8th Annual EMS Summit

Monday, July 27 (beginning at 2:00) to Wednesday, July 29 (ending at noon), 2015

Hosted byVillanova University College of Nursing

Learning Resource Center

Villanova, PA


Instructions: Please complete this form and email to by January 30, 2015.

Presenter Information (Please list ALL presenters, primary presenter first)
Presenter Name / Credentials / Job Title / Email Address
City, State
Zip Code
Session Information
Session Title
Session Description
Session Objectives
(If available or add a suggested reading list) / Please include: Author, Title, Journal, Vol. No., pp.
30 minutes / 45 minutes / 60
minutes / Other
Please indicate
Length of session
Mon, 7/27
PM / Tues, 7/28
AM / Tues, 7/28
PM / Wed, 7/29
AM / No preference
Session Date and Time Preference

Please note that we will do our best to accommodate session date and time preferences, but they cannot be guaranteed.

Lecture / Discussion / Demo
Teaching Methods
Laptop / Projector / Easel & Flipchart / Additional Requirements
Speaker Requirements / Indicate below
Abstract: 200-250 words and address the content to be covered per the session objectives.
Blinded Abstract: Copy of abstract without any identifying factors i.e. university or hospital name.
Presenter Biographies: (Please list ALL presenters, primary presenter first)

Please email the completed form to

Thank you for your submission.

Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted on an on-going basis until January 30, 2015or until all available presentation times are full.

Please submit any Course Materials/Handouts by Friday, July 10, 2015 to presenter handouts must be in PDF format to minimize the potential for alteration by the participants when placed on the EMS Education Site.

Please provide clear, legible electronic handouts (optional) making sure that your material is original, in the public domain, or is used with the express written permission of the copyright holder. For any material that you have permission copy, EMS must receive a written copy of the permission for our files.

Names of patients/learners/clients/colleagues, etc., should not be used. When using examples, stories, reports, etc., it is important to maintain confidentiality.

By agreeing to present at this event, you are also agreeing to have your handouts prepared electronically as a PDF file and a.) placed on the EMS Education site and b.) made available for distribution.

We reserve the right to use all material and biographical information submitted by faculty, including photographs, in our meeting advertisements. Advertising may include both printed material and electronic (emails and web).

Presenters also agree to any recording and reproduction in connection with your presentation for any purpose including distribution.

In the event that you are no longer able to attend,please contact Laurie Kerns by phone: 610-701-7002 x237 or email: .

Thank you so much for your participation in this event!

Education Management Solutions, LLC. ◊

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