Bells Elementary PTO

January 2017 General Meeting Minutes

Date and Location: Thursday, January 12, 2017, at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria

Meeting called to order at ___6:07______pm.

Attendance: There were __21___ people in attendance.

Old Business

  • Previous Minutes read by Kristi Taraba, Secretary; Accepted unanimously
  • Treasurer: Presented by Chris Corley (for Jenifer Lamb); Report read and accepted unanimously

Current balance: $8,662

$700 is being reserved for the ‘Texas Reads One Book’ Program, although cost should be less.

Christmas Gift Cards were distributed to all Bells Elementary employees. Total amount was $2400.

New Business

  • Per Chris Corley, PTO is interested in purchasing items that will be beneficial to all students. A motion was made by Leslie Oliver to donate funds to the Art, Music, and PE departments in the amount of $550 per department; motion seconded by Mrs. Bennie. Passed unanimously.
  • Motion made by Jenifer Lamb to reimburse Chris Corley $550 for purchase of PE mats, foam footballs, and Frisbees; motion seconded by Jenae Mattingly. Passed unanimously
  • Mrs. Ivers asked that the PTO consider purchasing the annual renewal of movie licensing for BES in the amount of $435. Motion made by Mrs. Bennie to purchase; motion seconded by Mrs. Flyger; Passed unanimously

License will be valid from 1/26/2017 to 1/25/2018

  • Box Tops: Per Mrs. Ivers, BES recently received a check for $900 for submitted box tops. Connie Thompson stated that sending baggies and flyers home with students helps to bring in more box tops.


  • Upcoming Expenses:

Mrs. Ivers mentioned upcoming expenses in purchasing the Motivational Math/Reading Curriculum ($2500), as well as ink for the color printer ($1500)

Mrs. Brandi Stephens suggested possibly purchasing a mesh bag (or other container) for playground equipment for each grade level. Mrs. Ivers will be sending out a ‘wish list’ to teachers regarding playground items their students might enjoy.

Another upcoming expense to keep in mind is the possibility of needed student aid for Camp Jolt trip.

  • Per prior parent request, a copy of all financial records was offered. A copy of said record will be retained in Mrs. Ivers’ office and can be viewed upon request.

Motion by Mrs. Bennie (seconded by Mrs. Russell) to adjourn; passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:45.