TUESDAY 14th February

10.00amToddler Group

WEDNESDAY 15thFebruary

10.00amMidweek Prayers with Holy Communion


2.00pmArt Group




THURSDAY 16thFebruary

10.00amChurch Walk (see inside)


FRIDAY 17thFebruary

10.00amToddler Group



7.00pmRangers (fortnightly, check dates)

SUNDAY 19thFebruary

10.30amRevd Bryan Coates

6.00pmRevd Steve Hawkes (Holy Communion)


Sunday, 12thFebruary 2017

Welcome to worship

Prayer for 10 minutes, 10.15 - 10.25am in Room 1, to pray for those taking part in the service. Do come and join us when you can.

Large print hymn books and sheets are available.

Loop system for those with hearing aids.

Small children are welcome to join our supervised crèche in Room 1. Toys are available in the welcome area for parents who wish to play with their children whilst listening to the service.

The candle prior to worship is a sign that we should keep

a prayerful silence.

After morning service, please join us for refreshments in the Hall and visit the Fairtrade stall. The ‘Good News Book’is available for use.

Retiring Collections. Over the next few weeks we are holding retiring collections to help towards the cost of the craft activities on the Church Family Weekend. Please give if you can.

Sarum Fellowship Lent course will be based on the film Casablanca. Anyone who is interested please contact Julia Walters 320015or Sue Curnow 323329.

Sunday, 12th February, 12 noon – Postscript

will meet in Room 1 to discuss any points raised during this morning’s service. All welcome.

Tuesday, 14th February, 7.30pm to 9pm – Tuesday Horizons

The birth and youth of Jesus – A help or a problem? – Revd David Hookins

Preceded by coffee at 7pm.

Thursday, 16th February, 10am – Church Walk

The walk will commence from The Wheatsheaf Inn, Lower Woodford, SP4 6NQ at 10am, walking on tracks and seeing the beautiful snowdrops (if they are still out). Walk is fairly easy going with 4 stiles. Please let me know by this Sunday evening if you intend to walk. Lunch at the the Wheatsheaf. 01722 711431 Keith Palmer.

Saturday, 25th February, 7pm to 10pm – Social Scene

BarnDance at SMc

Do come along to our Ceilidh and Ploughman’s Supper and bring your family and friends to join in the fun. There will be live music to listen to as well as dancing, so if you feel your dancing days are over you can still come to enjoy the fellowship, music and supper! All ages welcome. Tickets, £5 per person or £12 per family, are available from SMc Coffee Bar, Monica Gillings or Sue Gilbert.

Tuesday, 28th February, 7pm – Pancake Evening with a Difference

At Salisbury URC.

Our American ministers hope that you will enjoy a waffle with toppings and an American theme quiz. Tickets £2 from Sue Gilbert or Coffee Bar.

Saturday, 4th March, 7pm – Story and Supper Evening

Tickets £6.50 from Sue Gilbert, Carolyn Clarke or Coffee Bar

Sundays, 5th March until 16th April (Easter Sunday) – Lent Breakfasts

All welcome, whether attending a Church service or adding to the life within the Church family.

Good Friday,14th April, 11am –Churches Together Act of Witness from the Cathedral to the Market Square

Please put this in your diary and join us for a wonderful couple of hours through the city centre. I would also be most grateful to hear from anyone who would be willing to help steward this event. Itattracts a big crowd and we need a large number of Stewards. Your help would be much appreciated. Please contact Jonathan Plows at or inform one of the church stewards.

21st - 23rd April – Church Family Weekend

Final Balances are now due. Please make cheques payable to Salisbury Methodist Church and give to Sue Gilbert or Liz Chick by 19th February. If you are unsure of the amount, please phone Sue on 01722 237176.

Please could you sign up for the Church Coffee Bar rota if you can help. We need to have more volunteers if we want to keep it open for 6 days a week.

Many thanks, Carolyn Clarke




07956 100936

Church Office Mon to Fri, 9.30am-Noon


01722 322755