Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto / PREDLOGA RUO - REVIJA ZA UNIVERZALNO ODLIČNOST
Izdaja/Ver.: 04
Journal of Universal Excellence,Article
month 20XX, year X, number Y, pp. XX–YY.
Title up to 8 words
Name Surname*
Organization, address, postal code, city, state
email address
Name Surname
Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto, Novi trg 5, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Research Question (RQ):Description of research question, problem, topic.
Purpose:What is the research purpose and goal.
Method:How was the research purpose achieved, methods used and theoretical approach. Results: Short description of the research results.
Organization:What is the research impact on managers, organization, or practice.
Society:What is the research impact on society, social responsibility and environment
Originality:What is new about this research, what is the value or the originality of the research.
Limitations / further research: Research limitations and suggestions for further research.
Keywords:keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5, keyword 6, keyword 7, keyword 8.
*Correspondence author1
Received: X. month 20XX; revised: X. month 20XX; accepted: X. month 20XX.
Journal of Universal Excellence,Article
month 20XX, year X, number Y, pp. XX–YY.
(1) description of the research question or problem
(2) purpose and goal of the research or why the research is important
2Theoretical framework
(1) literature review or theoretical framework of the problem
(2) justifying hypotheses or theses
(1) data collection
(2) theoretical (data) model of the research – also in graphical form – and instrument used
(3) data analysis
(4) reliability and validity of data constructs, data, models,...
4.1Result 1
State the results without discussion
4.2Result 2
4.2.1Results 22
An example of a table using APA:
Tabel1. Wilcox nonparametric testFuture
Current / Negative ranges
[n] / Positive ranges
[n] / Equal ranges
[n] / Total
[n] / Wilcox test
za / p
01) Purchasing / 0 / 5 / 75 / 80 / –2.24 / 0.06
02) Sales / 0 / 6 / 74 / 79* / –2.45 / 0.03
03) Production / 1 / 7 / 72 / 80 / –2.12 / 0.07
Note. *: missing data, a: based on negative ranges, Negative ranges: futurecurrent, Positive ranges: futurecurrent, Equal ranges: future = current. Adapted from Uporabne statistike (p. 99), In F. Kralj, 2011, Ljubljana: DZS.
An example of a figure using APA:
An example of summarizing using APA:
Stanovnik et al. (2008, p.20) find that Slovenia in comparison to the EU lags in the area of innovative productivity.
An example of quoting using APA:
Marolt and Gomišček (2005, p.35) stress that “TQM adheres to the principle that the general reason for the existence and activity of any organization is satisfying the demands and needs of customers or consumers. For this reason, the primary goal of each organization is to satisfy the demands and needs of its customers.”
How to write statistics using APA:
t-tests is written in the following formt(76) = 5.13, p < 0.001, r = 0.51.First group (M=4.25, SE=0.08) express a greater degree of agreement than the second group (M=3.00, SE=0.26).
4.3Results 3
(1) short description of the results
(2) discussing the results
(3) accepting or rejecting hypotheses
(4) include author's own opinion
(1) summary of the results
(2) contribution to the profession or scientific field, i.e. universal excellence
(3) influence on managers, management and organizations, or society, environmnet, and so forth
(4) research limitations
(5) suggestions for further research
(6) sponsorships, research financed through contracts
Refer to the latest edition of APA for more detailed information.
- Atesci, K., Bhagwatwar, A., Deo, T., Desouza, K. C., & Baloh, P. (2010). Business process outsourcing: A case study of Satyam Computers. International Journal of Information Management,30(3), 277–282. doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2010.01.009
- Brown, D., & Wilson, S. (2005). The Black Book of Outsourcing: How to Manage the Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
- Hoffmann, S. (2003). America Goes Backward. The New York Review of Books,50(10). Retrieved from
- Real Academia Española. (2001). Diccionario de la lengua española [Spanish dictionary] (22nd Ed.). Madrid, Spain: Author.
Appendices: Title of appendix
Text of appendix.
Name Surname (Short bibliography of the first author up to 10 lines: education, employment, professional and scientific achievements).
Name Surname (Short bibliography of the second author up to 10 lines: education, employment, professional and scientific achievements).
Facultyof organisation studies Novo mesto
Novi trg 5
8000 Novo mesto
Journal of Universal Excellence
Name and surname of correspondence author
Organisation name
for article number:______
with the title:
Author/s ______attest/s that:
- The article is independent work of the stated author/s.
- The article has not been published anywhere else and that it has not been sent to any other journal or is under peer-review.
- I/We give permission that author rights are transferred to the Journal of Universal Excellence.
Signature of corresponding author:
INSTRUCTIONS: The signed statement has to be sent via mail to the Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto after the article has been accepted for publication.