The first period (p.60)

Min / Phase / JTE role / ALT role
0-5 / 1. Check & Intro / Homework check; if time permits, two students make a speech.
Write today's activity on the blackboard. / Explain today's activity in English.
15 / 2. Warming-
up / 1. Preparethe following cards.
e.g. people wearing glasses boys wearing a jacket
girls wearing a sweater people wearing white socks
2. Go around the classroom and help students converse. / Game “Chair Change”
1. All the students sit on a chair in a circle. One student stands in the center and tells who to move to another chair.
2. ALT hands one card to theone in the center. He/she reads the card, and those who match the description stand up and go to another chair. The one who cannot sit anywhere will stand in the center.
-25 / 3. Grammar & Voc. Check / PreparePowerPoint and help students grasp the concept of adjective phrases.
These are photos taken on the beach. (noun + p.p.)
I guess the girl dancing on the beach is you. (noun + -ing)
The boy playing the ukulele must be your friend. (noun + -ing)
receive a friend of mine / Grammar:
Show each sentence and ask students to tell the meaning in English.
Show each card and ask them to tell the meaning in English or withgestures.
-40 / 4. Main Activity (recitation) / 1~3. Have students close their textbooks.
4. Show some pictures using PowerPoint to help students understand the meaning.
e.g. 1. I guess 2. the girl dancing the hula on the beach
3. is you
5. Show some pictures on PowerPoint to help students recite. / 1. Students listen to Model Dialogue on p.60.
2. True or False on p.60
3. Students repeat after ALT without scripts.
4. Practice complicated sentences.
e.g. I guess the girl dancing the hula on the beach is you.
5. Recitation (Showing PowerPoint)
6. Recitation (Without PowerPoint)
7. Listen & Choose on p.60
-50 / 5. Closing / Preparewarming-upcards. Homework: p.61 TRY / Say warming-upphrases; those who match the description stand up.

The second period (p.61)

0-5 / 1. Intro / Write today's activity on the blackboard. / Explain today's activity in English.
-15 / 2. Warming-
up / 1. Preparecards.
e.g. Portuguese Spanish English French
2. When the answer is correct, show the card. / 1. All the students stand up.
2. Ask questions; those who answer can sit down.
e.g. 1. What is the language spoken in Peru?
2. What is the language spoken in Brazil?
3. What is the language spoken in Singapore?
-25 / 3. Vocabulary & Grammar Check / PreparePowerPoint and help students grasp the concept of adjective phrases.
Grammar(three usages):
1. This is a Christmas card from my uncle. (noun + adj. phrase)
2. I have a friend studying abroad now. (noun + -ing)
3. Do you have a digital camera made in Japan? (noun + p.p.)
in the 18th century strawberry next to / Grammar:
Ask them to tell the meaning in English.
Ask them to tell the meaning in English.
-40 / 4. Main Activity (recitation) / 1.Have students close their textbooks.
2. Show some pictures using PowerPoint to help students understand the meaning.
e.g. 1. I would like 2. a cup of coffee
3. with milk and sugar
3. Show some pictures on PowerPoint to help students recite. / 1. Students repeat after ALT without the textbook.
2. Practice complicated sentences.
e.g. I would like a cup of coffee with milk and sugar.
3. Recitation (Showing PowerPoint)
4. Recitation (Without PowerPoint)
5. Check the answers of TRY on p.61
-50 / 5. Closing / Preparewarming-up picture cards. Homework: pp.62-63 / Practice warming-up dialogue to consolidate.

The third period (pp. 62-63)

0-5 / 1. Intro / Write today's activity on the blackboard. / Explain today's activity in English.
-15 / 2. Warming-
up / 1. Preparethe following cards.
e.g. people from …. city boysfrom ….ward
girls from …. ward people sitting on a chair now
2. Go around the classroom and help students converse. / Game:“Chair Change”
1. All the students sit on a chair in a circle. One student stands in the center and tells who to move to another chair.
2. ALT hands one card to thestudent in the center. He/she reads the card, and those who matchthe description stand up and go to another chair. The one who cannot sit anywhere will then stand in the center.
15-25 / 3. Vocabulary & Grammar Check / PreparePowerPoint and help students grasp the concept of adjective phrases.
Grammar(three usages):
1. Do you know the girl under the tree? (noun + adj. phrase)
2. The cat sleeping on my bed is Kiki. (noun + -ing)
3. This is a piano concerto composed by Beethoven. (noun + p.p.)
manager cousin splendid on the pitch the referee a while ago exchange student just now / Grammar
Show each sentence or phrase and ask the meaning.
Students can answer in English or withgestures.
25-40 / 4. Main Activity (recitation) / 1.Have students close their textbooks.
2. Show some pictures using PowerPoint to help students understand the meaning.
e.g. 1. the boy 2. shown the yellow card by the referee
3. a while ago 4. is an exchange student from Brazil
3. Show some pictures on PowerPoint to help students recite. / 1. Students repeat after ALT without scripts.
2. Practice complicated sentences.
e.g. The boy shown the yellow card by the referee a while ago is an exchange student from Brazil.
3. Recitation (Showing PowerPoint)
4. Recitation (Without PowerPoint)
5. Check the answers of Practice & Workout on pp.62-63.
40-50 / 5. Closing / Preparewarming-up picture cards. Homework: p.63 Challenge.Hand in the paper the next day. / Practice warming-up dialogue to consolidate.