Cal Corps Bonner Leaders

Training Sequence 2008-09

Student Learning Outcomes

As a result of participating in the Bonner Leaders Program students will learn to:

  1. Detail personal definitions of leadership, service, and justice.
  2. Lead diverse groups of people.
  3. Build healthy communities


August 21-22Bonner Leaders Orientation (Overnight)

  • Introduce Bonner Leaders to each other, staff, program(s), and communities in which they will serve
  • Build excitement by highlighting achievements of past student leaders, particularly Senior Bonners
  • Increase confidence of students for volunteer recruitment
  • Service Projects – Southwest Berkeley
  • Movie, Current Events and Reflection (“Berkeley in the 60s”)
  • Cal Corps Overview (Megan)
  • Mong begins 30-minute BWBRS Training, 3-6 at a time
  • Bonner Leaders Overview, Including AmeriCorps (Mike)
  • Basic Communication: Feedback and Conflict Management (Dickson, Johari Window)
  • Marketing/Recruiting Volunteers/Public Speaking (Minh)
  • Designing Flyers (Carrie)
  • In Cohorts: IDPs, Work Plans (Group) (Cohort Staff, Mike with Suzan’s)
  • Group Photo/Evaluations Day Two/Closing Comments

August 27Bonner Wednesday (Begins): All-Bonner Community Meeting

  • Journal: What is your vision for a healthy community?
    What are indicators of health for individual, group, community
  • Time Management, Suzan Akin

September 3Bonner Wednesday: Cohort


Volunteer Managers:Sustainable Partnership Plan Part I: Getting A Lay Of The Land

Program Managers (in 505): Distribute office policies, Goalsetting

September 10Bonner Wednesday: Track

September 17No Meeting

By September 20Individual Advising Session 1:1

  • What Advising 1:1s are for
  • Explore the personal motives for service: What Inspires Me to Serve?
  • Define personal values

September 20 Student Leaders in Service Retreat, 8:30am-1pm: Bonner, Alt Breaks, CP, BUILD

  • Introduce Alt Breaks Leaders, Bonner Leaders, BUILD Student Directors, and Community Projects Leaders to one another and develop awareness of the range of projects and experience.
  • Develop understanding of risk management expectations and strategies.
  • Expose student leaders to strategies that will help you work effectively in the community and develop and maintain strong community partnerships.
  • Enjoy each other!
  • Keynote Speaker: Raj Jayadev, Founder, De-Bug
  • Safety Essential
  • Healthy Groups Workshop Break-outs
  • Community Panel

David Kakishiba, Executive Director East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC), President Oakland Unified School District School Board

Miya Hayes, Partnership Coordinator, School University Partnerships

Dickson Lam, Youth and Student Groups Program Coordinator

September 24Bonner Wednesday: All-Bonner Community Meeting

  • Journal: Where do you see injustice in the world?
  • Check our assumptions
  • Identity (Big 8), Glenn Deguzman, Center for Student Leadership

October 1Bonner Wednesday: Cohort

Program Managers: Interviewing Skills

Volunteer managers: How to Lead Reflection, including Use of Journals

October 8Bonner Wednesday: Track

October 15Cal Corps Leadership Workshops: 3 choices, Bonner/Alt Breaks (Required), Open to CP, BUILD

Syllabus Design/Reader (Alt Breaks Leaders)

Cal Corps Alumni Panel: For Second Year Bonners/Seniors

On-campus Fundraising to ask Megan Voorhees, Cal Corps

October 22Bonner Wednesday: All-Bonner Community Meeting

  • Journal: Proposed solutions or interventions to that injustice? Obstacles to these proposals? How do leaders respond to challenges
  • Facilitation for Engagement: To Ask George Alonzo, Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training and Resources Coordinator

October 26Education Summit, MLK

October 29Bonner Wednesday: Cohort

November 5Bonner Wednesday: Track

November 12Cal Corps Leadership Workshops: 3 choices, Bonner/Alt Breaks (Required), Open to CP, BUILD

Nonprofit Resume and Job Search, Career Center

Acting as Ally, Gender Equity Resource Center

November 15Berkeley Project Day of Service

November 19Bonner Wednesday: All-Bonner Community Meeting

  • Journal: How Does Change Happen?
  • Situational Leadership

December 3Bonner Leaders: End of Semester Paperwork Session (In CPU Lab)

Bonner Leaders End of semester Reflection Paper Due (3-5 pages)

Using specific, concrete examples from your Bonner experience this semester…What steps have you

taken toward making your vision for a healthy community a reality?

In answering this question:

Describe in detail three core characteristics of a “healthy community”.

Have your actions as a student leader aligned with your most cherished values?

In moving toward this vision, how has your understanding of your preferred leadership style helped you channel the collective power of groups of individuals?

By December 10 (4th years): Individual Advising Session 2

  • IDP progress assessment
  • Check-in with HCP
  • Summer and Postgraduate Planning
  • Ideally, supervisors to share feedback from MY eval before his session

December 10Cal Corps/Bonner Leaders Holiday Celebration: Bonner (Required), Open to Alt Breaks

Spring 2009

January 16Bonner Leaders Mid-Year Retreat, 9am-5pm

  • Reflecting on the lived experiences of people in the community and how that ties in to your Bonner position
  • Develop a clear sense of purpose with your Bonner position through reflecting on your activities from last semester and setting goals for the new semester
  • Developing a clear perspective on how to implement your HCP

January 17Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service: Bonner, D:C, 8am-4pm

January 21Bonner Wednesday: Cohort

January 28Bonner Wednesday: NO MEETING (Leadership Symposium the coming Sat.)

Community Learning Agreements Due

By January 28: Individual Advising Session 2(1st-3rd yrs): Summer and Postgraduate Planning and Mid-year progress

assessment; check-in with HCP

January 31Cal Leadership Symposium, 9am-5pm

February 4Bonner Wednesday: All-Bonner Community Meeting (Leadership and Justice)

February 11Bonner Wednesday: Cohort

February 18Cal Corps Leadership Workshops: 3 choices, Bonner/Alt Breaks (Required), Open to CP, BUILD

Advanced Facilitation (Alt Breaks Leaders)

Community Assets/Needs Assessment

Bonner Seniors: Networking/Informational Interviewing

February 25Bonner Wednesday: HCP Projects

March 4Bonner Wednesday: All-Bonner Community Meeting (Servant Leadership)

March 11Bonner Wednesday: Cohort

March 17-19Bonner Group Interviews: Current Bonners Needed for Interviewing Applicants

March 18Cal Corps Leadership Workshops: 3 choices, Bonner/Alt Breaks (Required), Open to CP, BUILD

Bonner Seniors: Finances

Life After Bonner: Living Your Values

March 20All Healthy Community Projects Completed

April 1-3Volunteer Managers Assist Supervisors with Individual Interviews

April 1Bonner Wednesday: No Meeting

April 5 (Sat)Individual Interviews: Current Program Managers and Service Advocates Interview Applicants

April 8Bonner Wednesday: All-Bonner Community Meeting: Leadership Transitions

April 15Bonner Leaders: End of Semester Paperwork Session (In CPU Lab)

April 22Bonner Wednesday: Cohort

Volunteer Data DUE to Cal Corps

By April 22: 3rd (of 3) 1:1 Advising Sessions with Cal Corps Advisor Complete

April 29Bonner Wednesday: Cohort (With Incoming 2009-10 Bonner Leaders)

End of semester Reflection Paper Due (3-5 pages)

May 4-6BWBRS Exit Paperwork Sessions with Mong

May 6Cal Corps Year End Celebration/Bonner Leaders Closing Event, 4pm-8pm

 These are the baseline for ALL Bonner Leaders. Individual Cohorts may have additional SLOs.