue would now go back to the OUs, while 75% would stay in EAB. It was moved to approve the new revenue distribution model as provided. The motion passed.(Reference Agenda Item 25)
  3. Report: IEEE eLearning Library. Professor Bystrom reported that the IEEE eLearning Library Editorial Board is on track to meet their new production and revenue goals for the year. (Reference Agenda Item 26)
  4. Report: Cloud Computing and IEEE EAB. Dr. Lightner reported on the Cloud Computing new initiative to be funded by the IEEE New Initiative Committee. It was moved that EAB endorse the educational components of the Cloud Computing initiative and, as appropriate, would like to be a partner on the CCI NIC proposal. The motion passed. (Reference Agenda Item 27)
  5. Report and Presentation: Standards Education Committee. Mr. David Law presented a report on 2011 goals for the Standards Education Committee (SEC); SEC-sponsored Student Grants and Student Paper Competitions; upcoming Standards Education Workshop; Global Standards Search New Initiative; Standards Education e-Magazine; and Standards Education in India Ad Hoc Commmittee. (Reference Agenda Item 29)
  6. Report: Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Update. Mr. Prasanna Venkatesan, GOLD Representative to EAB, reported on collaboration efforts between GOLD and the EAB. Activities include: EPICs projects and TISP workshops, continuing education in India, the GOLD - EAB Continuing Education Ad Hoc Committee and promotional efforts. (Reference Agenda Item 30)
  1. Discussion: Upcoming Requirements to Support SPIE Accreditation. Mr. Richard Painter, APC Chair, spoke about the need for the development of requirements in cooperation with the Photonics Society, as IEEE has been designated to be the co-lead society for the accreditation of optical, photonic, and similarly named engineering programs. He also advised that the Committee on Engineering Accreditation Activities (CEAA), would be presenting a Charter change for approval, and also proposed program criteria, on this topic in the future. (Reference Agenda Item 31)
  1. Report: IEEE Workshop on Common Nomenclature for Computing-Related Programs in Latin America. Professor Teófilo Ramos, Program Chair of this project, submitted a presentation on this topic, as referenced in the Agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 32)
  2. Report: Continuing Professional Education Committee (CPEC). Received a written report from Mr. Eric Tappert, Chair, EAB Continuing Professional Education Committee (CPEC), as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 33)
  3. Report: Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC). Received a written report from Dr. Elizabeth Burd, Chair, EAB Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee (PECC), as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 34)
  4. Report: Editorial Board for Engineering, Technology and Computing Portals(ETCP). Received a written report from Dr. James Irvine, Chair, EAB Editorial Board for Engineering, Technology and Computing Portals (ETCP), as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 35)
  5. Member and Geographic Activities Board Report from Representatives to the EAB. Received a written report from Antonio C. Ferreira (Region 9), and S.K. Ramesh (Region 6), Representatives from Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) to EAB, as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 36)
  6. Report: IEEE-HKN. Received a written report from Dr. Stephen Goodnick, 2011 President of IEEE-HKN, as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 37)
  1. Report: Technical Activities Board (TAB) Representatives to the EAB. Received a Draft copy of the Minutes from the February 2011 TAB Meeting from Dr. Elya Joffe, as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 38)
  1. Information: IEEE International Workshop on Ethics in Science and Engineering – A Proposal for Consideration. Dr. Joffe, IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) Liaison to the EAB, advised of the IEEE International Ethics Workshop and requested EAB to support this workshop and get involved. It was suggested that more concrete plans for the workshop be brought before the November 2011 EAB Meeting for review and possible approval. Dr. Joffe requested that the EAB members review the backup material and provide him with comments, if any. (Reference Agenda Item 39)
  1. Information: iNARTE-RABQSA Affiliation. Dr. Joffe gave a presentation on the iNARTE-RABQSA affiliation and how it will assist in providing a broader scope of certification on the global scale. This affiliation provides opportunities for the EAB to assist in the establishment of respected and successful personal certification programs. Dr. Joffe was requested to work with Dr. Gorham and Ms. Eileen Fitzgerald to explore potential opportunities. (Reference Agenda Item 40)
  1. Discussion: Searching for Material on IEEE Xplore. Dr. Joffe led a discussion on the difficulty of finding papers in IEEE Xplore, and that an additional category be added to the Table of Content Alerts. Dr. Joffe moved that EAB request PSPB to make review/survey/overview papers easy to find in IEEE Xplore, and that a fourth category, "Reviews & Tutorials," be added to the Table of Content Alerts.” The motion passed. Vice President Durrani agreed hewould work with PSPB on this topic. (Reference Agenda Item 41)
  2. Report: IEEE Conferences Committee. Received a written report from Dr. Timothy Kurzweg, EAB Representative to the IEEE Conferences Committee, as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 42)
  1. Report: Women in Engineering Committee (WIE). Received a written report from Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu, Chair, IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC), as submitted with the agenda. (Reference Agenda Item 43)
  1. Report: IEEE-USA. Received a copy of the IEEE-USA report to the IEEE Board of Directors from the February 2011meeting, from Scott Grayson of IEEE-USA. (Reference Agenda Item 44)
  2. Old Business. No old business was discussed.
  3. New Business. No new business was discussed.
  4. Next Meeting. The next meeting of the IEEE Educational Activities Board will be held on Saturday, 19November 2011 at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
  1. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. (PDT).

Submitted by

Douglas Gorham, Ed.D.

Managing Director& Secretary

IEEE Educational Activities