When & Where

Elijah Rising Headquarters

5818 SW Freeway

Houston, TX 77057

Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 7:00 PM

What are these Van Tours all about?
Elijah Rising is committed to fighting sex trafficking in Houston. Our Van Tours are a Sex Trafficking 101 class on wheels, complete with visuals and personal testimonies. The tour route is chosen based on extensive research and intervention efforts by our staff into areas known for their sex industry activity in Houston.

Not sure what to make of all this? A Van Tour is a great place to start if you just want to learn more about sex trafficking in our city or how you could get involved in the fight against it. More than 6,000 people have taken an Elijah Rising Van Tour since our founding.

When do Van Tours run?
Tours are offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm, and some Saturday mornings at 10am. However, our staff is occasionally available to accommodate other times. Please email to inquire about a special tour.

How can I schedule one?
You can register for an available Van Tour seat here. If all the seats on your preferred tour are sold out, you can add your name to a waitlist to be notified of a vacancy. For larger groups, or to inquire about arranging a special tour, email .

How long are Van Tours?
Each tour lasts no longer than two hours. This includes a walkthrough of our headquarters, time in the van, a debriefing period, and Q&As. Tour leaders are ordinarily available to share about Elijah Rising’s work afterward, as well.

What time do they start?
All tours begin promptly at the listed time. We ask that guests make every effort to arrive no later than the listed starting time.

How many people can go on a Van Tour?
We can accommodate up to 12 people on each tour.

Do I have to have a group, or can I go as an individual?
Many church groups do take the tour, but we welcome all who are interested, whether individually or with a group. Visit here to check availability.

How much does it cost?
Elijah Rising offers Van Tours free of charge. We are a nonprofit organization dependent on private donations, and you will be offered an opportunity to invest in our work at the conclusion of the tour.

Where do we meet up?
Tours meet first at our headquarters, a building that was once an Asian massage parlor, at 5818 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX, 77057. Parking is available in the back of the building. Tours begin with a briefing and tour of our headquarters.

Is the Van Tour safe?
We remain in the van at all times. The van windows are tinted to protect our guests’ anonymity. You may see some activity, but we ask that you not engage with it on this tour.

Can I bring my child on a Van Tour?
Children as young as ten have taken the tour with their parents. However, due to the nature of Elijah Rising’s work and the sexually explicit images you may see, it will be too graphic for some children. We strongly encourage you first to pray about exposing your child to this experience. Then use your best judgment and knowledge of your child before bringing him or her along.

What if I registered for a Van Tour but have to cancel?
If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, please email or call (832) 628-3439 as soon as possible. Van Tour seats are limited, and most tours have a waitlist. We will try to fill any vacant slot.

What is your worldview and perspective on the sex industry?
Elijah Rising is a Christian organization, and Van Tours have an unapologetically Christian worldview. We begin and end each tour with prayer.
Can I help lead Van Tours?
Yes! Most tours are led and driven by volunteers. Van Tours are a great way to start out with Elijah Rising and inspire future justice warriors. We will provide all of the necessary training. To volunteer, email .

To register:

Go to the following web address:

Call or Text:
(832) 628-3439

5818 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77057


Detach and return______

My child ______,has permission to attend this event. I understand that this event is held outside of the school day and is not a course requirement. I have registered my student for the van tour and read and agreed to all of the risks associated with the tour.

Parent Signature Date