Fitness Center


The risk of illness or injury exists in any activity where individuals areexerting themselves in a physical fitness class. Students participating in physical fitness classes must adhere to all precautions and rules to reduce their risk of illness or injury.

The following rules apply to all staff and students.

  1. Always warm up and stretch prior to your workout and cool down and stretch after your workout.
  2. When participating in outdoor activity, students are encouraged to use appropriate sun protection.
  3. It is recommended that students check with a physician and guardian for medical clearance and to receive additional medically appropriate movement and exercise intensity modifications.
  4. It is recommended that you inform your teacher of any illness, condition (past or present), injury, soreness, medication, etc. that could in anyway affect your physical exertion.
  5. Stop exercising immediately and notify the teacher if any of the following conditions arise: unusual fatigue, nausea, dizziness, tightness or pain in the chest, lightheadedness, loss of muscle control, severe breathlessness, allergic reactions, or blurring vision.
  6. Report any and all illness or injury immediately. Complete an incident report.
  7. Always hydrate yourself.
  8. You can protect yourself from infections by practicing good hygiene (e.g., keeping your hands clean by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand rub); covering any open skin area such as abrasions or cuts with a clean dry bandage; and wiping surfaces of equipment before and after use.
  • Most accidents occur when individuals are careless or uninformed about safety practices.
  • In the fitness center, you are responsible for your safety and the safety of others.
  • Learn the following guidelines, always observe safe practices, and never take chances where safety is concerned.
  • Appropriateattire andshoes with closed toes are essential to help prevent injuries and to accomplish workout goals.



Learn the proper techniques for each lift. Each machine is designed to exercise a specific muscle or muscle group. Using a machine incorrectly may cause injury, or not exercise the muscle as prescribed. Make your teacher aware of any problem.

  1. Evaluate both your cardiovascular fitness and your flexibility before working out and workout appropriate to your fitness level.
  2. Protect the joints from torque (twisting), especially at the knee and ankle joints.
  3. Never lock (hyper-extend) the elbow or knee.
  4. Alignment should be a priority; be serious about learning proper technique.
  5. Never bounce the joints when stretching.
  6. You must be within sight of a partner or teacher

Below are some points to remember:

  • Use resistance you can lift with proper technique through the full range of motion.
  • (Do not hold your breath). Breathe normally while lifting.
  • Follow your teachers regimen and instructions in regards to weight/resistance and reps and/or duration.

Special Concerns

  • During your workout drink sufficient water. (Fountains are close by).
  • Do not have gum or food in your mouth when you are lifting.
  • Deep breathing may cause you to inhale a foreign object.
  • Eating just before a workout is not advisable.
  • Report to your teacher any machine that looks unsafe (worn cable, loose bolts, pins, etc.)
  • Do not use a machine that appears unsafe or broken.
  • Do not attempt to repair any machine