A.  University of Florida - Tenure and/or Promotion Process – 2014-2015

1.  The university’s criteria for granting tenure, promotion, or permanent status shall be
relevant to the performance of the work that the faculty member has been employed to do and to his/her performance of the duties and responsibilities expected of a member of the university community. These criteria recognize three broad categories of academic engagement:

A.  Teaching – Instruction, including regular classroom teaching and
distance/executive/continuing education, direction of theses and dissertations,
academic advisement, extension education programs, and all preparation for this
work, including study to keep abreast of one’s field.

B.  Research – Research or other creative activity including, peer-reviewed

C.  Service – Public and professional.

Changes in tenure and promotion criteria, including the discipline-specific departmental clarifications of those criteria, shall not become effective until one year following adoption of the changes.

2.  In most cases, tenure and promotion require distinction in at least two areas, one of which shall be that of the faculty member’s primary responsibility, and those areas should be teaching and research unless the faculty member or extension faculty member has an assignment that primarily reflects other responsibilities, such as the Cooperative Extension Service. Merit should be regarded as more important than variety of activity. “Distinction” in the categories is defined by the University and clarified by each college, and department in terms tailored to the college and to department disciplines and consistent with University standards. Faculty and new hires should receive a copy of the college’s or equivalent unit’s and department’s criteria clarifying the expectations for promotion and tenure and the definition of distinction.

B.  College of Engineering Tenure and/or Promotion Guidelines for Faculty – 2014-2015

The College of Engineering Guidelines statement is as follows:

1. As a major unit of the University of Florida, the College of Engineering pursues the same mission as the university, and promotes excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service.

2. Evaluation of tenure-track faculty members in the Professorial Series for promotion, tenure, and salary adjustment focuses on performance in teaching, scholarship, and service. Candidates for Full Professor should demonstrate excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. They should additionally have both a national as well as international reputation for excellence in scholarship.


Teaching excellence is demonstrated by factors such as development of new courses, student and peer evaluation of teaching, student mentoring, and honors and awards. Excellence in the teaching of undergraduate courses must be demonstrated. Engagement of undergraduates in research is also an expectation.


Excellence in Scholarship can be demonstrated in the following areas – discovery, application, integration, and engineering education. Discovery is the traditional route of discipline-based investigation in science and engineering. Application is taking engineering research to the marketplace. Integration is taking basic research and applying it to critical problems. Engineering education is research on pedagogy, retention, and techniques to improve learning outcomes. Collaborative work is highly encouraged, as long it is clear how the nominee distinctly contributed. Quality as well as quantity of technical contributions will be judged.

Impact in these areas can be demonstrated through items such as:

·  External funding and support for graduate students

·  External funding and support for engineering education

·  Publications in scholarly journals

·  Publications in the popular press

·  Citation analysis

·  Textbooks

·  Invited presentations

·  Honors and awards for contributions

·  Leadership on team proposals

·  PhD production

·  Patents and copyrights

·  Licensing income

·  Economic impact on local, state, and/or national industry


Service excellence is demonstrated by an impressive record of leadership in the professional community, including service to the university, college, and department. Service distinction is demonstrated by long-term commitment to service assignments in a department that have greatly impacted students, staff, and curricula. Leadership in the profession through service as a journal editor, editorial board member, national committee member, conference or symposium chair, or professional society leader is an expectation.

3. For tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, excellence in teaching, research, service and the potential for long-term success are expected. For tenure, faculty should demonstrate excellence in both teaching and research and have a national reputation.


Teaching excellence is demonstrated by factors such as development of new courses, student and peer evaluation of teaching, student mentoring, and student learning. The potential for long-term sustained excellence is important. Undergraduate classroom teaching is required and an important component.


Research excellence is demonstrated by factors such as external funding and support for graduate students, publications in scholarly journals, honors and awards, and PhD production. The potential for long-term success is an important component. Collaborative work is encouraged, as long it is clear how the nominee distinctly contributed. Quality as well as quantity of technical contributions will be judged.


Candidates should have demonstrated service to the university through department and college assignments. Professional service at the national is expected.

C.  <Department Name> Tenure and/or Promotion Criteria –