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The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing Body.

The January 12, 2015regular meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Dennis Bronson.

Council members Joe Byer,Patrick Dick,Dennis Dye,Kim Hoffman and Bill Shawwere present for roll call. City Staff present wasCity Superintendent Shawn Burgey, City Attorney Don Knappenberger, Police Chief Doug Brown, andCity ClerkJane Dickson. There were 12 guests present.

Gene Tucker led the council and audience in the Invocation andPledge of Allegiance.


City Clerk Dickson requested airport - which was added at “C” under old business; Council member Dick requested adding trash service - which was added at “D” under old business; and City Sup’t Burgey requested adding purchasing a trailer for the electric department - which was added at “F” under new business.


Council member Hoffman had a question regarding one of the invoices which City Clerk Dickson answered. Council member Dick made a motion toapprove the consent agenda which included theminutes from the December 22, 2014 regular council meeting;and Appropriation Order 25-14; Council Member Dye seconded the motion. Motion carried 5– 0.


W&L Utility / $90,218.34
General / $50,368.86
Ritz Theatre / $1,774.35
Sewage Disposal / $0.00
Airport / $105.99
Solid Waste Refuse / $4,118.43
Community Education / $798.45
Special Highway / $0.00
Capital Fund / $0.00
TOTAL AMOUNT PAID / $147,384.42


The only communication was from Stafford County Economic Development regarding the Healthy Community Design Summit in Garden City in February which was included in the council packets.


No public comment.


  1. City Clerk Dickson presented Great Plain Development – the Grant Administrator request for payment on the Phase 1 grant for $5,940 and bid advertisement for $49.96 for a total payment request of $5,989.96. Council member Dye made a motion to approve the payment of $5,989.96; Council member Dick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 – 0.
  2. City Clerk Dickson presented the Phase I Generator Replacement bids:
  1. CrisNaegle has submitted a quote from Logic Control for motor starter for the radiator fans for generator 6 & 7. Logic Control is the sole local vendor for these starters and the quote is for $5,101.62. Council member Hoffman made a motion to approve this bid, contingent on approval from Faye Trent CDBG Grant Administrator; Council member Dick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0.
  2. CrisNaegle has submitted quotes from Foley Caterpillar and Silex International for the required spring isolators mounting plates for the two new Caterpillar units. Foley’s quote is for $2,000 for each unit or $4,000 and Silex’s quote is for $2,120 for each unit or $4,240. Cris recommends accepting Foley Caterpillar’s quote. Council member Hoffman made a motion to approve Foley Caterpillar’s contingent upon approval from Faye Trent CDBG Grant Administrator; Council member Dick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 – 0.
  1. Airport – City Clerk Dickson presented a letter from Deana Eisenhour, Office Clerk, regarding the need for a policy at the airport for hanger rental. The City owns the property and leases the property to the hanger owners. Council member Hoffman stated in her opinion the airport board should have this authority. She suggested having the airport board draw up rules & regulations with the City Attorney’s help to present to the Council by the first meeting in March.
  2. Trash Service – Council member Dick stated he has received numerous calls & messages regarding the trash and/or recycling had not been picked up or the recycling was not sorted from the trash. Other council members stated they had received similar calls. After much discussion, Council member Hoffman stated that we could not lose another business in the county – one that pays taxes in the county; employees live that in the county; and purchases made within the county.


  1. Pratt Area Humane Society – SNAP – Pam Howell, DVM presented a report on the how the funds given in 2014 were used. Council member Shaw questioned her regarding Stafford being able to use the shelter in Pratt. She suggested someone attend the Board Meeting on 01/13/14 at 5:30 PM in the Municipal Building. Council member Hoffman made a motion to donate the same amount as last year, $500; Council member Shaw seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Chief of Police Doug Brown left the meeting at 7:40 PM.

  1. Charter Ordinance 13 – This ordinance was suggested by the attorney codifying out code. The ordinance would exempt the City from K.S.A. 12-16, 128 which relates to appointments by the Mayor. If the council does not approve an appointment made by the Mayor they must make specific findings by passage of a resolution that theperson is unqualified to hold the office or is not fit to hold the office or position. This died for a lack of motion.
  2. Codification – Council members had not received the updated code so this was tabled until the next meeting.
  3. Survey – The report was included in the council packets. There was discussion regarding the results of the survey. Mayor announced the next Town Hall Meeting on February 16 at 7:00 PM at the Ritz Theater.
  4. Executive Session – nonelected personnel – Council member Byer made a motion to recess into executive session for non-elected personnel until 8:00 PM with the Council, Mayor, City Attorney, and City Superintendent present; Council member Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 – 1 with Council member Shaw voting nay. Council recessed at 7:52. Council returned to regular session at 8:00 PM. No action taken.
  5. Trailer for electric department – Shawn presented a quote and brochure from Sunflower Trailer for a tilt trailer. Shawn explained that this type of trailer can be towed behind the bucket truck when they are trimming trees, this will be less equipment in the alleys. The cost of the trailer from Sunflower is $6,750.00. Council requested Shawn get at least 2 more quotes.

City Superintendent Shawn Burgey

Shawn reported that Farabee is working at the power plant. CrisNaegle is sending out bids for the catalytic converters. Shawn reported that the new lights, conduits, etc at the airport will cost approximately $16,000. Solar powered lights with battery backup will cost about the same amount.

Chief of Police Doug Brown

Not present.

City Attorney Don Knappenberger

Don had nothing to report.

City Clerk Jane Dickson

Jane reported she had received a call from Bickley Foster regarding a base map for the City of Stafford. The cost of this map would be $1,500.


With no further business before the Council - Council MemberShawmade a motion to adjourn at 8:10P.M.; Council MemberDyeseconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Dennis Bronson, Mayor



Jane Dickson, City Clerk