Cripplegate Foundation Ltd

Programme Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee

Over the last five years the grant making and related programme activity of Cripplegate Foundation has undergone significant development and growth. In addition to theMain Grants and Grants for Residents programmes, the Foundation is now delivering a range of other programmes. These include administering Richard Cloudesley’s Health and Welfare grants programmes and the Islington Community Chest, as well as delivering pro-active programmes through Islington Giving. The Foundation similarly undertakes related programme activity, such as Invisible Islington.

These programmes are both distinct and inter-related to each other. Each programme has its own remit, criteria and in some cases distinct governance arrangements . Given the Foundation’s involvement across these different programmes it is important that they relate to each other and are seen as part of a coherent whole – pieces of a jigsaw that fit together to help achieve our overall aims to reduce poverty and address inequality.

To facilitate this, it is important that Cripplegate Foundation has the governance arrangements in place which will enable it to have effective oversight of its combined programme activity as well as the individual components.

Terms of Reference for the Programme Committee


To shape and oversee the implementation of the overall programme strategy for Cripplegate Foundation and Islington Giving, including its individual grants programmes.

Duties and responsibilities

  1. to shape and recommend the overall programme strategy for the Cripplegate Foundation and Islington Giving for approval by Governors
  1. to develop and implement a portfolio of programme activities ensuring the grant programmes, pro-activity and related activities complement each other and form part of a coherent whole for approval by Governors
  1. to administer and approve grants for the development of responsive grants programmes and pro-activity work as part of the portfolio approach
  2. to report to Governors on the funding decisions of the Programme Committee and on the key decisions with regards to associated programme activity
  1. to capture and use evidence from across the different programmes to review impact and to inform future programme development and grant making priorities
  1. to keep abreast of the political, policy and funding landscape at national and local levels as it relates to the programme activities of Cripplegate Foundation and Islington Giving

Terms of Reference for the Finance and General Purposes Committee


To develop and oversee the implementation of the overall financial strategy for Cripplegate Foundation and Islington Giving, including fundraising initiatives.

Duties and responsibilities

  1. to review the Foundation’s investment policies for approval by Governors
  1. to review annual budgets and cash flow forecasts for approval by Governors
  1. to oversee the financial management of the Foundationincluding reviewing

performance of investment managers, management accounts and cash flow

  1. to assist the Foundation in developing a fundraising strategy for Islington Giving
  1. to identify and monitor risks for the Foundation
  1. to ensure that the Foundation’s personnel policies are in place and advise on staffing matters
  1. to advise on securing and maintenance of premises for the Foundation.
  1. to advise the Foundation on information technology issues
  1. to shape and develop the Foundation’s communications strategy

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