Hath God Abandoned America?

Ch 7:14;
(14)"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

We see people killing friends, relatives and strangers; race rising against race; famine and pestilence in the land. We see the economy crumbling and men dying for the oddest of reasons. Every prison in America is filled to overcrowding. We are often eyewitnesses to death and destruction on every hand.
We must ask, Hath God abandoned America?
I can't blame anyone for asking such a question. If all we have to look forward to is a miserable and dangerous existence here on earth, then it's understandable why mankind is confused.
It is ironic that the bible declares that even having hope in Christ is of no value to us if we confine that hope to this life only. Paul said; "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." I Co 15:19 According to him, we, as Christians, will be the most miserable of all. For mankind has no hope apart from God. Nevertheless, we, having hope in Christ shall be in worst shape than they if we seek Christ merely for earthy deliverances.

Hath God abandoned America?
Man has been recording history for over 6,000 years and man hasn't made any progress. You say we have, I say we haven't.
Everything that man has ever made has killed him at one time or another. Progress? You call that progress? If a wolf gets his foot caught in a trap he'll chew it off, stick the stump in the mud and live on like it never happened. Amputate a man's foot in a sterile operating room with two doctors and six nurses. Chances are he'll go into shock and die. Progress? Man is the frailest creature on earth. No medical progress.
When all man had were horses, man stole them. When man made carts and buggies, man stole them. When man made cars, man stole them. Man made airplanes man stole them. Man made rockets man stole them. Man has not progressed.
Our banks today have more steel in their vaults than they have in the rest of the building for fear that man will rob them.
We in America ask: Hath God abandoned America?
No, God gave us Jesus. Jesus is Light, and like any other light, if you turn your back on the light you will stand in your own darkness. Mankind stands in a darkness of his own making. He is in his own way. When you walk in the darkness that you have created, your own shadow will cause you to stumble. Turn unto the marvelous Light. Turn away from the darkness that is in you. You make your own darkness with all the I's and the me's and your insistence upon "the way I see it". We have lights because we can't see in the dark. Because our eyes can adjust to it, we think we can see in the dark. Wrong. Our eyes don't get used to the dark. Our eyes adjust to the amount of light available to them. We don't read in the dark-- we read in low levels of light.
When you've lived in darkness all your life and you finally turn to the light of Christ, the light is so bright it hurts your eyes and you turn away. You become a Christian with his back to the Light. You become a low-light Christian. Or even worse, a sinner that was almost persuaded. Get used to the Light of Jesus Christ, even if your eyes do hurt for a while. Adjust to the brightness of God's Light, only then will you see that God has not forgotten America.
Jesus came unto His own and His own received Him not. They couldn't stand the Light and they turned away. But to as many as hung in there, bore the pain and received Him, gave He power to become sons of God. Even to those of us that will hang on and believe on His name.
But Still; Hath God abandoned America?
No, Jesus Christ - God in the flesh - Immanuel, working here on earth for the redemption of sinful man is what God has done for America and the world!

Joh 1:12;
(12)"But to as many as received Him gave He power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on His name."
Jesus was then and is now working to save sinful, lost man. The word "received" is in the past tense, meaning those that received Him into their lives while He yet walked this earth. "Believe" is in the present tense, meaning any who read or hear about Him and receive Him today, or in the future can receive that same power. Listen to what the Master said to Thomas; "You believe because you saw, but blessed are those who believe and see not." Before Jesus left He promised to send the Blessed Holy Ghost to teach and guide us into all truth. This very instant the Holy Ghost is shedding God's grace on thee.
Joh 1:14;
(14)"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth."
Never let this verse out of your sight. Don't turn your back on the only thing on earth that's worth remembering. Everything else will stop at the grave.
The truth is that we have Jesus on earth, full of grace and truth, living His life in and through His children.
Joh 14:12-31; (18-21, 23);
(18)"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
(19)Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
(20)At that day ye shall know that I am in my Fa¼ther, and ye in me and I in you.
(21)He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."
(23)"If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him."
God the Father, God the Son and God The Holy Ghost living in the children of God! God has not abandoned! If you accept anything less than The Trinity living in your life, you'll never know that God has not abandoned! You'll never know that God has sworn to remember; you'll never know that God desires to love you and dwell with you!
You'll never know! You'll never know! You'll never know!

God said, "If My people..., (and we are His people), "Who are called by my name..., (and we are called by His name), "Would humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: THEN WILL I..."
God has not abandoned nor has He forgotten, but there are some conditions upon which He predicates remembering.
1.Humble Themselves!
Not Humiliate Others!
2.And Pray!
Not Dictate Their Policies To Me!
3.And Seek My Face!
And Not Seek To Save Their Faces!
4.And Turn From Their Wicked Ways!
Not Just Try To Make Those Wicked Ways Holy!

Look at the state of this land and the church and you'll ask the same question that was asked in 7:21b, 22:
(21b)"...Why hath the Lord done thus unto this land, and unto this house?"
(22)"And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the God of their Fathers..., Therefore hath

He brought all this evil upon them."
If you're caught up in the garbage that the darkness has created, you'll settle for the darkness. Any religion you're studying that prevents Jesus and His gospel from having absolute control of your life was manufactured by the darkness no matter how holy it appears to be. If the Godhead isn't living with you, you are reading in very low light.
Romans 12: 1-2, declares you are to be a living sacrifice, daily giving God absolute control. Millions of people believe in the darkness because it's a lot easier to lie in the dark than it is to tell the truth in the Light.
But with all of the above answers staring us in the face, many Christians still ask; "Has God abandoned America? Is America the God forsaken land it is said to be?
Turn to the Light and see! See the glory of God in Jesus the Christ. See the glory of God in His children. See the glory of God in the body of Christ. See the glory of God in the workings of the Blessed Holy Ghost.
Turn to the Lord, seek Him while He may yet be found.
Desire to dwell in His house all the days of your life.
Seek to behold the beauty of the Lord.
Enquire in His temple.
Seek the deep riches of His word.
Dig for the hidden treasures of His knowledge and wisdom.
Seek to know what God is doing before it's everlastingly too late. If America has lost her God, how can He be found? If God didn't provide for America in His word, is there a way unto Him? Does He ever consider us or— Has God abandoned America?
Frankly, you ought to find out from God Himself, open His Bible and read tomorrow's headlines.
Read for yourselves; I Tim 4: 1-3 and II Tim 3: 1-7, 13. Take heed to the prophesies of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel. Through these men and others, God wrote about what's happening this very hour. Well over 2,000 years ago God said what's going on today would be going on today.
God said-- they are my children-- they are called by my name-- but they won't humble themselves; they won't pray; they won't seek my face; they won't turn from their wicked ways, yet they cry unto me daily. We do. Our covert gamblers, judges, politicians, and others in public offices swear by Him. And our overt gamblers all call upon Him-- Oh Lord, buy me a this and gimme a that! Oh Lord, gimme a seven, or eleven! Oh Lord, bless this horse; let it win!
Oh Lord, I'm going to stop; really, I'm going do it but-- 'til I do, bless me in my sin!
But, we won't allow our children to gather daily in school and pray to Him for wisdom and strength. Nor will we allow them to pledge their allegiance to Him as they pledge their allegiance to the very country we are asking Him to pledge His allegiance to.
No, God has not abandoned America-- America has abandoned God.
Turn to the Light and see. Then you'll know. Accept Jesus as the only way for He is The Only Way. There is no other way.
Know this first, however, that you must accept Him on His terms and not on your terms. Everywhere you go you pay your money to follow someone else's rules. Salvation is free, but there are still rules. Learn them and learn to follow them. In the final analysis it will cost you far less to follow the rules of God than it will to follow the rules of sinful man. You must pay to follow man. It pays you to follow God.
Know of a truth, you're going to face God eventually. Don't wait until you get to hell to be convinced that Jesus is who He says He is.
Get used to the Light that is Jesus, now! It is easier to face Him as your Father than it will be to face Him as your Judge.
There once was a judge who had a son. He told him many times that if ever he saw wrong doing to get away before he got caught up in it. He warned him to come to him if his friends were planning evil, before it was too late. But the boy wouldn't listen. He listened to his friends instead. One day they robbed a bank and killed a guard. When the case came to court, the boy's father was the judge. His father said, "Son, I gave you a choice to come to me as your father or as your judge. You said that as your father I was too strict, too demanding of you. You said I took away your freedoms; I didn't allow you to run your own life. Instead of coming to me as your father, you have chosen to appear before me as your judge. I must act accordingly. I am forced to act as a judge, with no fatherly pity or compassion. The crime you committed is worthy of death. You have been found guilty of all charges. So be it. By your own hand, you have sentenced yourself to death. It is now my job to insure the sentence is carried out."
We decide what our fate will be. God didn't die to become our Judge He was that already. He died to become a loving, forgiving Father. Allow Him to be that. While we, the children of God, will not be punished as ruthless sinners, those faithless sons among us will not be rewarded as faithful sons.
The choice is yours, America. You can come and go on with Him or sit back and watch Him go on without you.
America's soul must be won to Christ before her heart will return to Him. The choice is yours. The wages of lust is sin. The wages of sin is death. God will either be your Father or your Judge. Will He once again be America's loving Father-- or an avenging Judge?
No, God has not abandoned-- we have abandoned God.
The judgments of God upon a land are fourfold:
1) The sword - Wars and Crime
2) The famine - Droughts and floods
3) The noisome beast - animals/insects/foliage
4) The pestilence - Diseases in epidemic proportions

America has all four.
The salvation of God is fourfold.
1) He sent Jesus to forgive us our sins.
2) He will hear from heaven and forgive our nation.
3) He will heal our land.
4) He will dwell amongst His people.

America needs all four.

If God said He'd heal the land, then the land must be sick. America is very sick. God wants to heal this land. What do I mean in saying that America is sick? Everyday we hear of new, exotic diseases. Medical scientists tell us there are over 200 organs in the human body that are defunct. We are dying like poisoned flies.
Our crops and domestic animals are diseased by the chemicals man made to "help" them. All manner of exotic insects ravage our flora and fauna. Our meat producing animals are becoming sterile. We may all soon be forced to be vegetarians. Many of our women are waxing barren and many of our men are impotent. The babies our babies are having won't profit us. They are either diseased, dying young or living their lives in drug induced stupors or prison. And the child of God is most to blame.

America is sick and without The Trinity living in the hearts of her people, she will die of her afflictions.
America! Let God Shed His Grace On Thee!
God will hear from heaven.
God will forgive our nation!
God will heal our land!
God will behold us!
God will incline His ear and listen to our prayers!
God will lift His countenance upon us!
God's face will once again shine upon us!

Do you wish to concede, to relinquish your hold on your ways of doing God's will? Can He now, as He once did, rule by His providence? If you have truly surrendered to Him: confess it with your mouth in this prayer; believing that Jesus hears you.

"Father in heaven, I need Jesus, Please forgive me. Please take charge of my life and make me the type of person you want me to be. I now receive your guidance as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for forgiving me and delivering me. Renew my joy and hide my life in You. In the Name of Jesus and to the glory of God our Father, I pray.
God Hast Not Forgotten Us; Nor Shall He Ever Abandon His People!
Praise Ye Jehovah!