Wilson Primary School Homework Grid Year: 4 Term: Autumn

Weekly Homework: / Reading Spellings Times table
Topic: Vikings / Learning Opportunities
Literacy & Communication
(Speaking and listening, language and literacy) / Write some
using Viking
runes. / Make a comic strip version of a Viking based story like we’ve read in Erik The Viking.. / J Write a
diary for your
raiding quest. / Write a job advertisement for a Viking warrior.
Wanted – Viking Warrior
Must be...
Must be able to...
Must be good at...
Maths & Problem Solving
(Maths, thinking skills, Logic, Problem solving) / Create a timeline to show when the Viking period was. Add other historical periods before and after the Vikings and include the Tudors. / What did the Vikings use for money? / Draw some
designs for
Viking longship
sails. / The Vikings used bows and arrows to hunt and in battle. Make a target game and record the totals you score. (Use bean bags or balls instead of arrows!!)
Science and the Outside environment (Science, PE, Healthy lifestyles, Eco issues and investigation) / The Vikings were great
farmers. Make your own
egg box
patch. / J How did the Vikings keep healthy? Find out and write a fact file about sport, food and medicines in Viking times. / Make a list of the animals Vikings kept on their farms and explain what the animals were used for. / Vikings were good fishermen. Find out about the different fish Vikings may have caught.
Humanities and Citizenship
(RE, History, Geography, Moral & Social and Economic Awareness) / A famous Viking settlement was called Jorvik. What was life like in JorviK?
Draw a plan of the town and draw a family who may have lived there. Name and label the family. / Choose one of the countries that the Vikings were from (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden). Find out what the country is like now and make a poster to tell people all about it. / J Make a
about Viking
gods and
goddesses. / J Draw yourself and a Viking child. Label the differences between your life and their life. (Include information on school, toys, homes, pets, work).
Creative Arts
(Art, Design & technology, Music, Drama & Dance) / Make a
shield. / Make up your own Viking sketch like the ones on Horrible Histories. Act it out at home, Film it or take photographs. / JMake a Viking long ship (can you sail it on water?). / Using the tune of a well known song, make up your own song about the Vikings to teach the class.
This is a really useful website that will give you lots of information about the Vikings àhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/vikings/

Remember to choose at least x1 activity from each row. You must do at least one activity with a J

Homework needs to be completed and ready to present to your Class and Teacher on: Monday 16th December .