Physical Education- Basketball Test Review Sheet

Miss Toritto

-Turnover- occurs when a player loses possession to the opposing team

-Women’s basketball size- 28.5 inches

-Men’s basketball size- 29.5 inches

-Traveling- when a player holding the ball moves one or both of his feet illegally. Most commonly, a player travels by illegally moving his pivot foot or taking three or more steps without dribbling the ball

-There are 5 people from each team on the court at one time

-James Naismith- Inventor of basketball

-Guarding an opponent- Stay between opponent and the basket

-A player has 8 seconds to get the ball over the half court line

-Shot from outside the 3-point line- 3 points

-Shot from inside the 3-point line- 2 points

-Free throw/Foul shot- 1 point

-Lay-up- shot with the highest percentage of going in the basket

-Zone defense- a defense strategy where everyone guards an area instead of a player

-Point Guard- controls the offense

-Maintain Control- most important factor, which is essential for effective dribbling


-approach basket on a 45 degree angle

-step with the outside foot followed by the inside foot

-lift the ball to approximately eye level with both hands

-place the shooting hand behind and under the ball

-look at your target not the ball or hand

-Free throw: BEEF: Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow Through

-Chest pass:

-most common pass in basketball

-ball at chest level, a good chest pass is delivered by stepped with your dominant foot, extend your arms fully and pass the ball to your partners chest, follow through thrusting arms and snapping wrists, hands will end up with your pinkies upward and thumbs downward

-Bounce pass:

-start with ball at chest level, keep the knees bent, release the ball by extending arms downwards, aim about ¾ of way between you and your partner, upon release, turn palms outward towards the floor, ball should contact ground two-thirds of the way to the receiving player

-Overhead pass:

-used as an outlet pass

-bring ball directly above your forehead with both hands on the side of the ball and follow through

-aim for the teammates chin, do not bring ball back behind head because it can get stolen and take longer to release

-Side arm pass:

-used when a player has a defender closely guarding them and have to pass around them

-execution of side arm pass is similar to overhead pass

-Dribbling: fingertips, eyes up, maintain speed= ball control

-keep hands on top of the ball, keep ball low (between knees and hip), be mindful of where you are bouncing the ball, keep body between your defender and the ball, look up, change your speed, don’t stop