LRS 100

Academic Portfolio of Taleen Akillian
LRS 100
Table of Contents
Artifact 1- Funds of Knowledge
Artifact 2- Lab Observation Notes
Artifact 3- Multiple Intelligence Inventory
Artifact 4- Teaching Philosophy
Artifact 5- Session Log
Introduction / This is my LRS 100 portfolio. It contains my artifacts that show the evidence of my achievements. These documents show how I feel about teaching as well as how I learn best.
Artifact 1
Who are children as developmental learners? / Reflection 1- I included my funds of knowledge paper for this particular artifact because I felt it was the assignment that best exemplified the different components in learning including family life, academic achievements, and even athletics.
Artifact 2
What are the many ways in which children learn?
How do I record and analyze student learning? / Reflection 2- I included my lab observation notes for this particular artifact because observing those kids helped me get a stronger idea of the different ways kids go about learning. I’ve observed children before, but in this particular instance, I had a different perspective because I had new found information from my child development class.  The notes are very abbreviated, but that’s what happens when I try to watch 15 kids at once.
Artifact 3
What are the things that influencemy learning?
What are my learning styles? / Reflection 3- I chose to include my Multiple Intelligence Inventory for this artifact because it is the piece of work that presents the different things that can help influence learning and different styles that are applicable in all children. It is important as a teacher to realize that everybody does not learn the same and we should encourage a student’s assets instead of trying to fit them into a mold.
Artifact 4
How havemy observations and ideas about learning influences my theoretical and philosophies about teaching and learning? / Reflection 4- I chose to include my teaching philosophy for this artifact because it is my personal statement of how I feel about teaching and what teaching should be.
Free Pick / Reflection 5- I chose to include a session log for my free pick because it shows how a certain random week in class was for me.

Taleen Akillian

Dr. Montano

LRS 100

December 2, 2005

Teaching Philosophy Paper

When I think about my own philosophies as a teacher, I realize that I have gained a lot from this class about the way I think. I originally walked into this classroom thinking that people felt the same way I do about issues dealing with race, culture, religion and other things. Apparently there are many philosophies that scholars and teachers have that don’t agree with mine, and there are some that do. Throughout this class I was presented with many different sources of opinion and information, but I still feel the way I did when I entered the classroom. I have found several instances in the classroom that support my feelings as well as several readings that contradict my philosophy. A few of my philosophies are that I feel that children are equal, despite their color. I also understand that many children go through hardships, but I know it happens to all colors, not just minorities. Children are very influenced by their peers and my classroom observations have proven that.

One of the readings from the book “Teaching in a Diverse World” by Ramsey contradicts my belief. There was a study done of two white children in a kindergarten class playing with their dolls with each other and a Hispanic child comes up to them to ask them if she can play with them, darker doll at hand, and the two white children said they were going to go shopping and walked away. My problem with this piece is that the woman who was conducting this study was so quick to assume that this was an act of racism. I beg to differ because she doesn’t know what may have happened in the classroom a previous day; maybe the Hispanic girl was mean to the white girls some other time. My issue lies with the quick-to-judge mentality that racism is so prominent in kindergarteners. Not to say that racism doesn’t exist at such a young age but I believe hate and racism is taught; children are born with good hearts. It is a shame to me that adults are so quick to put a label on children as black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. and use it as a basis for reasoning behind the things they do. When I am a teacher, I will be sure to look beyond the color of their skin and into their hearts, where the real mentality behind children lies. When I have children of different backgrounds in my classroom, I will try to encourage them to bring their culture in so the others can learn about it as well. They can maybe bring cultural food into the classroom or teach them a few sayings. Culture will be a praised aspect of my classroom, not the basis of punishment or reasoning behind actions.

Another thing we talked about in class is the socio-economic level of children in schools. In my opinion, this is a more problematic situation in schools today rather than race. They are at a serious disadvantage at a quality education, which can be their only outlet to living a better life later on. It is unfortunate what the level of poverty is in this world today. The activity that comes to mind when talking about this issue is the mobile we made displaying our concept of socio-economic level. When I become a teacher, I will do everything in my will to give all my students an equal opportunity at furthering their education in order to live a better life later on. It is sad how unfortunate some kids are, but as we learned in Child Development, they can become resilient and overcome those obstacles in their lives, even if it is against the odds.

While on the subject of resiliency and overcoming obstacles in life, my subject of the funds of knowledge paper, Noah Roman, is a perfect example of overcoming hardships and working towards the benefit of his future. He has had a really hard life with his parents’ issues, yet he managed to become a member of the JROTC in high school while maintaining a good GPA, and is now in college so he can help other kids in this world succeed. I find his story, as well as many like his, to be refreshing and reassuring. I will make sure that when I am a teacher, I will be aware of what my students are going through and very perceptive to their needs. I firmly believe that a good teacher can make a world of difference.

The last issue I want to bring up is the effect peers have on the social development of children. Today, when I was observing a preschool classroom filled with lively four year olds, I noticed a common theme in their behavior. One child would start spinning in circles and a couple others would do the same. Though this act may seem insignificant at first, it is proof that children are influenced by their peers. They will do as their peers do or think the way their peers think. When we as teachers and/or parents realize the tremendous impact children have on each other, we can then understand reasons of thinking and acting. I will be sure to be perceptive to the influences my children have and work my best to teach them right from wrong, even if their friends say it’s okay.

Throughout this class, I have been presented with some opinions that I disagree with, as well as a few I agree with. I understand that my philosophy is filled with many theories of my own that seem like unrealistic goals or otherwise put goals of the perfect world, but I would argue to say that high goals are an asset to a classroom. Optimism can be the key to a successful journey in the classroom and I just want my students to have the opportunity to learn and live the best life they possibly can. Being able to teach and have an impact on so many people’s lives is a true blessing and I want to be sure to do the best I can for my students, regardless of race, background, culture, or socio-economic level.

Taleen Akillian

LRS 100

Observation / Reflection
Kids are in groups doing measurements with flour and salt to make clay
Little girl wants to touch the mixture to feel the texture of it.
Learning difference between cups and tablespoons.
They are making “Play Doh.”
They learned that adding water to flour and salt makes the mixture “gloopy.”
Little boy from different group went to show his accomplishments to the teacher in the “Play Doh” group.
In a different group, a little boy tells the teacher that he’s all done.
The kids in this group are learning between push and pull.
There is a little boy in the carpeted area of the room by himself.
At the mixture table with a different group of kids, the little girl in the group thinks they are making animal cookies because one of the ingredients were put into a container with the label of animal cookies on it.
A little boy drops the “Play Doh” on the table to see if it would bounce.
Little boy is bragging about something to the little girl.
That little girl is pounding the clay really hard on the table.
One boy is paying more attention to the mixing group than his own, but then goes back to his own work after a while.
Little girl is sucking her thumb then touches the paper she’s writing on.
Teacher lets the little boy mix the dough.
Little boy realizes the dough is sticky after he touched it.
Boy doesn’t want dirty hands.
Little girl is complaining to the teacher that her shirt is wet.
Two boys talk and dance to each other and march then one sits down, then one licks his hands and the other looks like one touched the other’s shirt.
Kids raise their hands and have nothing to say.
When they looks at books they look at pictures before words! / In doing the measurements with the children, they get an idea of how different products mix with each other. They also get a good idea of quantity. They learn to feel the texture of products to learn more about it. That is a very Piaget-like way of learning for children. They learn the different types of measurements such as cups, tablespoons, etc. They learned when adding water to flour and salt makes the dry ingredients a different texture. They experienced this by feeling the mixture in the bowl.
As for the social aspects of the classroom, A few things stood out to me. For one, some kids were very poignant about telling the teacher of their progress on a certain subject.
Another child wants the teacher to know that he has been doing all his work and that he’s all done. This is to get acceptance from the teacher, maybe for some sort of reassurance in progress.
There was another little girl that was at the “Play Doh” table that thought they were making animal cookies because the ingredients were in an animal cookie container. This assumption was understandable.
There were two little boys that were dancing with each other and marching around, and when one stopped, the other got a little irritated and retaliated by wiping his hands on the other. This is just an example of children interacting with each other in different ways.
Some of the cognitive aspects include, raising hands with no answers to questions. Children have a tendency of wanting to be noticed. They didn’t necessarily think before they acted.
When reading, children have a tendency to look at the pictures before the words. This may be because it is easier for them to understand a picture quicker than reading anything out.

Section 1 (Naturalist)

_____ I enjoy categorizing things by common traits

____1_ Ecological issues are important to me

____1_ Hiking and camping are enjoyable activities

_____ I enjoy working on a garden

___1__ I believe preserving our National Parks is important

_____ Putting things in hierarchies makes sense to me

____1_ Animals are important in my life

_____ My home has a recycling system in place

_____ I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology

_____ I spend a great deal of time outdoors

___4__ TOTAL for Section 1

Section 2 (Musical)

__1 I easily pick up on patterns

___1__ I focus in on noise and sounds

___1__ Moving to a beat is easy for me

_____ I've always been interested in playing an instrument

____1_ The cadence of poetry intrigues me

___1__ I remember things by putting them in a rhyme

___1__ Concentration is difficult while listening to a radio or television

___1__ I enjoy many kinds of music

_____ Musicals are more interesting than dramatic plays

___1__ Remembering song lyrics is easy for me

__8___ TOTAL for Section 2

Section 3 Logical Mathematical

___1__ I keep my things neat and orderly

____1_ Step-by-step directions are a big help

_____ Solving problems comes easily to me

_____ I get easily frustrated with disorganized people

_____ I can complete calculations quickly in my head

__1___ Puzzles requiring reasoning are fun

_____ I can't begin an assignment until all my questions are answered

___1__ Structure helps me be successful

_____ I find working on a computer spreadsheet or database rewarding

__1___ Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied

___5__ TOTAL for Section 3

Section 4 Existential

__1___ It is important to see my role in the “big picture” of things

__1___ I enjoy discussing questions about life

__1___ Religion is important to me

__1___ I enjoy viewing art masterpieces

_____ Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding

_____ I like visiting breathtaking sites in nature

_____ I enjoy reading ancient and modern philosophers

_1____ Learning new things is easier when I understand their value

__1___ I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe

__1___ Studying history and ancient culture helps give me perspective

__7___ TOTAL for Section 4

Section 5 Interpersonal

_____ I learn best interacting with others

_____ The more the merrier

_____ Study groups are very productive for me

____1_ I enjoy chat rooms

_____ Participating in politics is important

____1_ Television and radio talk shows are enjoyable

____1_ I am a “team player”

_____ I dislike working alone

____1_ Clubs and extracurricular activities are fun

____1_ I pay attention to social issues and causes

__5___ TOTAL for Section 5

Section 6 Kinesthetic

_____ I enjoy making things with my hands

_____ Sitting still for long periods of time is difficult for me

_____ I enjoy outdoor games and sports

_____ I value non-verbal communication such as sign language

__1___ A fit body is important for a fit mind

_____ Arts and crafts are enjoyable pastimes

__1___ Expression through dance is beautiful

_____ I like working with tools

__1___ I live an active lifestyle

_____ I learn by doing

__3___ TOTAL for Section 6

Section 7 Verbal

___1__ I enjoy reading all kinds of materials

___1__ Taking notes helps me remember and understand

___1__ I faithfully contact friends through letters and/or e-mail

___1__ It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others

_____ I keep a journal

__1___ Word puzzles like crosswords and jumbles are fun

_____ I write for pleasure

_____ I enjoy playing with words like puns, anagrams and spoonerisms

__1__ Foreign languages interest me

__1__ Debates and public speaking are activities I like to participate in

__7__ TOTAL for Section 7

Section 8 Intrapersonal

__1___ I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs

__1___ I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject

__1___ Fairness is important to me

__1___ My attitude effects how I learn

__1___ Social justice issues concern me

__1___ Working alone can be just as productive as working in a group

__1___ I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it

_____ When I believe in something I will give 100% effort to it

__1___ I like to be involved in causes that help others

__1__ I am willing to protest or sign a petition to right a wrong

___9__ TOTAL for Section 8

Section 9 Visual/Spatial

___1__ I can imagine ideas in my mind

___1__ Rearranging a room is fun for me

_____ I enjoy creating art using varied media

_____ I remember well using graphic organizers

__1___ Performance art can be very gratifying

_____ Spreadsheets are great for making charts, graphs and tables

_____ Three dimensional puzzles bring me much enjoyment

___1__ Music videos are very stimulating

__1___ I can recall things in mental pictures

_____ I am good at reading maps and blueprints

___5__ TOTAL for Section 9

Part II

Now carry forward your total from each section and multiply by 10 below:

Section / Total Forward / Multiply / Score
1 / 4 / X10 / 40
2 / 8 / X10 / 80
3 / 5 / X10 / 50
4 / 7 / X10 / 70
5 / 5 / X10 / 50
6 / 3 / X10 / 30
7 / 7 / X10 / 70
8 / 9 / X10 / 90
9 / 5 / X10 / 50

Part III

Now plot your scores on the bar graph provided:

90 / 90
80 / 80
70 / 70 / 70
50 / 50 / 50 / 50
40 / 40
30 / 30
0 / Sec 1 / Sec 2 / Sec 3 / Sec 4 / Sec 5 / Sec 6 / Sec 7 / Sec 8 / Sec 9

Taleen Akillian

Dr. Montano and Dr. Belgrad

LRS 100

November 22, 2005

Funds of Knowledge on Noah Roman

Noah Roman is a young man of 18 who is of Mexican and Jewish descent. His father is Mexican and his mother is Jewish. He has been brought up with Catholic and Jewish influences, but mainly leaned towards the Catholic side. He says that he has never had a Bar mitzvah or been taught the Torah. He claims that he is not very stringent about attending church on a regular basis, but has the same beliefs as any other Catholic. He was mainly raised in Los Angeles, California, but has moved around several times in his life to Palmdale, CA and Indianapolis, IN.

He says that his childhood has not always been very easy. He revealed to me during an interview that his father was a heavy drinker. In addition to that aspect of his life, his mother went into a severe depression during his childhood (bipolar), but he admits that his parents tried their best to keep their problems separate from him. She also used to smoke, but now she has not smoked in eight years. He has also experienced finding out that his mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer, but thankfully the treatment has worked effectively and she is cured. Through all of these trials and tribulations, Noah seems to have overcome successfully and is determined to make a better life for himself.