Singularity Tech Group Meeting


Attendees (9): Derek, Lois, Michael, Kirk Mark, Travis

Absent: Jim, Pete, James

Agenda items:

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Singularity Tech Group Meeting


1.  Issue tracking/ Review of issues

a.  Caching

2.  Review of Action items

3.  User Name Change procedures

4.  Non-student doc class structure

5.  Departmental updates

a.  Accomplishments/Plans

b.  What’s working/what’s not

6.  Summarize action items

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Singularity Tech Group Meeting


Parking lot items:

·  Forms – what is Hershey’s methodology and where are they going with it in the future.

·  Department Pick List – 1) ownership/responsibility 2) maintenance process/procedures 3) frequency.

·  Update name in Index values when name changes in Banner. Need to develop policy.

Future agenda items:

·  Capture module – replaces current scan and index modules; possible release May 07 for general population

·  7.0 upgrade – possible release May 07 for general population

Decisions made:

·  Upgrades - Jim is the point person with Hershey.

Action items:

Action Item / Due Date / Who /
Review Jira issues assigned to Hershey and give Derek list of top 3-4 for Hershey to work on. / Everyone
Determine methodology to allow printing, doc cart, form view etc .permissions e.g. UOPrint. Who can maintain these groups? / Jim/Travis
Schedule a meeting with Hershey for discussion on future strategic direction of products including use of Forms / TBD / Jim/Lois
Get updates from Hershey on open tickets and match to Jira issues / Waiting on Hershey / Derek
Create GUAPCTL jobs for Lois to run data extracts / In Process / James
Update the version, to 1.5_10, of JVM installed via the Singularity login screen / Done / Derek
Research best practices at other institutions regarding changing names in index values when the name is changed in SIS / Waiting for list-serv / Travis
Contact Hershey to obtain copies of Singularity 7.0 and Capture 7.0 / Jim
Update the version, to 1.6 of JVM installed via the Singularity login screen / Derek

Discussion of Agenda or Action items:

·  Caching issue - Derek installed “patch” to increase logging functionality of the caching subsystem. Hershey will be reviewing the logs.

·  Patch for JVM 1.6 is available. Derek will install on login page. Departments will push out when ready.

·  Travis will use the Hershey list-serv to as sites what their current practice is regarding changing index values when a name changes in the SIS.

·  Top level structure for non-student doc classes is in Test and Prod. As departments are ready, Travis/Jim are ready to work with the department to create non-student doc classes.

·  Forms/ IE 7.0 – if user has more than one IE and Singularity running, forms don’t always open (a new tab) in the correct session. Kirk suggested turning of the “open in Tab” function so it simply opens a new window.

·  Print to Archive (will continue to identify issues and solution):

o  Fire wall issue

o  Printer needs to be defined locally on a desktop

o  Can hang printing if server is down

o  Can’t restrict doc size being printed

o  User must index as part of the “print to archive” process

o  Travis suggested a 3rd party software to print to scan folder or possibly write a script to create the tif and xml files. User could then index from the standard index module.

o  Workaround is to scan a hardcopy e.g. letters, email etc. – AO is currently doing this.

·  “Print” Banner letters to archive – use D2I?

·  D2I:

o  Derek will find a place to put D2I project files which he can access as well as Lois, Jim , Travis etc. (fire wall issues)

o  Kirk is going to create a test application with all the data fields populated.

o  Lois will start the data mapping document and documenting the doc class rules etc.

Department updates

o  FA -

o  BAO – Derek is moving files to server. Running into problems. As soon as files are on server, James can begin the load process. BAO continues to add groups of documents as well as bring additional departments on to Singularity.

o  AO -.

o  RO –

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