NO. R-38Page 1

NO. R-38. Senate concurrent resolution in memory of former United States Bankruptcy Judge Charles J. Marro.


By Senators Illuzzi, Carris, Maynard and Mullin,

Whereas, Rutland native Charles Marro’s distinguished tenure as the United States Bankruptcy Judge for the district of Vermont lasted for 44 years from 1941 until his retirement in 1985, and

Whereas, at the time of his retirement, he was the longest serving federal bankruptcy court jurist, and even after retirement, he continued to hear cases on occasion, and

Whereas, the future judge was born on June 24, 1910, to Italian immigrant parents who named him Girolamo; and, as was not unusual in1915, the nuns at St. Peter’s School changed the young boy’s name to Charles to facilitate easier pronunciation, and

Whereas, after graduating from RutlandHigh School in 1927, Charles Marro became the first member of the eight Marro children to attend college, and

Whereas, he was a 1931 graduate of Columbia University and proceeded on to Fordham University Law School, from which he graduated in 1934, and

Whereas, returning home to Rutland, Charles Marro commenced the practice of law and was appointed Federal bankruptcy judge for Vermont in 1941, and

Whereas, Judge Marro was passionate about the law and conducted his hearings in a respectful manner and with great humility, and

Whereas, he was committed to serving the public and never cancelled a court session, but would be certain not to schedule court during August in order to attend the harness horse races at Saratoga, New York, and

Whereas, in 1996, the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges honored Judge Marro for more than 50 years of service on the federal bankruptcy bench, and

Whereas, in November 2006, a Dahl Taylor portrait of Judge Marro was unveiled at a ceremony in the federal courthouse in Rutland, and

Whereas, his family included his wife, Helen, his sons, Joseph and Charles, and daughter, Albina, five grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren, and

Whereas, his death in 2006 at the age of 96 marked the conclusion of a long and honorable life, now therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:

That the General Assembly honors the memory of former United States Bankruptcy Judge Charles Marro and extends its condolences to his family, and be it further

Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to Helen Marro in Rutland, and be it further

Resolved: That the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings and General Services place a copy of this resolution in a place of public prominence and view in the Rutland District and Family Court.