Year 1 / 2 History and Science based unit – ‘Me and my family’ (6weeks)

Topic overview: Children learn about the recent history of their own family and create a time line showing significant events in their own life or their family’s life. They will identify changes in recent history for example clothing, housing etc. They will use computing skills to create an ebook about their family. The science focus is about my body and my senses. Children will also create a rap about parts of the body.

History skills

Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3
  • Understand the difference between things that happened in the past and the present.
  • Know about things that happened to me and my family in the past.
  • Answer questions about events, using ‘before’ and ‘after’ to describe when something happened.
  • Say when my birthday is.
  • Use time lines to order events or objects. And understand how to put a few events or objects in order of when they happened.
  • Write in sentences things I have found out about the past.
  • Draw pictures and write about them to tell others’ about the past.
/ • Observe or handle evidence to ask questions andfind answers to questions about the past such as: What was it like forpeople? What happened? How long ago?
• Use artefacts, pictures, stories, online sources anddatabases to find out about the past.
  • Photographs
  • Books
  • First hand evidence (what people say)
• Recount changes that have occurred in my own live.
• Use dates where appropriate: my date of birth.
  • Use words and phrases such as: a long time ago,recently, when my parents/carers were children,years, decades and centuries to describe thepassing of time.
  • Place events and artefacts in order on a timeline.
  • Label time lines with words or phrases such as:past, present, older and newer.
/ Suggest suitable sources of evidence for historicalenquiries.
• Use more than one source of evidence for historicalenquiry in order to gain a more accurateunderstanding of history.
• Place events on atime line using dates.
• Understand the concept of change over time,representing this, along with evidence, on a timeline.
• Use dates and terms to describe events.

Working scientifically skills

Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3
Observe closely, using simple equipment.
Perform simple tests.
  • I know why I am trying to find out things.
  • I make some measurements of what I observe. (e.g loud, quiet, long short etc.)
Use observations and ideas to suggest answers toquestions.
  • I talk about what I see, hear touch, smell or taste.
  • I give some reasons why things may happen.
• Gather and record data to help in answeringquestions.
  • I can put information on a chart.
  • I draw pictures of what I see, hear, touch, smell or taste.
  • I can tell others what I have done.
  • I can tell others what I have found out.
/ Observe closely, using simple equipment.
  • I use all of my senses to observe so that I can try to answer questions.
  • I describe my observations using scientific vocabulary.
Perform simple tests.
  • I make measurements using simple equipment. (length, time, capacity, weight).
Use observations and ideas to suggest answers toquestions.
  • I compare observations using scientific vocabulary.
  • I say whether what happened was what I expected.
Gather and record data to help in answeringquestions.
  • I record my observations on screen and paper using text, tables, drawings and labelled diagrams.
/ Ask relevant questions.
  • I recognise why it is important to collect data to answer questions.
Set up simple practical enquiries and comparativeand fair tests.
  • I act on suggestions and put forward my own ideas about how to find the answer to a question.
  • I can carry out a fair test and explain why it was fair.
  • I predict what might happen before I carry out any tests.
Make accurate measurements using standard units.
  • I measure length, mass, time and temperatures using suitable equipment.
Gather, record, classify and present data in a varietyof ways to help in answering questions.
  • I use scientific vocabulary to describe my observations.
  • I record my observations, comparisons and measurements using tables, charts, text and labelled diagrams.
Use straightforward, scientific evidence to answerquestions or to support their findings.
  • I give reasons for my observations.
  • I look for patterns in my data and try to explain them.
  • I suggest how I can make improvements to my work.

Science knowledge skills

Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3
I can recognise and name the parts of the body.
I can point out some differences between humans, other animals and non-living things.
I can distinguish between living and non living things.
I can name the five senses / Identify name, draw and label the basic parts of the human bodyand say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring whichgrow into adults. Identify how humans resemble theirparents in many features.
Investigate and describe the basic needs of animals, includinghumans, for survival (water, food and air).
I know that living things grow and reproduce. / I describe differences between living and non-living things.
I give explanations for changes in living things. (For example diet affecting the health of humans and animals)
Identify that humans and some animals haveskeletons and muscles for support, protectionand movement.

PSHE questions (health and safer lifestyles 4,6 and 10, myself and my family 6)

How do babies change and grow?

How have I changed since I was a child?

What do babies and children need?

What are my responsibilities now I’m older?

What are the names of the main parts of the body?

What can my body do?

What are risky situations and how can I keep myself safer?

I do I feel in risky situations?

What is my name, address and phone number and when might I need them?

Who is in my family and how do we care for each other?

Who are my special people and what makes them special?

How am I similar and different to others?

Who do I get support from when I need it?

Computing skills based on Switched on computing‘ We are painters’

change context to ‘families’ – making an ebook with a page for each person.

Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3
Use a range of applications and devices inorder to communicate ideas, work andmessages.
  • I can use art software to: click and drag a brush, change colour, clear the screen and fill a shape.
  • I can move images and text on the screen
  • I can add words to a picture.
  • Combine multiple pictures into one document
  • Export a document
/ Use a range of applications and devices inorder to communicate ideas, work andmessages.
  • I use the shape tools to draw.
  • I use solid, pattern and gradient fills.
  • I change the width of brush, spray and lines.
  • I can re- size an object.
  • Convey character through the images
  • Retrieve previously saved work
  • Make improvements to work
/ Use some of the advanced features ofapplications and devices in order tocommunicate ideas, work or messagesprofessionally.
  • I use CTRL C to copy and CTRL V to paste
  • I resize graphics and text to suit the document I am making.
  • Think about how digital illustrations may have been created.
  • Appreciate how image files are stored on the computers
  • Revise their work on the basis of feedback.

Music skills

Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3
  • I take part in singing.
  • I can use my voice in different ways to create different effects.
  • With help, I can clap longer rhythms.
  • I can listen out for different types of sounds.
  • I can make and control long and short sounds, using voices and instruments.
  • I take notice of others when I am performing.
  • Take part in singing, accurately following themelody.
  • Follow instructions on how and when to sing orplay an instrument.
  • Make and control long and short sounds, usingvoice and instruments.
  • Clap rhythms.
  • Identify the beat of a tune.
  • Recognise changes in timbre, dynamics andpitch.
  • Create short, musical patterns.
  • Create short, rhythmic phrases.
  • Choose, order, combine and control sounds tocreate an effect.
  • Sing from memory with accurate pitch.
  • Sing in tune.
  • Pronounce words within a song clearly.
  • Show control of voice.
  • Perform with control and awareness of others.
  • Use the terms: duration, timbre, pitch, beat,tempo, texture and use of silence to describemusic.
  • I listen carefully and recall short rhythmic and melodic patterns.