Action for Refugees In Lewisham(AFRIL)



Advice/outreach officer


Team Leader, Manager, AFRIL’s Board of Trustees


  • To provide generalist advice, advocacy and pro-active support, through drop-in, outreach and structured advice sessions, to refugees and asylum seekers in Lewisham and surrounding boroughs to help service users move away from poverty and isolation and achieve their optimum level of independence including accessing appropriate health care and pathways to other services.
  • To provide appropriate and relevant information to voluntary and statutory agencies in order to raise awareness about rights and needs of refugees


  1. Welcome and induct service users into the project explaining the facilities, ground rules and services available.
  2. Provide support and advice (housing, welfare rights, benefits, debt etc) to individual service users both through informal engagement as well as structured advice and support sessions, including casework with allocated clients.
  1. To identify and refer complex cases and issues to external advice sources when appropriate.
  1. Under guidance of the manager, jointly develop, maintain and update information sheets, leaflets and advice packs.
  2. To keep clear records of advice sessions and interventions provide regular reports as necessary and contribute regular articles for in-house marketing material and website
  3. Jointly support volunteers and trainees offering appropriate supervision within the project and other support in relation to their placement.
  1. With the manager to arrange training sessions for volunteer interpreters, community advocates and befrienders
  1. To keep abreast of all developments in legislation, case law and policy relevant to the work of the advice centre and brief all other staff and trustees on changes to the relevant laws
  1. Make a commitment to continued professional development includingcertificated training and regular supervision and be the lead officer for the OISC and CLS Quality Mark.
  1. To share responsibilities for organising and delivering internal fundraising events and also support Manager in applying for external funds
  1. To contribute to the monitoring, evaluation and development of the Advice Centre's service delivery policy; team meetings and supervision processes
  1. To liaise and joint work with other agencies as appropriate
  1. Identifying gaps in services for refugees and asylum-seekers and influencing changes in service provision and policy
  1. To manage the office and be the first point of contact for volunteers and projects in the days when the Manager is not working

Duties required of all salaried employees within Action For Refugees in Lewisham

  1. Undertake the induction programme as devised, and assist, as requested, in the induction and training of new staff, students and volunteers.
  2. Participate in staff meetings, supervision meetings and consultancy, training, team development sessions, working groups, and other meetings as required, reporting back to the team as appropriate.
  3. Share responsibility for the effective use of systems and procedures regarding service-users' and other records, finance, staff communications, and the dissemination of good practice and effective working methods within AFRIL.
  4. Deal with complaints in accordance with AFRIL's agreed procedures.
  5. Share responsibility for good health and safety practices, including participating in fire drills and risk assessments, and reporting to line-management any matters of concern.
  6. Undertake such other duties and specialisms, in accordance with the post holder’s level of responsibility, as may be required from time to time to maintain or enhance AFRIL's services.
  7. Undertake all duties in accordance with AFRIL’s policies, with particular reference to the Equality and Diversity policy, Health & Safety policy, and Code of Conduct and work towards their continuing development and implementation.

This jobdescription is intended as a guide to the scope of the job only, and is not an exhaustive list of duties.Post holders will be required to undertake other tasks commensurate with the nature and grading of the post.This job description will be reviewed annually.

Terms and Conditions wHILST EMPLOYED DIRECTLY BY afril

F/T Salary (35 hrs): (£26822)

Pro rata hours: 14 hours per week(£10729)

Term: 1 year with extension subject to performance and funding

Overtime: Taken as time off in Lieu (TOIL)

Holidays: 20 days per annum. 1 additional day for every complete year of service up to a maximum of 30 days per annum. Pro rata for P/T

Confirmation in post is subject to completion of a satisfactory 6 months’ probationary period.

Person Specification

Listed below in Section A are the essential and desirable requirements for this post which are used to shortlist candidates. Further selection criteria (Section B) are used to assess people at interview.

Candidates should refer to the Job Description and Section A of the person specification when completing their application forms.

Essential Requirements.

  1. To be demonstrated on application form:

a)Honesty, reliability, confidence and strong problem-solving abilities.

b)A depth of understanding of the needs and aspirations in relation to refugees and asylum-seekers which is based either on your own personal experience or your own professional work or voluntary experience.

c)Significant experience (paid or full-time voluntary) of one to one advice work with clients in need of advice, practical assistance and emotional support.

d)An enabling approach to working with clients, who might be distressed and/or have limited or no English

e) Clear and concise written, oral and interpersonal communication skills.

f) Ability to communicate effectively in writing and use IT systems.

Desirable Requirements

a)Additional language skills and experience of working with refugees/asylum-seekers

b)Experience of working in a busy office and producing information leaflets and advice packs.

c)Experience of joint work and facilitation of training

d)Experience of support/supervision of volunteers and trainees.

  1. To be demonstrated at interview:

a)Considered and thoughtful approach to the needs/problems of refugees/asylum-seekers.

b)Comprehensive knowledge of welfare rights available to the client group.

c)Ability to communicate effectively - including an ability to take responsibility for the sharing of good practice between teams.

d)Ability to work well and flexibly in a team and in a hierarchical structure.

e)Patience and the ability to build constructive and enabling relationships with clients.

f)Considered and thoughtful approach to implementation of equal opportunities.

g)A systematic approach to basic administrative tasks.

h) The ability to work alone and use own initiative.

i) A commitment to best health and safety practice.


Appointment will also depend on references being obtained from present or past employers that cover the last three years and that are satisfactory to AFRIL.