SSPS Publications 2015
Acutt, D., Signal, T. and Taylor, N.J. (2015). Mandated Reporting of Suspected Animal Harm by Australian Veterinarians: Community Attitudes. Anthrozoos, 28(3) pp. 437-447.
Adams, S.M. (2015). translation of Arnason, Johann P. ‘The Imaginary Dimensions of Modernity’ Social Imaginaries. 1(1) pp. 135-150.
Adams, S.M. and Krummel, J.W.M. (2015). Introduction. Social Imaginaries, 1(2) pp. 7-12.
Adams, S.M. (2015). Johann Arnason on Castoriadis and Modernity: Introduction to ‘The Imaginary Dimension of Modernity' Social Imaginaries, 1(1) pp. 131-134.
Adams, S.M., Blokker, P., Doyle, N.J., Krummel, J.W.M. and Smith, J.C.A. (2015). Editorial. Social Imaginaries, 1(1) pp. 7-13.
Adams, S. (Ed.). (2015). Social Imaginaries. Bucharest Romania: Zeta Books.
Adams, S.M. (2015). On Ricoeur’s Shift from a Hermeneutics of Culture to a Cultural Hermeneutics. Etudes Ricoeuriennes/Ricoeur Studies, 6(2) pp. 130-153.
Adams, S.M., Blokker, P., Doyle, N.J., Krummel, J.W.M. and Smith, J.C.A. (2015). Social Imaginaries in Debate. Social Imaginaries, 1(1) pp. 15-52.
Bagshaw, D., Adams, V., Zannettino, L. and Wendt, S. (2015). Elder mediation and the financial abuse of older people by a family member. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 32(4) pp. 443-480.
Baird, B. (2015). Happy Abortionists: Considering the Place of Doctors in the Practice of Abortion in Australia since the Early 1990s. Australian Feminist Studies, 29(82) pp. 419-434.
Baird, B.J. (2015). Medical abortion in Australia: a short history. Reproductive Health Matters, 23(46) pp. 169-176.
Balaev, M. (2015). Taking Time Seriously: Delayed Effects of Economic Development on Democracy, 1960-2010. Sociological Perspectives, 58(2) pp. 311-330.
Balaev, M. (2015). World-systems analysis and theory: A commentary on Babones. Thesis Eleven, 127(1) pp. 33-35.
Bartholomaeus, C.L. (2015). Engaging Boys in Building Gender Equality: Reflections from Primary School Research. In M Flood and R Howson, ed. Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 244-256.
Bartholomaeus, C.L. and Senkevics, A. (2015). Accounting for Gender in the Sociology of Childhood: Reflections from Research in Australia and Brazil. SAGE Open, April-June pp. 1-9.
Bartholomaeus, C.L. (2015). 'Girls can like boy toys': Junior primary school children's understandings of feminist picture books. Gender and Education,
Brook, H.J. (2015). Conjugality: marriage and marriage-like relationships before the law. 2nded. New York, United States of America: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brook, H.J. (2015). Engaging marriage: rom coms and fairytale endings. In L Hockley and NFadinia, ed. The Happiness Illusion: How the media sold us a fairytale. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 145-161.
Brook, H.J. (2015). Bros before Ho(mo)s: Hollywood Bromance and the Limits of Heterodoxy. Men and Masculinities, 18(2) pp. 249-266.
Brook, H.J., Mulholland, M.A., Beasley, C. and Holmes, M.E. (2015). Introduction to the special section: Challenging heterodoxies. Sexualities, 18(5-6) pp. 645-648.
Buchanan, F., Wendt, S.C. and Moulding, N. (2015). Growing up in domestic violence: What does maternal protectiveness mean? Qualitative Social Work, 14(3) pp. 399-415.
Button, E.J. and Goodwin-Smith, I.C. (2015). Daphne Street Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre: 2014 Evaluation Findings. Adelaide: Australian Centre for Community Services Research, Flinders University.
Cebulla, A. and Goodwin-Smith, I. (2015). Apprenticeships in homelessness: a quantitative study. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 50(3) pp. 277-296.
Chung, D. and Wendt, S.C. (2015). Domestic violence against women: policy, practice and solutions in the Australian context. In A Day & E Fernandez, ed. Preventing Violence in Australia: Policy, Practice and Solutions. Annandale, NSW: The Federation Press, pp. 202-215.
Connellan, K., Riggs, D.W. and Due, C. (2015). Light Lies: How Glass Speaks. Communication Design Quarterly. 3.4(August) pp. 15-24.
Cook, K., McKenzie, H., Natalier, K.A. and Young, L. (2015). Institutional processes and the production of gender inequalities: The case of Australian child support research and administration. Critical Social Policy, 35(4) pp. 512-534.
Cook, K., McKenzie, H. and Natalier, K.A. (2015). Mothers' experiences of child support: qualitative research and opportunities for policy insight’ Journal of Family Studies, 21(1) pp. 57-71.
Corrales, T., Waterford, M., Goodwin-Smith, I.C., Wood, L., Hill, K., Yourell, T., et al. (2015). Being a/part: The strength and the struggle of young people’s experiences of belonging. Australian Social Policy Conference - Rights and Entitlements in Times of Austerity. Sydney. Sep 2015.
Corrales, T., Waterford, M., Goodwin-Smith, I.C., Wood, L., Hill, K., Yourell, T., et al. (2015). Being a/part: The strength and the struggle of young people’s experiences of belonging. Child Aware Approaches Conference. Melbourne. May 2015.
Crowder, G.E. (2015). Revolution and Evolution: Kropotkin's Anarchism. In Rl Hammersley, ed. Revolutionary Moments: Reading Revolutionary Texts. New York, United States of America: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, pp. 141-149.
Crowder, G.E. (2015). Why We Need Positive Liberty. The Review of Politics, 77(2) pp. 271-278.
Day, A., Nakata, M. and Miller, K. (2015). Programs to Improve the Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Australian Social Work,
Doherty, B., Eccleston, R., Hansen, E.A., Natalier, K.A. and Churchill, B. (2015). Building evaluation capacity in micro community organizations – more burden than benefit? Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 15(4) pp. 29-37.
Due, C., Riggs, D.W. and Mandara, M. (2015). Educators' experiences of working in Intensive English Language Programs: The strengths and challenges of specialised English language classrooms for students with migrant and refugee backgrounds. Australian Journal of Education, 59(2) pp. 169-181.
Dunk-West, P.M. and Brook, H.J. (2015). Sexuality. In Diane Richardson and Victoria Robinson, ed. Introducing Gender and Women's Studies. 4th ed. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fraser, H. and Jarldorn, M. (2015). Narrative research as resistance: a cautionary tale. In Leslie Brown, Susan Strega, ed. Research as Resistance. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc., pp. 153-176.
Fraser, H. (2015). A Hooligan in the Hallway? In DMichell, J Z. Wilson and V Archer, ed. Bread and Roses: Voices of Australian Academics from the Working Class. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 139-146.
Fraser, H. and Michell, D. (2015). Feminist memory work in Action: Method and Practicalities. Qualitative Social Work, 2015(3) pp. 321-337.
Fraser, H.M. (2015). The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets. Anthrozoos, 28(3) pp. 521-522.
Gatwiri, G.J. and Fraser, H.M. (2015). Putting vaginal fistulas on the international social work map: A critical perspective. International Social Work,
Goodwin-Smith, I.C. and Iannos, M.E. (2015). AnglicareSA-funded programs: Evaluation Report. Adelaide: Australian Centre for Community Services Research, Flinders University.
Goodwin-Smith, I.C. (2015). AnglicareSA Rental Affordability Snapshot.
Goodwin-Smith, I.C. and Elvin, A. (2015). AnglicareSA Turn Away Census, May 2015.
Goodwin-Smith, I.C. and Iannos, M.E. (2015). AnglicareSA Turn Away Census, November 2015.
Goodwin-Smith, I.C. (2015). Designing a community based research project. Anglicare Australia National Conference – Leaving No One Behind. Canberra. Sep 2015.
Goodwin-Smith, I.C. and Hutchinson, C.L. (2015). Beyond supply and demand: addressing the complexities of workforce exclusion in Australia. Journal of Social Inclusion, 6(1) pp. 163-185.
Graycar, A. and Masters, A. (2015). Corruption in sport – a new field for public policy. In Symposium of the Anti-Corruption Academic (ACAD) Initiative: Compendium of the papers submitted by the participants. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Symposium of the Anti-Corruption Academic (ACAD) Initiative. Moscow. Oct 2015, pp. 56-68.
Graycar, A. (2015). Corruption. In Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations.
Graycar, A. (2015). Corruption: Classification and analysis. Policy and Society, 34(2) pp. 87-96.
Graycar, A. and Monaghan, O. (2015). Rich Country Corruption. International Journal of Public Administration, 38(8) pp. 586-595.
Hallahan, L.E. (2015). Review of the SA Adoption Act 1988. Adelaide: SA Government.
Hallahan, L.E. (2015). Disability policy in Australia: a triumph of the scriptio inferior on impotence and neediness. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 50(2) pp. 191-208.
Hosking, G.J., Mulholland, M. and Baird, B. (2015). 'We Are Doing Just Fine': The Children of Australian Gay and Lesbian Parents Speak Out. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 11(4) pp. 327-350.
Huang, Y., Wong, H. and Tan, N.T. (2015). Associations of economic loss, financial strain, and psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. DISASTERS, 39(4) pp. 795-810.
Iannos, M.E. and Goodwin-Smith, I.C. (2015). Developing a Client Wellbeing Index: Report for AnglicareSA. Adelaide: Australian Centre for Community Services Research, Flinders University.
Iannos, M.E. and Goodwin-Smith, I.C. (2015). Understanding and Implementing a Client-Directed Approach to Service Delivery: Literature Review. Adelaide: Australian Centre for Community Services Research, Flinders University.
Irizarry, C.R., Marlowe, J.M., Hallahan, L.E. and Bull, M.A. (2015). Restoring Connections: Social Workers' Practice Wisdom towards Achieving Social Justice. British Journal of Social Work,
Isherwood, L.M., Luszcz, M.A. and King, D.S. (2015). Reciprocity in material and time support within parent–child relationships during late-life widowhood. Ageing and Society,
Isherwood, L.M. and King, D.S. (2015). Targeting workforce strategies: Asian migrants in the Australian aged care workforce. . The 10th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - Asia/Oceania 2015 Congress. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Isherwood, L.M., King, D.S. and Luszcz, M.A. (2015). Widowhood in the fourth age: support exchange, relationships and social participation. Ageing and Society,
Jarldorn, M.K., Beddoe, L., Fraser, H.M. and Michell, D. (2015). Planting a seed: encouraging service users towards educational goals. Social Work Education, 34(8) pp. 921-935.
Karpetis, G. (2015). Klinikíkinonikíergasía. In Kounti-Hronopoulou, K., Tzedaki, M., Passa, M., Papadimitriou, G., ed. I Simvolí tis KinonikísErgasíasstinPsikhiatrikíTherapeftikí. 1st ed. Athens, Greece: Parissianou Press, pp. 162-169.
Karpetis, G. (2015). Psychoanalytic insights and empowerment in social work practice: evaluating the effectiveness of the ‘transference interpretation to the setting’ technique. Journal of Social Work Practice,
Karpetis, G. (2015). Psychological distress among mental health social workers. European Journal of Social Work,
Kenny, P., McLaren, H.J., Blissenden, M. and Villios, S. (2015). Improving the Students’ Tax Experience: A Team-Based Learning Approach for Undergraduate Accounting Students. Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association, 10(1) pp. 43-67.
Koswara, A., Verity, F., Nugraha, A. and Lukman, S. (2015). Communicating CSR Practices: A Web-site Analysis of Indonesian's State Owned Entities (SOEs) Australian Journal of Sustainable Business and Society, 1(1) pp. 27-36.
Liu, J., Liu, K. and Huang, Y. (2015). Transferring from the poor to the rich: Examining the regressive redistribution in Chinese social insurance programmes. International Journal of Social Welfare,
McCormack, D. and Riggs, D.W. (2015). The Ethics of Biomedical Tourism. Somatechnics, 5(1) pp. 1-11.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Thinking Matters: Well-Being, Mindfulness and the Global Commons. In I Fredriksson, ed. The Mysteries of Consciousness: Essays on Spacetime, Evolution and Well-Being. North Carolina, USA: McFarland & Co, pp. 263-293.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Critical Systemic Thinking: what is it and how do we do it?
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). What constitutes meaningful research and how do we do it?
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Systemic Governance and Accountability to address Food, Urbanisation, Gender and Water.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Multicultural Education: Challenges and Opportunities: From clash of civilisations to co-creation and co-determination. Asian International Conference of Islamic Studies. Nov 2014.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Five minutes of fame - Tedex style. The 2015 International Conference on the Science of Dialogic Design: Symposia for Scientists and Practitioners. Limossal, Cyprus. May 2015.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). People and the planet, Kenneth Boulding revisited: How can we achieve the values, will and conditions to 'govern the Anthropocene'? The 2015 International Conference on the Science of Dialogic Design: Symposia for Scientists and Practitioners. Limosal, Cyprus.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Governing the Anthropocene through balancing individualism and collectivism. In Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS. Berlin, Germany: International Systems Sciences. International Society Systems Sciences 59th Annual Conference 2nd -7th August. Berlin, Germany. Aug 2015.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Participatory Education Research: A cosmopolitan approach to social and environmental justice. Participatory Education Research, Special Issue 2015 pp. i-viii.
McIntyre, J.J. (2015). Multicultural Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Education Research: From Clash of civilisations to Co-creation and Co-determination. Participatory Education Research, Special Issue pp. 101-139.
MacKay, T. and Goodwin-Smith, I.C. (2015). Client Experiences of Emergency Assistance Services. Journal of Social Inclusion, 6(2) pp. 51-62.
McLaren, H.J., Goodwin-Smith, I.C. and Miller, K. (2015). Evaluation of the Family Coping Toolkit. Bedford Park: Australian Centre for Community Services Research (ACCSR), Flinders University.
McLaren, H.J. (2015). Falling in love with romantic ideals: women in relationships with child molesters. Culture Health and Sexuality,
McLaren, H.J. and Kenny, P. (2015). Motivating change from lecture-tutorial modes to less traditional forms of teaching. Australian Universities' Review, 57(1) pp. 28-33.
McLaren, H.J. (2015). Traversing Organisational Cultures: Building student capacity to lead conversations about child protection policy reform. Participatory Educational Research, Special Issue 2015-I pp. 132-144.
McLaren, H.J. (2015). Cold violence in China: Mothers and their children. In Addressing Gender-Based Violence: Local and International Perspectives. . Flinders Gender Consortium International Symposium. Adelaide. Nov 2015.
Manning, H. and Phiddian, R. (2015). Nearly all about Kevin: The election as drawn by Australian cartoonists. In C Johnson; J Wanna; H-A Lee, ed. Abbott's Gambit: the 2013 Australian Federal Election. Canberra: ANU E-Press, pp. 161-187.
Manning, H.R. (2015). Hunting the Swinging Voter. In N. Mitraglietta, AGauja and R Smith, ed. Contemporary Australian Political Party Organisations. Clayton: Monash University Publishing, pp. 140-153.
Manwaring, R.P., Gray, G. and Orchard, L. (2015). Unstable Bipartisanship or Off the Agenda? Social issues during the 2013 election campaign. In C Johnson,JWanna, &H-A Lee, ed. Abbott's Gambit: the 2013 Australian Federal Election. Canberra, Australia: ANU E-Press, pp. 359-374.
Manwaring, R.P. (2015). Parties and Representation. In N Miragliotta, AGauja, R Smith, ed. Contemporary Australian Political Party Organisations. Melbourne, Australia: Monash University Press, pp. 89-102.
Manwaring, R.P. (2015). Understanding Policy Advisory Systems: Introducing a new policy actor - the 'Thinker in Residence'. Public Policy Network. Melbourne. Jan 2015.
Manwaring, R.P. (2015). New Labour's Australian Legacy?
Manwaring, R.P. (2015). The Big Society in Australia: A case of 'non'-policy transfer? Australian Journal of Public Administration,
Manwaring, R.P. (2015). South Australia: July to December 2014. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 61(2) pp. 309-314.
Masters, A. and Graycar, A. (2015). Review of corruption prevention theory and practice: Towards a new model for the corruption and crime commission, Western Australia. Perth, WA: WA Crime & Corruption Commission.
Masters, A. and Graycar, A. (2015). Media reporting of corruption: policy implications. Crime, Law and Social Change, 64(2) pp. 153-175.
Miller, K. (2015). Participatory Education as Empowerment: A Case Study on Loss, Grief and Empowerment. Participatory Education Research, 2015(Special Issue) pp. 51-60.
Moulding, N., Buchanan, F. and Wendt, S.C. (2015). Untangling self-blame and mother blame in women’s and children’s perspectives on maternal protectiveness in domestic violence: Implications for practice. Child Abuse Review, 24(4) pp. 249-260.
Mulholland, M.A. (2015). Is There A New Normal? Young People Negotiate Pornification. In E Renold, J Ringrose & RD Egan, ed. Children, Sexuality and Sexualization. New York, United States of America: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 321-336.
Mulholland, M.A. (2015). Walking a fine line: Young people negotiate pornified heterosex. Sexualities, 18(5-6) pp. 731-749.
Murphy, H., Dunk-West, P.M. and Chonody, J.M. (2015). Emotion Work and the Management of Stigma in Female Sex Workers’ Long-term Intimate Relationships. Journal of Sociology, 51(4) pp. 1103-1116.
Natalier, K.A. and Johnson, G. (2015). No Home Away from Home: A Qualitative Study of Care Leavers' Perceptions and Experiences of 'Home' Housing Studies, 30(1) pp. 123-138.
Natalier, K.A. (2015). What kind of government service puts the public on hold for 811 years?
Natalier, K.A. and Clarke, R. (2015). Online Learning and the Education encounter in a Neo-liberal University: A Case Study. Higher Education Studies, 5(2) pp. 62-73.
Natalier, K.A. and Fehlberg, B. (2015). Children’s experiences of ‘home’ and 'homemaking' after parents separate: A new conceptual frame for listening and supporting adjustment. Australian Journal of Family Law, 29 pp. 111-134.
Newman, J. (2015). Wicked Tendencies: The Myth of the Social/Technical Distinction in Public Policy. . International Conference on Public Policy. Milan, Italy. Jul 2015.
Newman, J. (2015). Evidence-Based Policy and the Regulation of E-cigarettes. . International Research Society for Public Management Conference. Birmingham, UK. Mar 2015.
Newman, J. and Head, B.W. (2015). Categories of failure in climate change mitigation policy in Australia. Public Policy and Administration, 30(3-4) pp. 342-358.
Newman, J. and Head, B. (2015). Beyond the two communities: a reply to Mead’s “why government often ignores research” Policy Sciences, 48(3) pp. 383-393.
O'Dwyer, L.A. and Buckley, J. (2015). The value frameworks and motivations for intergenerational transfers from older Australians. Families, Relationships and Societies: An International Journal of Research and Debate, 4(1) pp. 103-116.
Praino, R. and Stockemer, D. (2015). “Female Policy-Makers in the U.S. Congress: Incumbency, Tenure, and Service. Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference. Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Praino, R. (2015). The Electoral Advantage of Italian/American Policy-Makers: Incumbency and Tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives. Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference. Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Praino, R. (2015). Book Review of Giuseppe Fortuna, "Italianinel Queens: L'integrazione di unacomunitàurbana" Italian American Review, 5(2) pp. 144-145.
Rahamathulla, M.A. (2015). Child Safety Issues in Cyberspace: A Critical Theory of Trends and Challenges in the ASEAN Region. International Journal of Computer Applications, 129(1) pp. 48-55.
Regmi, B.R., Star, C., Paudyal, A. and Karki, R. (2015). Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in Nepal: Needs and Perspectives. In Walter Leal Filho, ed. Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Switzerland: Springer, pp. 245-262.
Regmi, B.R., Star, C. and Bhattarai, S. (2015). Opportunities and Challenges of Promoting Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level: Case Study of Community Adaptation Planning in Nepal. . International conference on climate change innovation and resilience for sustainable livelihoods. Kathmandu. Jan 2015.
Regmi, B.R. and Star, C. (2015). Exploring the policy environment for mainstreaming community-based adaptation (CBA) in Nepal. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 7(4) pp. 423-441.
Riggs, D. (2015). Keeping up appearances: Resemblance talk amongst permanent and foster carers in Australia. In C Krolokke, L Myong, S Adrian, & T Tjornhoj-Thomsen, ed. Critical Kinship Studies: Kinship (trans)formed. United Kingdom: Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 49-64.
Riggs, D.W. (2015). GayMen. In C Richards, M John Barker, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of the Psychology of Sexuality and Gender. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 77-91.
Riggs, D. and Due, C. (2015). White Australians adoptive mothers' understandings of birth cultures and families. Adoption Quarterly, 18(4) pp. 273-290.
Riggs, D., Due, C. and Power, J. (2015). Gay men's experience of surrogacy clinics in India. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care,
Riggs, D.W. and Ogilvy, R.S. (2015). Professional Carer Experiences of Working with Young People in Specialist Care Placements in South Australia. Children Australia, pp. 1-6.
Riggs, D.W., Ansara, G.Y. and Treharne, G.J. (2015). An Evidence-Based Model for Understanding the Mental Health Experiences of Transgender Australians. Australian Psychologist, 50(1) pp. 32-39.
Riggs, D.W. (2015). '25 degrees of separation' versus the 'ease of doing it closer to home': Motivations to Offshore Surrogacy Arrangements Amongst Australian Citizens. Somatechnics, 5(1) pp. 52-68.
Riggs, D.W., von Doussa, H. and Power, J. (2015). The family and romantic relationships of trans and gender diverse Australians: an exploratory survey. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 30(2) pp. 243-255.
Riggs, D.W. and Hunter, S.C. (2015). Hegemonic Masculinities and Heteronormativities in Contemporary Books on Fathering and Raising Boys. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8(1) (Spring)) pp. 110-129.
Roach Anleu, S. and Mack, K. (2015). Performing Authority: Communicating Judicial Decisions in Lower Criminal Courts. Journal of Sociology, 51(4) pp. 1052-1069.
Roach Anleu, S., Bergman Blix, S. and Mack, K. (2015). Researching Emotion in Courts and the Judiciary: A Tale of Two Projects. Emotion Review, 7(2) pp. 145-150.
Roach Anleu, S.L. (2015). Deviance, Crime and Social Control. In J Germov and M Poole, ed. Public Sociology: An Introduction to Australian Society. 3rd ed. Sydney, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin, pp. 326-350.
Roach Anleu, S.L. and Mack, K.M. (2015). Comparacion de mujeres y hombres de experienciasen la judicaturaaustraliana. e-cadernosces, 24 pp. 25-56.
Robbins, E.J. (2015). Indigenous Political Representation in Liberal-Democratic Countries: A Comparative Analysis. In Ml Berg-Nordlie, J Sagli and A Sullivan, ed. Indigenous Politics: Institutions, Representation, Mobilisation. Colchester, United Kingdom: ECPR Press, pp. 61-93.
Robbins, E.J. (2015). Policy approaches to addressing Aboriginal social inclusion in South Australia. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 50(2) pp. 171-189.
Scott, M.W. and Harvey, N. (2015). Translating Science into Coastal Development Decisions: The Articulations of Science and Planning in South Australia. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 18(1) pp. 85-101.