Temple Christian School

Syllabus for

Bible 9 Worldview Studies

Course: Bible 9 Worldview Studies

Dates: 2016-2017

Instructor: Mr. Stringer


Text: Bible (Holman, KJV, NKJV, NASB)

Lightbearers Worldview 3rd. ed. Summit Ministries. 2008

Course Description

This course will generate a biblical basis for the student to live every area of life as ultimately sacred. Designed to combat the ideas of segmented, relativistic or inconsistent lives the student will be prepared to take on pro-active Christianity that seeks to cohesively engage culture as part of God’s creation. In short, the student will get to explore answers to a favored question by all of us. “But why?”

Goals and Objectives

This course will influence the student to know and understand what God would have them do in the times in which they live. Achieving a biblical worldview the student will practice applying how to think well about life taking opportunity to influence ideas that rule the world. Biblical truths will be synthesized and evaluated to reveal solutions and evidences for some of life’s most important questions. These solutions will be carried out in two ways. The first is defensive: to keep the student from being deceived by non-Christian worldviews. The second is offensive: training them to live out the truth of Christianity in our culture.



Scripture memory

Learning connections: short readings, video, discussion, gallery

Home and class exercises



Discussion questions and answers

Discernment quizzes

Scripture application quiz

Projects and paragraphs

Scripture memory test- BMA dates: 9/2, 9/23, 10/14, 11/4, 12/2, 1/20, 2/10, 2/24, 3/31, 4/21

Unit test

Grade Assessment

Homework, Class work, Quizzes and Current Events 50% of quarterly grade

Test and Projects 50% of quarterly grade

Semester Final 20% of semester grade

Assignment Policy

Homework/Class work is critical part of learning. It provides the practice necessary to solidify concepts learned and gives opportunity for long-term memory storage. Any content covered is considered course content and may be used for exams and quizzes. Therefore, keep up with notes and graded homework. Any work turned in will fall under handbook policy.

Document Set Up

All assignments should be done neatly and legibly on notebook paper. Set up of assignments should be done according to the handbook with additions exampled below: Name, subject & period and date in upper right corner; Specific title in middle of top line; numbered problems; complete and intelligent sentences.


Subject and Period


______Specifically titled assignments (ie. Chapter 1 terms)______

(5-10 pts. for document set up will be applied to most documents turned in on notebook paper)

Late Work

Late work policy for major projects or papers assigned 3 weeks in advance:

1 class day late 80% regular credit

2 class days late 60% regular credit

3 class days late 50% regular credit

4 or more class days late projects will receive a “0”

Required Materials

1- 1½ inch binder with tabbed dividers

Loose leaf notebook paper

Blue or black pen or a #2 pencil with an eraser. Red or green pen for in class grading.


Bible (Holman, KJV, NKJV, NASB)

Noebel, Dr. David. Lightbearers Worldview 3rd. ed. Summit Ministries. 2008

Honors Assessment

Additional BMA verses

Disciplines unit paragraph

Christian biography analysis due Tuesday October 25

Fiction worldview evaluation due Tuesday January 17

Final project due Tuesday May 2

Scope and Sequence

Introduction- Worldview

Key Question: What is a worldview?

Key Idea: Everyone has a worldview.

Key Terms: popular culture, worldview

Key Verses: Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 10:5

Unit 1- God

Key Question: What about God? Does God exist and what is God like?

Key Idea: God has revealed Himself in the created universe and His revealed word, the Bible.

Key Terms: theology, atheism, theism, pantheism, general revelation, causal argument, design argument, mind argument, moral argument, special revelation, trinitarianism, monotheism, deism

Key Verses: Genesis 1:1

Unit 2- Truth and Reality

Key Question: What is true and how do we know?

Key Idea: The nature of reality is foundational to every worldview.

Key Terms: philosophy, truth, epistemology, science, empiricism, metaphysics, materialism, spiritualism, supernaturalism, miracle

Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Colossians 2:8

Unit 3- Ethics

Key Question: How should we behave?

Key Idea: God is concerned about our inner attitudes as well as our outward actions. We discover what is moral by learning about God’s character and how He has made us and the world.

Key Terms: ethics, individual moral relativism, cultural moral relativism, moral absolutes

Key Verses: Matthew 22: 37-39 and Colossians 3:17

Unit 4- Origins

Key Question: What is the origin of life?

Key Idea: Life’s origin and design display the work of an Intelligent Designer.

Key Terms: biology, Darwinism, design theory, abiogenesis, Law of Biogenesis, spontaneous generation, macro-evolution, adaptation, micro-evolution, information theory

Key Verses: Genesis 1:21-27 and John 1:3

Unit 5- Psychology

Key Question: What is human nature? What does it mean to be human?

Key Idea: Humans have a dual nature—a physical body made from the dust of the earth, and a spiritual self created in God’s image. We also have a sin nature. Sin causes problems in our relationships with God, other humans, our world, and ourselves.

Key Terms: psychology, psychological monism, naturalistic monism, transcendental monism, psychological dualism, category fallacy, unit of identity

Key Verses: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:6, and 1 Peter 3:18

Unit 6- Sociology

Key Question: What makes a healthy society?

Key Idea: God has ordained the social institutions of family, church, and state so that each would foster love, respect, discipline, work, and harmonious community.

Key Terms: sociology, family, church

Key Verses: Hebrew 2:11

Unit 7- Law

Key Question: What is the basis for law?

Key Idea: God designed laws that not only run the universe, but also provide the moral framework for human behavior and social interaction. By following God’s laws as revealed in the Bible and nature, the institutions of family, church, and state can function together in peace and harmony.

Key Terms: law, just law, biblical law, natural law, positive law

Key Verses: Romans 2:14 and Acts 17:31

Unit 8- Government

Key Question: What is the purpose of government?

Key Idea: Human governments are instituted by God to provide order and promote justice by protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. Governments that preserve justice guarantee the rights of all people in spite of the sinful tendencies of others to destroy those rights.

Key Terms: politics, justice, pure democracy, constitutional democracy

Key Verses: Romans 13:1 and Matthew 22:21

Unit 9- Economics

Key Question: How should we use our resources?

Key Idea: Private ownership provides incentives for better stewardship and leads to economic advancement.

Key Terms: economics, free exchange, socialism, capitalism, interventionism, stewardship, incentive, social welfare

Key Verses: Colossians 1:16

Unit 10- History

Key Question: What is the meaning of history?

Key Idea: God is sovereign over history. History has a purpose.

Key Terms: history, linear view of history, internal evidence, circular reasoning, external evidence, archaeology, historical resurrection

Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 15: 14-15

Conclusion- Biblical Worldview

Key Question: Will you follow Christ?

Key Idea: A biblical worldview is consistent and based on God’s truth. Our world is a war-zone of ideas. Your talents should be used to glorify God everyday, to change your culture for the better.

Key Terms: faith, substance, apologetics

Key Verses: Hebrew 11:1, Philippians 2:15-16