每位選手限報名每個類別的品項一次, C21-22只能報一個品項

Each competitor is restricted to one (1) entry per class. Entry fees should accompany applications and are not refundable unless the class is full. Applications received without entry fees may not be processed. Faxed entries should be accompanied by a copy of your bank draft/cheque/postal order/money order.

All entries are acceptance on first-come-first-served basis. Please refer to the rules and regulations in the Culinaire Malaysia 2017 Rule Book. Please type for legibility or write clearly in capital letters and complete all relevant sections.(限英文填寫、限大寫)

Name of Competitor姓名 / Age
Organisation Name單位 / Position職位
Organisation Address地址
Organisation Tel No.電話 / Fax No.傳真
Competitor’s Mobile No.手機 / Email電子信箱

Please register me for the following classes (please mark ‘X’):請打X

冷展類Cold Display (RM180.00 Per Class)台幣 1400 / 現場果雕Artistic (RM180.00 Per Class) 台幣 1400
Class 1 / 前菜Plated Appetizers / Class 19 / 現場果雕Creative Edge – Fruit and Vegetable Carving / A / 人像Realistic Figurine
Class 2 / 主菜Plate Dishes / * Select only one, please circle the selection. / B / 花卉
Flourishing Flora
Class 3 / 自助餐冷盤Buffet Platter
Class 4 / 馬來西亞風味五道菜Truly Malaysia 5-course Platter / 屠夫挑戰賽Butchery Skill (RM300.00 Per Class) 台幣 2300
Class 5 / 手指小食Selection of Tapas / Class 20 / 屠夫挑戰賽Iron Butcher Chef Challenge
Class 6 / 中式四道菜Modern Chinese 4-course Set Menu
Class 7 / 西式五道菜5-course Western Set Menu / 現場個人熱菜Hot Cooking (RM250.00 Per Class) 台幣1900
Class 8 / 學徒組四道菜Apprentice 4-course Western Set Menu / Class 21 / 西式海鲜Fish/Seafood Main Course (Western Cuisine) / A / 鱈魚Cod fish
限選一樣* Select only one, please circle the selection. / B / 海鮮Seafood
烘焙類Patisserie (RM180.00 Per Class) 台幣 1400 / Class 22 / 西式肉類Meat/Poultry Main Course (Western Cuisine) / A / Beef牛肉
Class 9 / 甜點Plated Desserts / 限選一樣* Select only one, please circle the selection. / B / Lamb羊肉
Class 10 / 法式小點Petit Fours or Pralines / C / Chicken雞肉
Class 11 / 四層特色蛋糕Free Style Confectionery / D / Duck鴨肉
Class 12 / 結婚蛋糕Elegance Stylish Wedding Cake / Class 23 / Apprentice Salmon Main Course (Western Cuisine) 學徒組鮭魚
Class 13 / 烘焙展示Pastry Showpiece / Class 24 / Ethnic Malay Cuisine馬來西亞料理
Class 14 / 現場蛋糕裝飾Dress the Cake
餐飲服務Gold Opulence Service (RM200.00 Per Class) 台幣1550
馬來西亞全球Malaysia Global Chefs Challenge (RM300.00 Per Class) 台幣 2300 / Class 31 / Table Setting 餐桌摆设
Class 15 / 馬來西亞全球廚師Malaysia Global Chef 2018 / Class 32 / Flair Tending 花式抛撙调酒师大赛
Class 16 / 馬來西亞全球烘焙Malaysia Global Pastry Chef 2018 / Class 33 / Fruit Flambé 火焰水果比赛
Class 34 / Barista Championship咖啡师比赛
藝術展示Artistic (RM180.00 Per Class) 台幣 1400 / Class 35 / Latte Art Championship 2017 咖啡拉花艺术赛
Class 17 / 自助餐台藝術展示Stylish Buffet Showpiece
Class 18 / 現場冰雕Ice Breakers / 調酒Pub Challenge (RM200.00 Per Class) 台幣1550
Class 36 / Cocktail 鸡尾酒大赛
Class 37 / Mocktail 特式非酒精饮料调制大赛

I would like to enrol in the following Most Outstanding Award Category:

Most Outstanding Pastry Chef / Most Outstanding Artist
Most Outstanding Apprentice / Most Outstanding Chef
Most Outstanding F&B Personnel / Most Outstanding Bartender

I enclosed our bank draft/cheque/postal order/money order for RM made payable to:


The Organizing Committee will not accept any cash payments. Receipt will only be issued upon clearance of payment. Please photocopy if extra forms are needed. Submission of a complete Registration Form shall constitute of an agreement to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Culinaire Malaysia 2017.

參賽者簽名Authorised Signature / Competitor Signature / For Office Use Only
Application Received On: Payment Received On: Cheque No.: Amount (RM): Contestant No.:
Please send the completed Registration Form with entry fee(s) to:
Culinaire Malaysia 2017 Secretariat
C5-3, Wisma MAH, Jalan Ampang Utama 1/1 One Ampang Avenue, 68000 Ampang
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 4251 8477 Fax: +603 4252 8477
Email: or Website:

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