Unit 13 /


Present continuous: future

1 Riordina le parole per formare frasi.

your you buying for birthday sister her what are

What are you buying your sister for her birthday?

1 train are taking we this the afternoon


2 appointment because coming got a doctor’s today she’s Sally isn’t


3 to we’re learning ski next how week


4 six this isn’t coming Ben evening at


5 to are tomorrow you flying Berlin


6 Art class later this gallery with my week visiting the we’re


7 Liverpool this aren’t Chelsea playing Sunday


Present simple: future

2 Osserva gli impegni nell’agenda e completa il testo.

I’m busy after school every day next week! On Monday I have (have) football training.
It 1 (be) at 4.30 p.m.

Tuesday will be terrible because after lessons I 2 (meet) a Maths tutor from 6 to 7 p.m. I hope she doesn’t give me homework!

Wednesday will be better because at 4 p.m. I 3 (take) the bus to London and at 5 I 4 (have) my guitar lesson. The bus back home 5 (leave) at 6.45 p.m.

On Thursday I 6 (play) football again, and we’ll probably go out for burgers after that.

On Friday, I 7 (practise) with the guys in the band. Next week we 8(play) in a gig at the village hall, so at 7 p.m. we 9(meet) to decide our playlist. I hope the concert 10(go) well!

Future forms: Present continuous, Present simple, be going to

3 Riscrivi le frasi correttamente. Usa il Present continuous, be going to o il Present simple per esprimere il futuro.

We’re putting the tent up away from the river.

We’re going to put the tent up away from the river.

1 Look at those dark clouds. It’s raining this afternoon.

2 Our train to Edinburgh is leaving at 3.15 p.m.

3 I’m buying some ham sandwiches for lunch.

4 Miles comes to our house for dinner this evening.

5 We aren’t sunbathing on holiday.

6 Jeff’s finding work in a shop over the summer holidays.

7 The film is ending at 10.30 p.m.

4 Completa le frasi con la forma negativa del Present continuous, be going to o Present simple dei verbi fra parentesi.

Nina is a really good tennis player but she isn’t going to win (win) this match.

1 The concert (start) at 6 o’clock.

2 Don’t worry – it (snow) tomorrow.

3 My brother (go out) this evening. He’s not feeling well.

4 This train (stop) until London.

5 They (stay) in a tent because rain is predicted.

6 My birthday (be) on a school day this year.

7 Ben (play) badminton on Saturday.

5 Scrivi risposte brevi affermative (ü) o negative (û).

Is Mark driving to Paris next week? ü

Yes, he is.

1 Are you going to email Tanya about Saturday? ü

2 Have we got a football match against Birkenhead High School next Saturday? û

3 Will you help me take the coffee into the living room? ü

4 Are you seeing Martha on Tuesday? û

5 Does the film end at 9.30? û

6 Is Christmas on Tuesday this year? û

will, shall

6 Abbina le battute dei mini-dialoghi (1–6) alle reazioni (a–h).

Don’t drop that bag. There are bottles in it. d

1 We need tickets and food for the journey.

2 Shall we try that new pizza restaurant?

3 Do you want a lift?

4 I’ll give you your DVD back tomorrow.

5 Your room is so untidy.

6 Shall I buy some oranges while I’m at the shops?

7 Shall I put the pasta on the table?

a No thanks, I’ll take the bus.

b Not this evening. I’m not hungry.

c Yes, please. But be careful – the bowl is hot.

d I’ll carry it carefully.

e OK, please don’t forget it.

f I’ll get the tickets. You get the food.

g I’ll tidy it at the weekend.

h Yes, can you please buy eight?

7 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

Will/Shall we take the train into town? It’s quicker.

1 Shall/Will I put some salt in the sauce?

2 That’s the bell. I’ll/’m going to open the door.

3 It’s very windy. I’m closing/’ll close the window.

4 We’re going to see Bryony this weekend. Shall/Will I tell her to call you?

5 I’m late. I’m going to/’ll leave.

6 It’s raining. Mum shall/will take us by car.

7 ‘It’s Linda’s birthday on Saturday.’ ‘I’ll/shall make her a cake.’

8 I shall/’ll bring my photos to show you on Monday.


Vehicles and transport

8 Trova dieci per i trasporti nel cercaparole.

m / o / t / o / r / b / i / k / e / z
c / f / r / s / j / o / q / i / r / s
a / a / a / h / g / a / y / l / b / c
r / m / m / i / y / t / g / o / j / o
q / b / h / p / x / d / s / r / e / o
d / i / r / z / e / i / s / r / x / t
u / k / w / f / e / r / r / y / n / e
r / e / p / a / p / w / v / u / e / r
b / t / f / t / l / v / o / a / i / b
u / n / d / e / r / g / r / o / n / d
s / c / j / m / p / l / o / b / f / h


9 Abbina le frasi (1–7) ai tipi di vacanze (a–h).

c We are only taking rucksacks and we’ll stay in youth hostels every night.

1 We’re going to sail round Norway by boat. We’ll stop in five places.

2 Tim’s going to sleep in a tent near a beach.

3 My favourite holiday is sitting on the sand with a good book and swimming in the sea.

4 We saw the Eiffel tower and took a boat trip on the River Seine.

5 My dad likes driving so we tour Europe by car.

6 We hope to see a few lions and some elephants.

7 This holiday looks great: canyoning, kayaking, mountain biking. It will be really exciting!

a safari e road trip

b city break f adventure holiday

c backpacking trip g camping trip

d cruise h beach holiday

10 Completa le espressioni per le attività delle vacanze.

buy souvenirs

1 a boat trip

2 art galleries

3 sun cream

4 by the pool

5 a flight

6 a postcard

7 photos

8 sightseeing