Career Goals and Plans
Write a brief statement which describes your long term career goals and plans you have for realising associated aims in the next 3-5 year period. Milestones are likely to include major research projects, the development of modules, or degree programmes, initiatives within the University and external activities. You should mention your career aspirations in terms of developing your research and teaching and how this will enable promotion and career progression. It will be helpful if you can describe changes you are trying to bring about in the balance of priority of your activities, guidance you would find useful to have, and what opportunities you believe would further your career at the University.
Career Goals and Plans
Over the next 3 to 5 years my personal goals are:
1. Within 3 years, lead, as PI, a major European funded research project that will allow me to:
a. to develop single authored publications
b. to develop a new network of collaborators including PhD students and post-docs
2. gain greater international recognition for research on survey methodology and gender and politics (next 5 years]
3. provide leadership within the UK and Europe on my field of research within 5 years
Other goals include:
Develop skills to provide effective leadership within college
Achieve and maintain appropriate balance between research, teaching and support for research and teaching.
Research and Scholarship
PDR Summary Sheet and Development Plan
Name:PDR review period:
Review your major achievements in the review period
Add areas identified for development in the review period ie reflections and actions addressing issues/challenges identified in the previous review (state date achieved)
… 2009. "…." Journal of European Public Policy…
Also submitted chapters for Oxford University Press and to a special issue of Electoral Studies.
Effective project management
Co-Investigator…[Principle Investigator…University of Oxford]. Economic & Social Research Council. Amount Awarded £277,980 [amount to Exeter approx £13,000].
Co-Investigator… 2008-2011. (Principal Investigators…)
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme [Section: Capacities]. Amount awarded… €162,000 (total amount for project €2,400,000).
[…was awarded an additional 45,000euro for hiring a post-doctoral researcher to complete work].
Principal Investigator/Project Coordinator. Marie Curie Initial Training Network in Electoral Democracy ... 2009-2012. European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme [Section: People]. Amount awarded €3.2 million for entire network [amount to Exeter approx. €650,000]. Start date 1 October, 2009.
Successful grants
Co-investigator…2010-14…Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Amount requested £296,372. Outcome: Recommended for funding, awaiting issue of grant.
Your future personal goals related to research and scholarship
Could refer to team goal as well (state time frame and key milestones)
- I am currently involved in 3 large collaborative research projects. These projects should yield significant publications over the next 2 years.
- Research Short term goals: (next 6 months) – submit 2 papers for publications
- Longer term publication plans include a methods book currently contracted with Routledge. This delivery of this book has been delayed. I am also working on additional output from the above mentioned research projects.
- I will submit an ERC proposal in April. Planning for that is already underway. The research follows on from research I started but did not fully complete…I expect that the budget for this 4-5 year project will be approx. 1 million euro.
- Fellowship at NIAS for a 5 to 10 month period. I have been invited to participate in a group of researchers planning for the 2014 European Election Study. We will have a launch meeting in January. As part of this project, fellowships will be available from September 2012 at NIAS which is a prestigious research facility in the Netherlands. I would like to apply for one of these as part of the ERC bid.
Allocate time for research
Training in additional advanced techniques
Establish group on multi-level analysis at University
Academic Lead Comments
SignaturesMember of Staff:
Academic Lead:
PDR Summary Sheet and Development Plan
Name:PDR review period:
Review your major achievements in the review period
Add areas identified for development in the review period ie reflections and actions addressing issues/challenges identified in the previous review (state date achieved)
- Presentations to European Parliament on… I was invited for a second time in March 2010 to address a group at the European Parliament …
- Engagement with…training of researchers, impact in European Research Area in regard to employment of post-docs and PhD researchers. Contribution to knowledge based economy.
- Contribution to debate and field of cross-national survey research in Europe through reports written for EU funded project that give account of developing an infrastructure in Europe for a permanent consortium for the collection of election related data.
Your future personal goals related to impact
Could refer to team goal as well (state time frame and key milestones)
Contribution to debate on electoral reform in UK and at European level through…
In particular to debate on women’s representation and engagement in politics through…
Build further collaboration with private opinion research firms.
Apply for EU funded training stipends to build links between Higher Education and Private Industry
Academic Lead Comments
SignaturesMember of Staff:
Academic Lead:
PDR Summary Sheet and Development Plan
Name:PDR review period:
Review your major achievements in the review period
Add areas identified for development in the review period ie reflections and actions addressing issues/challenges identified in the previous review (state date achieved)
Your future personal goals related to education
Could refer to team goal as well (state time frame and key milestones)
- Given research ‘buyout’ and administrative duties, I currently do not lead any modules. However, I will contribute on an ad hoc basis to modules at both UG and PG level. I will also continue to supervise UG and PGT dissertations as well as PGRs.
- Develop PGT portfolio across…(including Cornwall) that showcases inter-disciplinary strengths in subjects such as anthropology and environment and sustainability
- promote sustainable/growth in UG programme in ..Cornwall by attracting and retaining new appointment through ESI
Academic Lead Comments
SignaturesMember of Staff:
Academic Lead:
PDR Summary Sheet and Development Plan
Name:PDR review period:
Review your major achievements in the review period
Add areas identified for development in the review period ie reflections and actions addressing issues/challenges identified in the previous review (state date achieved)
- Participated in EU funded projects building international collaboration…
- Hosted workshops with international scholars…
- Travelled to Istanbul to meet with alums and potential students. Gave 2 lectures on my research at alumni events.
- Gave workshop for International Summer School at Exeter
- Met with Dean of…
Your future personal goals related to internationalisation
Could refer to team goal as well (state time frame and key milestones)
- Develop further international research collaborations in US, Europe and Asia
- Represent Exeter internationally.
- Attract more international students.
- Develop curriculum that incorporate cultural diversity.
- Take opportunity to meet with alums and potential students when travel for conferences.
- Develop programmes with INTO.
Academic Lead Comments
SignaturesMember of Staff:
Academic Lead:
Other Significant Contributions to the University
PDR Summary Sheet and Development Plan
Name:PDR review period:
Review your major achievements in the review period
Add areas identified for development in the review period ie reflections and actions addressing issues/challenges identified in the previous review (state date achieved)
Your future personal goals related to other significant University and College contributions
Could refer to team goal as well (state time frame and key milestones)
Effectively lead …on… strategy.
Academic Lead Comments
SignaturesMember of Staff:
Academic Lead: