Discretionary Grants



Date: 30 April 2009


  1. Introduction 3
  1. Available Funding Windows 3
  1. Submission Requirements3
  1. Submission Deadline 4
  1. Eligibility Criteria 4
  1. Process Flow4
  1. W&RSETA Regional Offices Contact Details5
  1. Information Sheets
  • Funding Window 1: BEE Firms & BEE Co-operatives6
  • Funding Window 2: Non Levy Paying Organisations8
  • Funding Window 3: New Venture Creation10
  • Funding Window 4:Learning Programmes13
  • Funding Window 5: Workplace Experience Grants21
  • Funding Window 6: People Living With Disabilities25
  1. Scarce Skills Prioriy List26
  1. Introduction

In terms of Notice 712 of Government Regulation 27801 dated 18 July 2005, the Discretionary Grant Fund is comprised of the following:

  1. 20% of the total levies paid by employers;
  2. Surplus Administration funds;
  3. Unclaimed Mandatory Grants;
  4. Interest and penalties received
  5. Surplus contributions received from Public Service employers
  6. Any other moneys received by a SETA

In terms of the regulations, a SETA board may determine and allocate Discretionary Grants for any or all of the grant categories listed in the regulations.

In view of the above, the W&RSETA board has provided a budget from the Discretionary Grant Fund for Skills Development initiatives within the Wholesale and Retail sector throughout the country for the financial year 2009/2010. This budget is made available through Funding Windows specifically intended to respond to the needs of the sector within each of the respective regions. While some Funding Windows are applicable to all regions, others are limited only to certain regions where the greatest needs were identified.

  1. Available Funding Windows

Below is a list of the six funding windows available for the financial year 2009/2010. It is important to note that in some regions, not all funding windows are available as indicated in the regional newspaper advertisements.

  • Funding Window 1 - BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives
  • Funding Window 2 - Non Levy-paying Organisations
  • Funding Window 3 - New Venture Creation
  • Funding Window 4 - Learning Programmes on Scarce Skills
  • Funding Window 5 - Workplace Experience Grants
  • Funding Window 6 - People living with Disabilities
  1. Submission Requirements
  1. A project proposal must be submitted in the prescribed template available on the W&RSETA website ( Although the template consists of 11 pages, additional pages may be added but may not exceed 20 pages per submission.
  2. A separate template must be completed for each funding window being applied for.
  3. Each submission must be comprised of two printed copies which must be placed in a sealed envelope and marked as follows:
  • DG 2009/2010
  • Name of organisation submitting the application
  • Region
  1. The proposal must reflect a convincing recruitment strategy as confirmation that the targeted number of learners will be achieved.
  2. It is important that the proposal reflects a clear plan of how the implementation will be carried out.
  3. Projects are intended to address needs within specific regions – therefore submissions must be made at the W&RSETA Regional Office located within the region where the interventions are to be implemented. (See contact details on page 5.)
  1. Submission Deadline

The deadline for submissions is 22 May 2009 at 12h00. Submissions received after this date will not be considered.

  1. Eligibility Criteria

Only the following organisations are eligible to apply:

  1. Employers registered with the W&RSETA;
  2. Accredited Providers.

Any organisation that failed to comply with the submission of a WSP/ATR document for the year 2008/09 is not eligible to receive discretionary grants.

  1. Process Flow
  1. 22 May 2009 at 12h00 – Deadline for submissions;
  2. 5 June 2009 - All applicants to have received an acknowledgement of receipt via email. For this reason it is very important that the contact details on the Project Proposal be clear and accurate;
  3. 19 June 2009 – Evaluation Committee recommendationsto be completed;
  4. 3 July 2009 – W&RSETA Projects Board Meeting to take decision on recommendations;
  5. 10 July 2009 – Responses to be submitted to applicants via email.

Approval of proposals will be subject to the availability of funds and at the discretion of the W&RSETA.

The W&RSETA may require successful applicants to attend a briefing session. Timeous notification will be communicated should this be deemed necessary.


GP Region
Gauteng / 012 – 430 4930 / 1267 Pretorius Street
Block B, HadefieldOffice Park
WC Region
Western Cape / 021 – 442 6700 / Ground Flr, Old Warehouse Bldg
Black River Parkway
Fir Roar, Observatory
Cape Town
KZN Region
KwaZulu-Natal / 031 – 333 8800 / Smart Exchange Bldg
5 Walnut Street
LM Region
Limpopo/ Mpumalanga / 013 – 690 1214 / 64 Mandela Street
202 Parkmed Centre
Emalahleni (Witbank)
NFN Region
Northern Cape/
Free State/North West / 051 - 447 8443 / 133 St. Andrew Str, Ground Floor, JustitiaBuilding,
EC Region
Eastern Cape / 043 – 722 3010 / Office No. 8 MalcomessOffice Park
East London





The purpose of this document is to define the terms and conditions under which project proposals supporting Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives will be evaluated, as well as the requirements related to the implementation of interventions and the payment of claims. It is important to note that this funding window is aimed at achieving the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) Objective 2, and in particular the targets for Success Indicator 2.5 which have been agreed with the Department of Labour.

This implementation strategy is informed by Regulation No.R.713 of the Skills Development Act No. 97 of 1998.

  1. Funding Window: support for Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives

The W&RSETA has made a funding window available within Discretionary Funds to support skills development for Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives within the Wholesale and Retail Sector. NSDS Objective 2, Success Indicator 2.5 states:

“Annually increasing the number of Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives supported by Skills Development. Progress measured through an annual survey of BEE firms and BEE Co-operatives within the sector from the second year onwards. Impact of support measured.”

The W&RSETA has determined that the best form of support would be to subsidize, in part, the cost of implementing learning programmes for owners and current employees in Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives.

Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives in this context are firms and co-operatives that are owned and run by Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI)

  1. Scope
  • This funding is targeting owners and current employees of existing Small BEE Firms and BEE Co-operatives within the Wholesale and Retail sector.
  • Training must address the needs identified by the targeted beneficiaries.
  • Training interventions should address scarce and critical skills as listed in the Scarce and Critical Skills Guide.
  • Training Programmes run under this funding window must be unit standard aligned and approved by an ETQA.
  • Non credit bearing short courses to be delivered under this funding window must be submitted to the W&RSETA ETQA for approval.
  1. Payment Strategy

Payment of the discretionary grant within this funding window will be madeaccording to agreed payment terms and conditions and upon approval by the W&RSETA of fully compliant claims. All claims must consist of the following:

  1. Evidence of successful completion of training in the form of at least one of the following
  • Copies of Certificates of attendance that have been awarded to the learners;
  • Attendance registers signed by the learners
  1. An Invoice
  2. A declaration by the employer that the training has been implemented and completed.

All projects in this window must be closed by 31 March 2010.





The purpose of this document is to define the terms and conditions under which Project Proposals supporting Non Levy Paying Organisations will be evaluated, as well as the requirements criteria related to the implementation of interventions and the payment of claims. It is important to note that this funding window is aimed at achieving the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) Objective 3, and in particular the targets for Success Indicator 3.2 which have been agreed with the Department of Labour.

This implementation strategy is informed by Regulation No.R.713 of the Skills Development Act No. 97 of 1998.

  1. FUNDING WINDOW: SUPPORT TO Non Levy paying Organisations

This funding window is intended to support skills development for Non Levy Paying Organisations within the Wholesale and Retail Sector. NSDS Objective 3, Success Indicator 3.2 states:

”By March 2010, at least 2 000 non levy paying enterprises, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), and Community-based Co-operatives supported by skills development. Impact of support on sustainability measured with a targeted 75% success rate.”

The W&RSETA has determined that the best form of support would be to subsidize in part, the cost of implementing learning programmes for owners and current employees of the following organisations:

  • Small Non Levy Paying companies registered with the W&RSETA;
  • Community Based Co-operatives in the Wholesale and Retail sector.
  1. Scope
  • The targeted beneficiaries are owners and existing employees from Small Non levy paying firms registered with the W&RSETA and Community Based Co-operatives.
  • Training must address the needs identified by targeted beneficiary companies
  • Training interventions should address scarce and critical skills as mentioned in the Scarce and Critical Skills Guide.
  • Training Programmes run under this funding window must be unit standard aligned and approved by an ETQA.
  • Non credit bearing short courses to be delivered under this funding window must be submitted to the W&RSETA ETQA for approval.
  1. Payment Strategy

Payment of the discretionary grant within this funding window will be madeaccording to agreed payment terms and conditions and upon approval by the W&RSETA of fully compliant claims. All claims must consist of the following:

  1. Evidence of successful completion of training in the form of at least one of the following
  • Copies of Certificates of attendance that have been awarded to the learners;
  • Attendance registers signed by the learners
  1. An Invoice
  2. A declaration by the employer that the training has been implemented and completed.

All projects in this window must be closed by 31 March 2010.





This funding window is intended to find partners that will enable the SETA to meet its New Venture Creation target. The W&RSETA has made grants available to companies and partners that can assist in meeting NSDS Objective 4, Success Indicator 4.3 which states:

“By March 2010 at least 10 000 of young people trained and mentored to form sustainable new ventures and at least 70% of new ventures in operation 12 months after completion of programme.”

This implementation strategy is informed by Regulation No.R.713 of the Skills Development Act No. 97 of 1998.

  1. Funding Window: New Venture Creation

Experience in previous projects implemented by the W&RSETA has highlighted the importance of having tangible new venture opportunities available before one can even start putting people through interventions that are intended to train them in New Venture Creation. Starting a New Venture Creation programme without specific opportunities results in people being trained and then left to their own devices without the proper support mechanisms being put in place to support them, and this is not acceptable to the W&RSETA. Evidence also exists that there is a better success rate where people are trained whilst starting new businesses or are already in business on their own.

Proposals within this funding window must therefore clearly demonstrate the ability of the applicant to work in partnership with the W&RSETA in ensuring that the beneficiaries of this grant are assisted to start new ventures. This means that at the end of the programmes there must be operating entities which will be in existence 12 month after the withdrawal of the material aid from both parties.

  1. Scope of Funding Window
  • Beneficiaries must be youth (below age 35)
  • Equity Guidelines must be adhered to
  • Minimum qualification of learners must be Grade 12
  • Prior business experience an advantage for the learners
  • Learners with previous skills training will be considered
  • Existence of Business opportunity is essential for the proposal to be considered.
  • W&RSETA will fund the training aspects of the programme
  • The bidder must demonstrate the ability to secure or provide funding for the startup
  • Training providers must be accredited by the Services SETA and must obtain extension of scope to run NVC in the W&R Sector
  • Training providers must guarantee certification for the learners after training.
  1. Payment Strategy

Payment of the discretionary grant within this funding window will be madeaccording to agreed payment terms and conditions and upon approval by the W&RSETA of duly compliant claims. All claims must comprise the following:

  1. Evidence of successful completion of training in the form of at least one of the following
  • Copies of Certificates of attendance that have been awarded to the learners;
  • Attendance registers signed by the learners;
  1. An Invoice
  2. A declaration by the employer that the training has been implemented and completed.
  3. Evidence of a successful and sustainable business in process


Funding Window / Deliverables / Quality Requirements / Payment amount / percentage
New venture Creation /
  • NVC implementation plan
/ Implementation plan must contain the following:
  • Particulars of the young people targeted
  • Indication of how learners were selected.
  • Selection tools used
  • Criteria for selection
  • The amount that the partner is committing to the intervention or evidence of guarantees regarding access to finance.
  • The details of the nature of business/es that will be started
  • The project plan of how and when the businesses will commence operation
  • The strategy to be adopted to ensure sustainability of these businesses.
  • The NVC training provider that has been engaged to provide the classroom training
Interview will be conducted to clarify implementation plan. / 40% on approval of implementation plan
  • Training report.
  • Proof of business Startup
  • Qualification must be partially completed. (50% completion).
  • Business must be operational.
  • Site visit by the W&RSETA will be conducted.
/ 30% on completion of training and business startup.
  • Training completion report.
  • Certificate obtained by the learner
  • Mentorship strategy to ensure sustainability over 12 months
  • NVC Certificate must be available.
  • Business must be operational
  • Learner report will be drawn up after a W&RSETA site visit.
  • Evidence of a viable business
/ 30% on completion of training and mentorship ie 12 month after startup of business.





This funding window is limited to learnerships and skills programmes for unemployed learners and is only available to stakeholders in the Wholesale and Retail economic sectorwho are opening new stores in the immediate future.

  1. Background:

The NSDS 2005-2010 as well as the Skills Development Act (as amended) infers a duty on the W&RSETA to implement Learning Programmes, which includes learnerships and skills programmes linked to the scarce skills in the Wholesale and Retail Sector and to fund such implementation through discretionary grants as far as possible.

To this end the W&RSETA has decided to invite stakeholders to submit Project Proposals which will assist in achieving this objective of the NSDS. The Project Proposal can either be for Learnerships or Skills Programmes or both. This funding window includes only unemployed (18.2) learners.

  1. Objectives:

The Wholesale and Retail SETA is inviting proposals from stakeholders to deliver the learning programmes forthe following registered Wholesale and Retail Qualifications:

Learnership Title / DoL Registration number / SAQA registration number
NC: Retail Perishable Food(3) / 27Q270015291203 / 49792
NC: Wholesale & Retail Buying(5) / 27Q270016171205 / 59299
NC: Wholesale & Retail Distribution(2) / 27Q270010391202 / 49280
NC: Wholesale & Retail Operations Supervision(4) / 27Q270009301354 / 49397
NC: Wholesale & Retail Operations(2)
  • Retail assistant
  • Merchandiser
  • Warehouse Assistant
  • Shop Owner
/ 27Q270014551202
27Q270012551202 / 58206
NC: Wholesale & Retail Operations (L3) / Still awaiting from DoL / 63409
NC: Generic Management (L4) / Still awaiting from DoL / 57712
NC: Generic Management (L5) / Still awaiting from DoL / 59208
NC: Informal Business Retail Practices / Still awaiting from DoL / 58308

The following Non Wholesale and Retail Learning Programmes are also included:

Supply and Distribution Managers / 133601
Retail Managers / 142101
Butchers / 31201
Bakers / 351101
Deli Supervisors / 831111
  1. Scope of Work

Successful applicants will be required to:

  • Sign a Management and Delivery Contract;
  • Submit a Learning Programme Implementation Plan;
  • Perform all the duties as per the learnership agreement and/or Skills Programme Agreement

Employers of the learners will be required to:

  1. Comply with the following legislative framework for implementation of learnerships:
  2. Skills Development Act
  3. Skills Development Levies Act
  4. Basic Conditions of employment Act
  5. Labour Relations Act
  6. Employment Equity Act
  7. Occupational Health and Safety Act
  8. Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act
  9. Unemployment Insurance Act
  10. SAQA Act
  1. Perform the duties as set out in the Learnership Agreement including but not limited to:
  • Selection and/or making use of the services of an accredited training provider with the scope of accreditation to design, deliver and assess against the prescribed qualification for the duration of the programme
  • Submission of signed learnership agreements or skills programme agreements in the prescribed format and with the required supporting documentation to the W&RSETA
  • Uploading learner agreements on the Seta Management System (SMS) of the W&RSETA
  • Provide the facilities and resources required for the specified practical workplace experience activities of the learnership and/or skills programme;
  • Selecting and securing proper and conducive workplaces if the applicant is not the employer
  • Provide the learner with supervision, mentoring and coaching at work;
  • Provide the learner with appropriate education and training to competently perform the specified workplace experience activities required by the learnership or skills programme;
  • Release the learner during normal working hours to attend off-the-job structured learning required by the learnership or skills programme;
  • Conduct on-the-job assessment for the specified workplace experience activities, or cause it to be conducted;
  • Keep up to date records of workplace learning and periodically discuss progress with the learner and the training provider;
  • If the learner was not in the employment of the employer at the time of entering into the learnership or skills programme agreement -
  • enter into a contract of employment with the learner for the duration of the learnership and/or skills programme
  • advise the learner of the terms and conditions of his or her employment, including the learner allowance; and
  • advise the learner of the employer's workplace policies and procedures.
  • Pay the learner the agreed learner allowance of R1500-00 per month for the duration of the learnership or skills programme on a monthly basis;
  • Maximum sponsored learner allowance for skills programmes is 4 months
  • Apply the same disciplinary, grievance and dispute resolution procedures to the unemployed learner as to any other employee;
  • In addition to the above, ensuring that the following duties are performed by the Training Provider appointed by the Employer:
  • provide the structured learning specified in the learnership or skills programme;
  • provide the learner support as required by the learnership or skills programme;
  • record, monitor and retain details of the education and training provided to the learner in terms of the learnership or skills programme and periodically discuss progress with the learner and the employer;
  • conduct off-the-job assessments for the structured learning component specified in the learnership or skills programme, or cause it to be conducted;
  • ensure that the assessment against the outcomes of the qualification associated with the learnership or skills programme is conducted at the end of the learnership or skills programme;
  • Uploading of results on to the Seta Management System (SMS) by the Training Provider within 10 working days of the results having been internally moderated.