Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District

Minutes for Regular Commissioners Board Meeting

November 8, 2017

Call to Order: Commissioner Player called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Invocation: Commissioner Cox led everyone in the Invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Player led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Commissioner Cammick, Cox, Player and Chapman-Moore were present. Commissioner Dreikorn excused absence.

For the District: Chief Mickuleit, Deputy Chief Brant, Attorney Pritt (by phone), and Administrative Assistant Richter.


Setting of Agenda: Commissioner Cox moved to accept the agenda as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cammick. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes:

1. September 27, 2017 Tentative Millage Rate and Budget Meeting - Commissioner Cammick moved to approve minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Chapman-Moore. Motion passed unanimously.

2. October 25, 2017 Regular Board Meeting - Commissioner Chapman-Moore moved to approve minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Discussion follows in regards to doing Treasurers’ Report once a month and it will be at the discretion of administration. 10/24/17-11/06/17 presented by Commissioner Cammick. Commissioner Cox moved to approve Treasurer’s Report as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Chapman-Moore. Motion passed unanimously. Chief Mickuleit points out that we are in a really well off financial position where as in the past we have not had this many funds left over and we are expecting first payment in next two weeks. Discussion follows in regards to CPR classes this is to be placed on next meeting agenda.

Income Statement/ Cash Disbursements: Commissioner Cox moved to accept as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cammick. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners’ Expenses:

Guest Speakers:

Public Comment – Agenda Items:

CERT: Chief Mickuleit gives update.



Chief’s Report:

Chief Mickuleit presents the following:

·  Currently in hiring process for 1 firefighter. Applications due Nov. 17th and testing is Dec. 11th.

·  Open house went well, even though we got rained out.

·  Halloween was great.

·  Fall Festival a big hit. Commissioner Player states Kiwanis ran out of bags by 6p.m. they made up 300.

·  Tree Lighting – planning this will the school.

·  Holiday House will be there delivering Santa with fire boat.

·  Boat Parade December 9th

·  Jr. Olympics December 9th

Matlacha Station 4 the DO has been submitted. Sign was put up. Brief discussion follows of trees that are hiding signs.

Old Business:

1. Barrancas Property – Chief Mickuleit states the property is almost cleaned out and Linda has created a packet we will give out if anyone is interested (copy on file). Discussion follows in regards to if the advertisement can be changed; however, 3 of the 4 in attendance don’t want to change the date. Brief discussion from Mr. Pritt in regards to RFP follows.

2. Additional Station 4 Property – Commissioner Cox states he has nothing to report she is not ready to accept our proposal. Commissioner Player states that the property between Pompano and the chamber perhaps is going to be up for sale approximately 1 acre so there is another option. Brief discussion follows in regards to benefit of that property for the district. Consensus of the board is to have Chief Cox check into acquiring the property mentioned by Commissioner Player as he did with the other properties to make offer that would be contingent upon board approval.

2. Interlocal Agreement Burgess Island – Consensus of the Board is to have this removed until Burgess Island approaches us.

3. Interlocal Agreement Burgess Island – nothing new just on agenda as it is still unfinished business. Brief discussion of response to a call on Burgess Island. Consensus of the board is to remove this item until they approach us.

4. Resolution 2017-110817 A Resolution of the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District of Lee County, Florida, Authorizing the removal of certain fixed assets as set forth in Florida Statutes 274, In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and Board of Commissioners Fixed Assets Procedures. Commissioner Cammick moves to approve Resolution 2017-110817. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Public Comment – General:

1. Mr. Pritt addresses the letter sent from the District to City of Cape Coral regarding annexation of the voluntary property and including it into the interlocal agreement. Chief and Deputy Chief will attend the November 20th meeting.

Good of the District:

Commissioner Cammick moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Commissioner Chapman-Moore. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Richter

District Administrative Assistant


Ken Cox, Board Secretary