Instructor: Mrs. Lisa Anderson
School Phone: (714)663 – 6515
E-mail Address: (please contact me through the .us NOT .net address)
Room: 602
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2:50 - 3:15 pm, Wednesday 8:30 - 9:00 am, or by appointment
Textbook: Prentice Hall Health
Google Classroom Code: ______
Recommended Supplies:
Spiral notebook with at least 120 pages (pages should measure 8 ½ X 11 or larger) AND a glue stick OR
3-ring binder AND a hole punch
These materials must be acquired and brought to class every day starting______. A highlighter, ruler, set of colored pencils or markers, and pair of scissors are also strongly recommended.
Focus Standards: From the California Health Education Content Standards -
1) All students will comprehend essential concepts related to enhancing health.
2) All students will demonstrate the ability to analyze internal and external influences that affect health.
3) All students will demonstrate the ability to access and analyze health information, products, and services.
4) All students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.
5) All students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
6) All students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
7) All students will demonstrate the ability to practice behaviors that reduce risk and promote health.
8) All students will demonstrate the ability to promote and support personal, family, and community health.
Family Life Education - Students are no longer required to have parent permission in order to participate in the human reproduction portion of our class. Parents who do not want their children to participate must turn in a written request prior to the start of that unit.
Grading Policies and Procedures: Student grades will be based on the following:
Formative Assessments (shall total no more than 40% of a student’s overall grade)
1) Interactive Notebook: Students will keep all warm-ups, notes, and most written work in their notebook. The notebook must be assembled according to directions given in class and must be kept up to date. Notebooks will be collected approximately every two weeks and graded using a rubric and/or through the use of a notebook quiz.
2) Formative Projects: Students will be assigned approximately one project per chapter. Specific directions will be provided at the beginning of each unit.
3) Digital Assignments: Students will complete and turn in work through Google classroom.
4) Miscellaneous: As time permits, students may be assigned group projects, extended credit, and/or other opportunities to influence their grade.
Summative Assessments (shall total no less than 60% of a student’s overall grade)
1) Exams: An exam will be given after each topical area of study. Students will be notified at least three days in advance. A study guide for each test will be posted on my Google classroom. A cumulative final exam will be given at the end of the semester. An extensive review sheet will be provided at least one week in advance of the final. Missed exams must be made up no later than the next extension period.
2) Course Project: Students will be assigned a project where they will research and present information on a health - related topic. Directions and a detailed scoring rubric will be given approximately one month before the project is due, and ample class time will be provided to complete the project.
Late Work Policy:
Late work will be accepted only through the next unit. Students will lose 25% of the total point value for each day it is late. Half credit will be given from the second day work is late until the end of the next unit. At that point, work will not be accepted. Students who do not complete their summative projects on time may not be given the opportunity to present at a later date.
Note for Special Education Students and Students with Disabilities:
Modified assignments, projects, and tests are available for all students who are entitled under
their IEP or 504 plans. Other accommodations will be provided as specified for each student.
Attendance: Attendance is crucial to academic success. Per school policy, students who are absent will be given one day per day absent to make up their work for on-time credit. Students who miss an exam must make it up within two weeks of the original test date. Make-up exams will not be given during regular class time. Students may make up the exam during the next extension period, before school, or at lunch or after school by appointment. It is always the responsibility of the student to obtain his/her make-up work and complete by the above stated deadlines. Most (but not all) assignments will be posted on the Google Classroom.
Class Rules and Regulations: All school rules, including the tardy, dress code, and electronic device policies will be strictly enforced. In addition, students are to come to class prepared, materials in hand, ready to work. They are to be on task and respectful of others during the entire class period. Additional policies include:
Cheating – Cheating is never acceptable. Students who are caught cheating on an exam or in any other way claiming someone else’s work as their own will be subject to the school’s progressive discipline policy. Students who are caught copying another student’s notebook (even just a single entry) will be given no more than half credit for the entire notebook check. Students copying multiple pages will receive a 0 and be subject to further consequences. Absent students who would like to view another student’s notebook as a way of seeing what they missed must get permission from the teacher first.
Food and Beverages - Water and healthy snacks (yogurt, fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese, etc.) may be consumed, as long as the student is discrete and cleans up after him/herself. Unhealthy snacks (chips, candy, crackers, etc.) and all drinks other than water will be confiscated and returned to the student or parent after school.
Homework from Other Classes – Students may not work on assignments from other classes unless they are completely finished with their Health assignment for the day. If they choose to do so, work will be confiscated.
Electronic Devices – Cell phones and other electronic devices must be silenced and out of sight at all times unless the student has asked for and received permission to use them.
Hall Pass –Students may leave class no more than twice each unit. Before leaving, they must have their unit organizer signed and take the hall pass with them.
Extra Help: Students who need extra help for any reason are welcome to come in during my office hours listed above. Additional help will also be offered during the extended periods.
I have read and understand the course information outlined above:
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Signature______Date______