Jenks West Intermediate

Widener/Onorato Team

Contact Information

Moriah Widener, Math/Science Teacher

299-4415, ext. 2975

Sarah Onorato, Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher

299-4415, ext. 2254

Michelle Sumner, Site Principal

299-4415, ext. 2900


Specials Teachers

D’Ann Hargrove, Music

Ed Skotarek, P.E.

Romney Nesbit, Art


Bonnie Rosebrook

299-4415, ext.2900

Nurse’s Office

Diane Frie, R.N.

299-4415, ext. 2914


Welcome to the 5th Grade!! We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year! We hope this packet of information will help give you a better understanding of procedures, curriculum, and upcoming activities. We will continue to update you with e-mail messages and newsletters throughout the school year. Most school information will continue to come home on Thursdays. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or comments. By establishing a good working relationship between parents, school staff and students, 5th grade should prove to be a very successful year.



Widener Homeroom

7:40-8:05 Agenda & Announcements

8:05-10:10 Math/Science

10:15-11:00 Social Studies

11:00-11:20 Recess

11:20-11:40 Lunch

11:45-12:20 DEAR time/Conferences

12:20-1:00 Specials

1:05-2:20 Language Arts

2:20-2:30 Dismissal

Onorato Homeroom

7:40-8:05 Agenda & Announcements

8:05-10:10 Language Arts/Social Studies

10:15-11:00 Science

11:00-11:20 Recess

11:20-11:40 Lunch

11:45-12:20 DEAR time/Conferences

12:20-1:00 Specials

1:05-2:20 Math

2:20-2:30 Dismissal


Discipline Plan:

West Intermediate continues to expect responsible, reliable and respectful behavior from our students and staff. Students are encouraged to work toward building positive character habits which will help them be successful in all areas of their lives. We believe that your child has the right to a productive learning setting and safe environment while in our care. Behavior that is disruptive, disrespectful or interferes with the safety of students and staff will be dealt with according to school policy. We trust our 5th graders to do the right thing. We will continue to work out difficulties within our classrooms; however, Noon Reflection, Work Detail, In-house Suspension, or Out-of-School Suspension may be assigned if needed. If a student is disrupting the learning in the classroom three times in a day, they will be assigned a Noon Reflection (missed recess). The student will reflect on the actions that caused him /her to get there and make a plan of action for improvement.


Your child will need the following supplies in addition to the general supply list.

2 additional composition notebooks

Wish List:

We always need more sticky notes, dry erase markers, kleenex, and hand-sanitizer. We are also collecting empty and CLEAN 2 liter bottles for our first science exploration.


In our classrooms as in all WI classrooms, students will write down their daily assignments each day in their agendas. They will also be directed to write down due dates for projects, approaching tests, quizzes, parent meetings and other pertinent information. Please sign your child's agenda every THURSDAY. EachThursday, graded work and important fliers from the school will come home in their “Thursday Folder.” Please remove the papers from the folder and return anything that is requested. Most of our class work is kept at the school in their notebooks. Feel free contact us any time if you would like to see your student’s work.

Students will take their TEAM binder with them to both classes. It will hold their agenda, pencil bag, homework, and important papers. They must bring their Binder (with agenda) every day to school and back home every night. This binder will help them learn to be organized and prepared.


We will send out monthly newsletters via email. It is very important that we have your current email address. If you need a paper copy of the newsletter, please let us know.


We know that many of the students are involved in outside activities and we respect your family time; however, we also believe that establishing time to study and read each evening will help your child develop responsibility that is essential to success. Please support us in making sure that your child treats homework as a priority. It is the expectation that fifth graders spend 50 minutes doing homework each evening. Homework should take no longer than 50 minutes to complete (reading and writing included!). If your child seems to be working for hours each night, please contact us so that we can help with this situation.

·  100 minutes of reading per week, to be recorded in the agenda (students will be instructed how to do this the second week of school).

·  10 minutes of math fact practice each night (use that commercial time while watching TV!)

·  One weekly math homework assignment (due Fridays)

·  Check the blog ( weekly for updates and assignments. Students will be assigned a log-in and password and are expected to respond to assignments online.

·  Any additional homework would be: studying for a test, unfinished classwork, math computer games, writing in writer’s notebook, working on a project, etc. THESE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE RECORDED IN THE AGENDA!


We are continuing with the Everyday Mathematics curriculum. Our focus will be on number sense, strengthening basic math skills, and building self-confidence in students as problem solvers. We will cover long division, long multiplication, fractions, decimals, percents, basic algebra and geometry. The students will learn to utilize various resource tools to assist them when they are unsure about ways to proceed with assignments. Unit tests, exit slips, journal entries, homework, rubrics, pop quizzes, and self-checks will provide continuous assessment information. A student’s grades at the end of the quarter will be based on what the student can do independently. Independent mastery will be determined by quizzes and tests. Each student has a SRB (Student Reference Book) and students are able to take the SRB home to assist them with their math homework. Homework will be assigned weekly, please check agenda daily for assigned homework. Students will bring home chapter reviews two nights before the tests. Please see agenda and emails for additional information. Students are expected to know their multiplication facts on demand. This is a needed foundation for the new material learned in 5th grade.


Inquiry Units:

·  Floating and Sinking

·  Ecosystems

·  Space

·  Saving the Earth

·  Weather

Literacy Workshop: Language Arts:

Writer’s Workshop

·  Students will continue practicing and developing competence in the writing process through a writer’s notebook and writer’s workshop.

·  Personal narrative, persuasive, friendly and business letter writing, descriptive, expository, and poetry will be emphasized.

Reader’s Workshop:

·  Just Right Reading-students are expected to read books on their reading level during their reading time and during novel studies.

·  Students will be given independent reading time each day to help build positive reading skills.

·  Read aloud time will be provided in class. I encourage you to continue reading with your child. They will gain so much!

·  Novels Book Clubs-Emphasis on realistic fiction, science fiction and historical fiction.

Reading Comprehension Strategies:

Your child will come home talking about “what strategic or proficient readers do.” Throughout the school year we will be learning about the following strategies during our reader’s workshop time. These strategies will help your children become active readers. They will learn that reading is an active process, and how to monitor their understanding and their inner conversation that occurs while reading. These strategies have proven to help every child become a better reader.

1. Sensory Imagery/Visualization

2. Making Connections

3. Questioning

4. Inferring

5. Determining Importance

6. Summarizing and Synthesizing

7. Using fix-up strategies

Writing Across the Curriculum:

Research supports writing in all content areas. Students will be expected to use grammar rules and other strategies taught language arts. Please support us in our efforts to make your children thinkers and writers.

Social Studies:

Units of Study

·  Geography

·  Native Americans and Their Land

·  Explorers

·  Colonial America

·  Revolutionary War

·  Historical Documents

·  Westward Expansion

Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests:

The state mandates that all fifth graders test in five subject areas: Writing, Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies. The writing test is held in February and the other four core areas are tested in April. We do not believe in cramming information into a two week period before the test. Students will receive instruction on how to be prepared for the test all year long.

Flexible Groupings:

We are planning on having the students participate in groups that change based on skill sets and instructional strategies. These groups will change many times during the school year. We are trying to provide the best learning environment for all learners on the team.


Our team will have Spanish instruction once a week during second semester by a certified Spanish teacher, Ms. Salamat. The students may have homework once a week for Spanish. Please check agenda for Spanish assignments.


Technology is incorporated into each subject area. The students will participate in various types of multi-media activities. Students will complete a typing program and receive a 3,2, or 1 for the technology objectives. Students do not receive a letter grade for technology.

Students will gain experience using Microsoft Office programs.

Progress Reports:

You can monitor your child’s progress through the parent portal. Your login information is the same as last year. If you need your login information, please let us know.


Conferences will be offered during September/October and March. More information will be sent home in September to schedule. If you need to speak with us, please feel free to call or email. It is easier to reach us via email. We check phone messages before and after school. If it is an emergency, please contact the school office.

Report Cards:

Letter grades will be assigned in the boxes above each subject area on the report card. Categories under each subject will indicate the student’s progress using a 3, 2, or 1. Please return the manila envelope after you sign and receive the report card.


3=consistently successful


1=area of concern





F=59% or below


Important Reminders:

*School begins at 7:50 A.M. and ends at 2:30 P.M.

*Parents must fill out a tardy slip for their child in the office if they arrive at school after 7:50 A.M. Students are allowed only 3 unexcused tardies then a letter will be sent home. It is WI’s policy that after three tardies the student receives a noon reflection for tardies. This is strictly enforced.

*Students may not arrive at school before 7:30 A.M. Students arriving before 7:30 A.M. must go to Before School Care and there will be a charge.

*Collaboration Days are set for October 4th, November 1st , December 6th , January 31st , February 28th , and March 28th. On these days, school will begin at 9:40.

*The office will have a must stricter attendance policy this year. After four unexcused absences, you will receive a letter explaining the action that will be taken.

As you can see, we have a lot to cover this year. Fifth grade is such an exciting time with lots of expectations for growth. Thank you for sharing your children with us this year.


Sarah Onorato and Moriah Widener


I have read and understand the Onorato/Widener team policies. Please return this page to Mrs. Widener or Mrs. Onorato.


Parent Signature Child’s Name