Awana Grand Prix:

It is that time of year again…race time! The Grand Prix is a fun event sponsored by the Stone Hill Church Awana Club Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T, and Trekkers can all participate and it’s a great event to invite a friend to participate. We also invite kids from the church and community to come and join us for a great race competition.

Read the rules and hints. Building a fast, good-looking car doesn’t have to be hard or take a long time.

1.  Read the Rules: The rules allow for a lot of creativity. You can win in Speed or Design.

2.  Design: Use a pencil to trace the outline on the top and side until you find something you like. Straight cuts are easier than curved cuts. Make sure to save some space in the body to add weights.

3.  Shape: For “wedge” designs, a handsaw and rough sanding block are great. A shaper handtool can make curves. If you are lucky enough to know someone with a shop, a bandsaw can make fancier curves.

4.  Weight: Add metal weights like heavy washers or fishing sinkers but make sure to maintain clearance underneath the body or the car will drag. We will have a scale at Car Clinic and Pre-Race Tuning.

5.  Paint/Finish: For best results, use a primer/sealer first and sand between coats. Decals are great too.

6.  Wheels: Make sure wheels can spin freely and the car rolls very straight. Lubricate the axles…we will have graphite powder at the Pre-Race tuning. Then glue/epoxy in place so wheels don’t fall off, or fall out of alignment.

Race Schedule:

Wednesday March 4 6:30 – 8:00 pm Build Night / Car Clinic: An optional build night for children and their parents who do not have the tools or experience to create a car on their own

Friday March 20 7:00-8:00 pm Pre-Race Tuning: An optional pre-race tuning clinic to adjust weight

Saturday March 21 9:15-9:45 am Lower Division Registration and Weigh-In (Sparks and Cubbies)

9:45-11:45am Lower Division Races and Design Judging and Awards

12:15-12:45pm Upper Division Registration and Weigh-In (T&T and TREK)

11:45-12:30 Lunch/Message/Sandwiches, chips, and drinks provided

12:45-2:00 pm Upper Division Races and Design Judging

2:00 pm Upper Division Awards



Volunteers are needed to help with the event on all of the above-listed dates. Jobs include set-up, tear-down, weigh-in, judging, food service, event photography, and more. To volunteer, please complete this form and return to Terry Gilleland or Mary McCormack by April 2. For more information, contact Mary at (609) 924-3816.

Yes, I would like to help make the Awana Pinewood Derby a success! I would like to help during the following times:

¨  Friday March 20 6:30-8:00 pm Pre-Race Tuning Volunteers: Weights and track setup

¨  Saturday March 21 8:30-4:00 am Race Day Volunteers

¨  Morning Only 8:30-1:00 pm Setup & Lower Division Volunteers

¨  Lunch Only 10:30-1:30 pm Lunch Volunteers (Food Set-up and Clean-up)

¨  Afternoon Only 12:00-4:00 am Upper Division & Tear-down Volunteers

Name: ______Phone: ______

General Race Rules:

1.  Essential Materials: All cars entered shall be constructed from the "Official Awana Grand Prix Car Kit" (referred to below as the kit). Kits will be available during Awana nights for $5.00.

2.  Divisions: There will be two competition groups.

Lower Division: Awana Sparks & Cubbies clubbers and guests up to 2nd grade.

Upper Division: Awana T&T and Trekkers and guests in 3rd-8th grade.

3.  Competition Events: There will be two competition events, “Speed” and “Design”.

Speed Event – This will consist of points awarded based upon finish position. In separate Lower and Upper division competitions, the Three Fastest Finishers, based on cumulative points, will receive trophies.

Design Event – Cars will also be evaluated for Creativity, Craftsmanship, and Theme as assessed by the panel judges in separate Lower and Upper division competitions. Three trophies for Design will be awarded in both divisions.

4.  Attendance: Each clubber Must enter his/her own car. This means that the clubber must be present at registration to enter his/her car into the competition.

5.  New Work: Construction of all entries Must have begun After the start of the current Awana year. Parents/adults may assist in construction but clubber must be primary designer and builder.

6.  Single Entry per Person: Only one car may be registered per clubber participating in the Grand Prix.

7.  Race Day Inspection: Each car must pass a technical inspection before it may compete. All race and construction rules listed here must be followed.

8.  Failure to Pass Inspection: If a car does not pass inspection, the Inspection Judges will inform the owner of the reason his/her car did not pass. Cars that fail inspection may be modified and resubmitted. They will only have until the end of the registration period to make any necessary modifications; otherwise the car will not be allowed to compete.

9.  Race Day Registration & Impound: After a car passes inspection, the Grand Prix Race Committee assign a car number and store it in the “Staging Area” until the race begins. No car may be altered in any way, including lubrication, after it has been registered.

Car Design and Construction Rules:

1.  Material: Race cars shall be constructed for this event from the parts contained in the Official Awana Grand Prix Kit (referred to below as the kit) as sold by Awana Clubs International. Materials from the kit may not be replaced, but “Add-On” pieces and decals may be used if securely attached.

2.  Size: Race cars may be no longer than 7 inches, not wider than 2-3/4 (2.75) inches, nor taller than 4 inches, as determined by the official gages during registration. Underside clearance of at least 3/8 (0.375) inches and inside wheel to wheel clearance of at least 1-3/4 (1.75) inches is expected, so that the car will run on the race track. No parts may extend over starting pin.

3.  Weight: Race cars may weigh no more than five (5.0) ounces total weight as determined on the official scale during the inspection and registration. The official scale will be available at the Pre-Race Tuning and Race Day Inspection. Weights must be securely attached.

4.  Wheels and Axles: The car shall roll on the wheels and axles from the original Awana kit. The axles shall be firmly affixed to the wood of the car body, but use of the pre-made 'axle grooves' is not required. It must be obvious to the judges that the wheels and the axles from the Awana kit are being used. Wheel bearings, bushings, and washers are prohibited. A light sanding to remove flaws and plastic extrusion “hairs” is allowed as long as the wheel retains the original width and diameter the original kit. Do not cut or thin wheels down.

5.  Gravity Powered: The race car may not be constructed in such a way that the track's starting mechanism imparts momentum. Cars must be free-wheeling, no starting or moving parts.

6.  Lubricants: Lubricants must be dry at the time of inspection and racing. Lubricants may not foul the track, so all excess lubricant shall be wiped off. There will be a “Lubrication/Tuning Area” set up at the race for application of all lubricants, as these can be quite messy. Once the car passes inspection and is impounded, No further lubrication will be allowed.

Conduct of the Race:

Track officials are responsible for the proper conduct of the races. Decisions of track officials on questions of rules interpretations and procedure may be appealed to the Race Commissioner.

1.  Race Day Lubrication - There will be a “Lubrication/Tuning Area” setup at the race. Lubrication may be applied before a car passes inspection, but once a car is impounded, no further lubrication will be allowed.

2.  Car Handling Responsibility - Clubbers shall be responsible to bring their own cars to the starting line judge for a race, to retrieve their cars at the finish line (after the race has been called), and return their cars to the “Staging Area” after their races are finished. If, in the opinion of the Race Commissioner, a clubber's physical limitations prevent him/her from fully complying with this requirement, the clubber may nominate an assistant who will serve in this capacity. In any case, the clubber shall participate up to his/her limitations.

3.  Lane Assignment - Lane assignments will be chosen at random, using race management software. To increase fairness, race assignment will attempt to allow each clubber to race on each of the 4 (four) track lanes at least once.

4.  Track Fault - If a car leaves its lane, the Official Starter will inspect the track and, if a track fault is found which probably caused the violation, the Official Starter will order the race heat to be rerun after the track is repaired.

5.  Car Interference - If, during a race heat, a car leaves its lane and, in doing so, interferes with another racer, then if applicable, five minutes will be allowed to make repairs to the car and then the heat will be rerun. If the problem occurs again in the same heat, the car at fault will be disqualified and the heat will be rerun, without the interfering car. The car will be considered in final place for that heat.

6.  Car Leaves Lane - If, during a race heat, a car leaves its lane but does not interfere with another racer but does cross the finish line, then the heat will be scored as usual. If the car does not cross the finish line, the car will be considered in final place for the heat.

7.  Car Repair - If, during the race, a wheel falls off or the car becomes otherwise damaged, then the clubber may, to the best of his/her ability perform repairs with the assistance of a Pit Crewmember within five minutes or until the car is scheduled to race in its next heat, whichever is greater. If a car is damaged due to a track fault, or damage caused by another car or person, then the Race Commissioner may allow additional repair assistance to the clubber. All repairs will be made in the “Lubrication/Tuning Area.”

8.  Call to Race - When the clubber is called by car number, the clubber will retrieve his/her car and report to the starting line. If the clubber does not respond, his/her name will be called again. If the clubber has not presented himself/herself in time for the heat, the clubber will be disqualified for that race heat and be considered in final place for the heat.

9.  Racing - Clubbers will wait at the finish line until the heat is over. Once the heat is over, clubbers must hold onto their cars or return them to the staging area until their next heat.

10.  The Race Area - Only race officials may enter the “Race Area”, with the exception of clubbers handing their cars to the Staring Line Judge and retrieving them from the finish line. This rule will be strictly enforced.

11.  Scoring - Race results will be scored by total points in all heats, as determined by an electronic timing system. If the timing system fails, points will be awarded based on finish place as determined by the finish line judges. The Race Commissioner has the option to rerun the race if judges cannot determine the finish order.

12.  Race Day Lubrication - There will be a “Lubrication/Tuning Area” setup at the race. Lubrication may be applied before a car passes inspection, but once a car is impounded, no further lubrication will be allowed.

13.  Car Handling Responsibility - Clubbers shall be responsible to bring their own cars to the starting line judge for a race, to retrieve their cars at the finish line (after the race has been called), and return their cars to the “Staging Area” after their races are finished. If, in the opinion of the Race Commissioner, a clubber's physical limitations prevent him/her from fully complying with this requirement, the clubber may nominate an assistant who will serve in this capacity. In any case, the clubber shall participate up to his/her limitations.

14.  Lane Assignment - Lane assignments will be chosen at random, using race management software. To increase fairness, race assignment will attempt to allow each clubber to race on each of the 4 (four) track lanes at least once.

15.  Track Fault - If a car leaves its lane, the Official Starter will inspect the track and, if a track fault is found which probably caused the violation, the Official Starter will order the race heat to be rerun after the track is repaired.

Speed Hints: None of these are required, but are listed to help the builder in order of impact on speed.

1.  Clearance: Don’t let the car belly rub on the track middle lane guide. Maintain 3/8”.

2.  Weight: Bring total weight near 5 ounces. Heavier cars have more potential energy at the top of the ramp, and more momentum to fight friction on the straightaway.

3.  Wheel Alignment: Adjust axles and wheels to roll straight. The fewer times the car wheels rub or bounce against the lane bottom guide, the faster it will keep going.

4.  Lubricate Axle: Graphite powder is best but Teflon powder or liquid lubricant like WD-40 may help. This is available in the lock section of hardware stores, or just ask in the Pre-race Tuning Clinic. Once the car passes inspection no further lubrication is allowed.

5.  Polish Axle: Put axle in drill and smooth with fine emery cloth or jeweler’s rouge. Hit shaft and inside of nail head. Awana axles are fairly smooth to begin with though.

6.  Extend Wheelbase: Turn block over and move axle slots farther apart. This reduces “skitter”. Cutting a straight line with a thin saw is easier than drilling parallel holes.

7.  Center of Gravity: Move weights toward rear axle to add more potential energy at start. Be careful not to move too far back (1/2” from rear axle) or front wheels will “skitter”.

8.  Aerodynamic Shape: Reduce air friction by using a wedge-like design.