1)Tell about a time you encountered a new idea that challenged what you previously believed or though. What has been your response to that challenge?

2)Using the following as a starting point, tell us about a time when you faced or witnessed injustice and how that experience shaped your values and worldview. “ As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human begins must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the others”

3)What in your academic career has engaged your imagination the most?

4)Please describe an incident or a situation in your life that required your intellectual curiosity?

5)Discuss some issue of personal, local national or international concern and its importance to you?

6)How can you contribute to diversity?

7)What obstacles or challenges have you faced or overcome in your life?

8)Please relate your interest in studying at Georgetown University to your future goals.

9)“John Keats said, even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.’ Please tell us about an experience in your own life which illustrated a proverb, maxim, or quote that has special meaning for you.

10)What are significant experiences you have had, or accomplishments you have realized, that have helped to define you as a person?

11)What are the qualities of a good leader? Use examples from your personal experiences to illustrate your particular leadership style.

12)Describe how your Purdue education would support the attainment of your personal and/or professional goals.

13)In which of your accomplishments during high school do you take the greatest pride.

14)Name one book that you read during the past year that you recommend. Why?

15)Describe your most difficult challenge and how you approached it.

16)List three adjectives to describe yourself, and briefly tell why you chose each adjective.

17)Have you ever struggled with something and failed? How did you respond?

18)The university of Louisville’s slogan is ‘It’s Happening Here’ Tell us how your see UofL accomplishing this slogan and how you yourself contributing to this challenge while at UofL.

19)Why UC? How do you think this will benefit you later in life?

20)What majors are you thinking about? Why did you pick this school to pursue it?

21)In what ways so you hope to impact your profession after receiving your degree?

22)Who has been the most influential person in your life?

23)Imagine a leadership propose to undertake if chosen for the Brown Fellow program

24)Dog and cat. Coffee and Tea. Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye. Everyone knows there are two types of people in this world, what are they?

25)Identify a Christian leader in the world today. Explain the characteristics that define his or her leadership and how these characteristics have helped shape your own sense of vocation.

26)What are the issues or concerns that motivate your desire to be a more Christian leader?

27)Where is Christian leader ship needed in the world most today, and why is it needed?

28)Please submit an essay that describes your interest, commitment and involvement in nursing and your extracurricular and volunteer activities.

29)Write an essay on the following topic: How I think attending EKU will change my life.

30)Please complete a one page personal statement.

31)How would you describe yourself as a human being? What quality do you like best in yourself and what so you like least? Which quality would you like to see shine, and which would you like to see wither.

32)Tell us about your career goals and any plans you may have for graduate study.

33)Do you believe there is a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others.

34)What topics, problems or areas of communication do you plan to investigate in your graduate program?

35)Why did you select the Graduate program in the college of communications and information studies University of Kentucky as the program appropriate to your goals?

36)What are your immediate and ultimate career goals?

37)Which faculty do you believe off the closest match to your interests and education needs?

38)What factors contribute to your decision to enter graduate school now

39)Why is Georgetown a good choice for you?

40)What social activities have prepared you to succeed at Georgetown?

41)Discuss some issues of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

42)Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

43)Describe the culture in which you grew up. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

44)Wake Forest is rethinking admissions, how has college admissions made you rethink yourself.

45)What are the reasons for your academic success?

46)What drives you to be successful?

47)If you could make one change in yourself, what would it be and why.

48)What’s the best advice you’ve ever received or given?

49)If you could spend a semester researching a specific topic or problem, what would you choose and why?

50)How do you express your inner world, and how does the world around you respond?

51)Tell us about a resent dream. What do you think it meant?

52)Describe one of your best learning experiences inside the class room. Make it very clear why the learning experience was valuable.

53)Describe your best learning experience outside the classroom. Be specific!

54)Write about a time you faced a challenge.

55)If you had the opportunity to bring any person, past or present, fictional or non fictional, to a place that is special to you, who would you pick and why? What would you share with that person?

56)Why would you like to study in the U.K.?

57)Please tell us about your social, sports and leisure interests.

58)If you are planning or have taken a year off, please explain why.

59)How do you feel about Wednesday?

60)What Outrages you?

61)In your essay describe the problems that resulted from the new, exciting “water closet” technology. Why did they occur?

62)Write an essay on one of the following topics: Unusual circumstances in your life. Travel or living experiences in other countries. Books that have affected you the most. An academic experience.